2016-09-09 6 views

각 트레일의 프런트 엔드 (이동 끝)가 충돌하는 색상을 확인하여 충돌 감지 시스템을 구현하는 데 문제가 있습니다. 나는 배열 방법을 시도했지만 비참하게 실패했습니다. 저는 자바 스크립트에 상당히 익숙합니다.색상 톤 게임의 충돌 감지

I는 각 프레임 내의


회색 (배경색)을 제외한 모든 색상을 터치하는 경우 확인하는 충돌 검출 방법을 구현하고자. 게임이 호출해야하는 다른 색상을 건 드리면

if (cyan_x == 0 || cyan_x == 159 || cyan_y == 0 ||cyan_y == 159) { 
      red_x = 130; 
      red_y = 80; 

      cyan_x = 30; 
      cyan_y = 80; 

      dx = 1; 
      dy = 1; 

      directionr = "l"; 
      directionc = "r"; 

      redscore = redscore + 1; 

또는 이와 동등한 빨간 흔적이 해당됩니다. 내 모든 코드 :


    var canvas, context; 
    //current x,y coordinates of each trail within a frame 
    var red_x, red_y, cyan_x, cyan_y; 
    //how much coordinates change within each frame 
    var dx, dy; 
    //the direction of each trail 
    var directionr; 
    var directionc; 
    //trail scores 
    var redscore, cyanscore; 

    //this function is used to draw the individual squares to make a trail 
    function grid(color,c,u){ 
     //note that the 800x800 canvas is broken into 160x160 by multiplying the 
     //x,y, values of context.rect by 5 
     context.fillStyle = color; 

    function start() { 

    //this function runs all the other functions and properly starts the game 
    function startGame(){ 

     redscore = 0; 
     cyanscore = 0; 

    //when one of the trails score reaches 3 then the game should stop 
    function stopGame(){ 

    //this function sets uo the games by initialising starting positions etc 
    function setupGame() { 
     canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); 
     context = canvas.getContext("2d"); 

     red_x = 130; 
     red_y = 80; 

     cyan_x = 30; 
     cyan_y = 80; 

     dx = 1; 
     dy = 1; 

     directionr = "l"; 
     directionc = "r"; 

     window.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown, true); 

    //movement controls 
    function onKeyDown(e){ 

     if (e.keyCode == 37 && directionr != "r") { directionr = "l";} // left arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 38 && directionr != "d") { directionr = "u";} // up arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 39 && directionr != "l") { directionr = "r";} // right arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 40 && directionr != "u") { directionr = "d";} // down arrow pressed 

     if (e.keyCode == 65 && directionc != "r") { directionc = "l";} // left arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 87 && directionc != "d") { directionc = "u";} // up arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 68 && directionc != "l") { directionc = "r";} // right arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 83 && directionc != "u") { directionc = "d";} // down arrow pressed 


    function playGame(){ 

    //this function manages each