2014-02-25 5 views

클릭하고 드래그 할 때 화살을 쏘는 스크립트가 있습니다. Angry Birds와 비슷합니다. 2D RigidBody 및 2D collider와 함께 작동하지만 rigidbody.AddForce를 rigidbody2D.AddForce로 변경하면 작동하지 않습니다.3D 스크립트를 2D로 작동시키는 방법 (Unity C#)

어떻게이 문제를 2D 용으로 해결할 수 있습니까?

마우스가 뒤로 당겨지는 위치에 따라 화살표가 2D 공간에서 위 또는 아래로 회전하기를 원합니다. 마우스 룩 스크립트를 사용하면 z 축에서 회전 (나는 생각합니다)하고 화살표를 왜곡합니다. 이것을 고치는 쉬운 해결책?

감사합니다. 나는 게임 제작에 익숙하지 않고 지난 10 시간 동안이 물건을 찾아 내려고 노력했습니다. 도움이 필요한 전문가가 필요해! 감사합니다 !!!

Heres는 내 스크립트

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

public class DragShotMover2 : MonoBehaviour { 

public float maxDragLength = 2; // this is the base magnitude and the maximum length of the line drawn in the user interface 
public float maxMultiplier = 5; // multiply the line length by this to allow for higher force values to be represented by shorter lines 
public Vector3 dragPlaneNormal = Vector3.up; // a vector describing the orientation of the drag plan relative to world-space but centered on the target 
public SnapDir snapDirection = SnapDir.away; // force is applied either toward or away from the mouse on release 
public ForceMode forceTypeToApply = ForceMode.VelocityChange; 

public bool overrideVelocity = true; // cancel the existing velocity before applying the new force 
public bool pauseOnDrag = true; // causes the simulation to pause when the object is clicked and unpause when released 

public Color noForceColor = Color.yellow; // color of the visualization helpers at force 0 
public Color maxForceColor = Color.red; // color of the visualization helpers at maximum force 

public enum SnapDir {toward, away} 

private Vector3 forceVector; 
private float magPercent = 0; 

private bool mouseDragging = false; 
private Vector3 mousePos3D; 
private float dragDistance; 
private Plane dragPlane; 
private Ray mouseRay; 
private GameObject dragZone; 

private string shaderString = "Transparent/Diffuse"; 
private Material dzMat; 

void Start(){ 
    Color currentColor = noForceColor; 
    dzMat = new Material(Shader.Find(shaderString)); 

    // create the dragzone visual helper 
    dragZone = new GameObject("dragZone_" + gameObject.name); 
    dragZone.AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = MakeDiscMeshBrute(maxDragLength/4); 
    dragZone.renderer.enabled = false; 

    dragZone.name = "dragZone_" + gameObject.name; 
    dragZone.transform.localScale = new Vector3(maxDragLength*2, 0.025f, maxDragLength*2); 
    dragZone.renderer.material = dzMat; 
    dragZone.renderer.material.color = currentColor * new Color(1,1,1,0.2f); 

    // create the dragplane 
    dragPlane = new Plane(dragPlaneNormal, transform.position); 

    // orient the drag plane 
    if (dragPlaneNormal != Vector3.zero) { 
     dragZone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dragPlaneNormal) * new Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 1); 
    else Debug.LogError("Drag plane normal cannot be equal to Vector3.zero."); 

    //update the position of the dragzone 
    dragZone.transform.position = transform.position; 

void OnMouseDown(){ 
    mouseDragging = true; 

    if (pauseOnDrag) { 
     // pause the simulation 
     Time.timeScale = 0; 
    // update the dragplane 
    dragPlane = new Plane(dragPlaneNormal, transform.position); 

    // orient the drag plane 
    if (dragPlaneNormal != Vector3.zero) { 
     dragZone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dragPlaneNormal) * new Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 1); 
    else Debug.LogError("Drag plane normal cannot be equal to Vector3.zero."); 

    //update the position of the dragzone 
    dragZone.transform.position = transform.position; 

    dragZone.renderer.enabled = true; 

void OnMouseDrag(){ 
    Color currentColor = noForceColor; 
    // update the plane if the target object has left it 
    if (dragPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(transform.position) != 0) { 
     // update dragplane by constructing a new one -- I should check this with a profiler 
     dragPlane = new Plane(dragPlaneNormal, transform.position); 

    // create a ray from the camera, through the mouse position in 3D space 
    mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); 

    // if mouseRay intersects with dragPlane 
    float intersectDist = 0.0f; 

    if (dragPlane.Raycast(mouseRay, out intersectDist)) { 
     // update the world space point for the mouse position on the dragPlane 
     mousePos3D = mouseRay.GetPoint(intersectDist); 

     // calculate the distance between the 3d mouse position and the object position 
     dragDistance = Mathf.Clamp((mousePos3D - transform.position).magnitude, 0, maxDragLength); 

     // calculate the force vector 
     if (dragDistance*maxMultiplier < 1) dragDistance = 0; // this is to allow for a "no move" buffer close to the object 
     forceVector = mousePos3D - transform.position; 
     forceVector *= dragDistance * maxMultiplier; 

     // update color the color 
     // calculate the percentage value of current force magnitude out of maximum 
     magPercent = (dragDistance * maxMultiplier)/(maxDragLength * maxMultiplier); 
     // choose color based on how close magPercent is to either 0 or max 
     currentColor = noForceColor * (1-magPercent) + maxForceColor * magPercent; 

     // dragzone color 
     dragZone.renderer.material.color = currentColor * new Color(1,1,1,0.2f); 

     // draw the line 
     Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, forceVector/maxMultiplier, currentColor); 

    //update the position of the dragzone 
    dragZone.transform.position = transform.position; 

void OnMouseUp(){ 
    mouseDragging = false; 

    if (overrideVelocity) { 
     // cancel existing velocity 
     rigidbody.AddForce(-rigidbody.velocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange); 


    // add new force 
    int snapD = 1; 
    if (snapDirection == SnapDir.away) snapD = -1; // if snapdirection is "away" set the force to apply in the opposite direction 
    rigidbody.AddForce(snapD * forceVector, forceTypeToApply); 

    // cleanup 
    dragZone.renderer.enabled = false; 

    if (pauseOnDrag) { 
     // un-pause the simulation 
     Time.timeScale = 1; 


void OnGUI(){ 
    if (mouseDragging) { 
     Vector2 guiMouseCoord = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(Input.mousePosition); 
     GUI.Box (new Rect(guiMouseCoord.x-30, Screen.height-guiMouseCoord.y+15, 100, 20), "force: "+Mathf.Round((forceVector).magnitude)); 

Mesh MakeDiscMeshBrute (float r ){ 
    Mesh discMesh; 
    Vector3[] dmVerts = new Vector3[18]; 
    Vector3[] dmNorms = new Vector3[18]; 
    Vector2[] dmUVs = new Vector2[18]; 
    int[] dmTris = new int[48]; 
    int i = 0; 

    discMesh = new Mesh(); 

    dmVerts[0] = new Vector3(0,0,0); 
    dmVerts[1] = new Vector3(0,0,r); 
    dmVerts[2] = new Vector3(1,0,1).normalized * r; // find the vector at the correct distance the hacky-hillbilly way! 
    dmVerts[3] = new Vector3(r,0,0); 
    dmVerts[4] = new Vector3(1,0,-1).normalized * r; 
    dmVerts[5] = new Vector3(0,0,-r); 
    dmVerts[6] = new Vector3(-1,0,-1).normalized * r; 
    dmVerts[7] = new Vector3(-r,0,0); 
    dmVerts[8] = new Vector3(-1,0,1).normalized * r; 

    // set the other side to the same points 
    for (i = 0; i<dmVerts.Length/2; i++) { 
     dmVerts[dmVerts.Length/2 + i] = dmVerts[i]; 
    for (i = 0; i<dmNorms.Length; i++) { 
     if (i<dmNorms.Length/2) dmNorms[i] = Vector3.up; // set side one to face up 
     else dmNorms[i] = -Vector3.up; // set side two to face down 

    dmUVs[0] = new Vector2(0,0); 
    dmUVs[1] = new Vector2(0,r); 
    dmUVs[2] = new Vector2(1,1).normalized * r;; 
    dmUVs[3] = new Vector2(r,0); 
    dmUVs[4] = new Vector2(1,-1).normalized * r;; 
    dmUVs[5] = new Vector2(0,-r); 
    dmUVs[6] = new Vector2(-1,-1).normalized * r;; 
    dmUVs[7] = new Vector2(-r,0); 
    dmUVs[8] = new Vector2(-1,1).normalized * r;; 

    // set the other side to the same points 
    for (i = 0; i<dmUVs.Length/2; i++) { 
     dmUVs[dmUVs.Length/2 + i] = dmUVs[i]; 

    dmTris[0] = 0; 
    dmTris[1] = 1; 
    dmTris[2] = 2; 

    dmTris[3] = 0; 
    dmTris[4] = 2; 
    dmTris[5] = 3; 

    dmTris[6] = 0; 
    dmTris[7] = 3; 
    dmTris[8] = 4; 

    dmTris[9] = 0; 
    dmTris[10] = 4; 
    dmTris[11] = 5; 

    dmTris[12] = 0; 
    dmTris[13] = 5; 
    dmTris[14] = 6; 

    dmTris[15] = 0; 
    dmTris[16] = 6; 
    dmTris[17] = 7; 

    dmTris[18] = 0; 
    dmTris[19] = 7; 
    dmTris[20] = 8; 

    dmTris[21] = 0; 
    dmTris[22] = 8; 
    dmTris[23] = 1; 

    // side two 
    dmTris[24] = 9; 
    dmTris[25] = 11; 
    dmTris[26] = 10; 

    dmTris[27] = 9; 
    dmTris[28] = 12; 
    dmTris[29] = 11; 

    dmTris[30] = 9; 
    dmTris[31] = 13; 
    dmTris[32] = 12; 

    dmTris[33] = 9; 
    dmTris[34] = 14; 
    dmTris[35] = 13; 

    dmTris[36] = 9; 
    dmTris[37] = 15; 
    dmTris[38] = 14; 

    dmTris[39] = 9; 
    dmTris[40] = 16; 
    dmTris[41] = 15; 

    dmTris[42] = 9; 
    dmTris[43] = 17; 
    dmTris[44] = 16; 

    dmTris[45] = 9; 
    dmTris[46] = 10; 
    dmTris[47] = 17; 

    discMesh.vertices = dmVerts; 
    discMesh.uv = dmUVs; 
    discMesh.normals = dmNorms; 
    discMesh.triangles = dmTris; 

    return discMesh; 



안녕하세요, iEpic, 3D로 작업 했나요? Unity3D에서 새로운 2D 기능으로 작업하는 경우 Z 축으로 회전하면 올바른 방법입니다. 어쩌면 우리가 알아 내려고 시도 할 수있는 왜곡 된 모습을 게시하면 ... 또한 오류 메시지를 게시하십시오. – Savlon



당신이 Z를 고정 (또는 무엇이든) 수, I, 그냥 RigidbodyConstraints을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다하려는 차원 강체를 사용하여 축/회전을 유지하려면 2D 플랫폼과 정확히 동일하게 작동합니다.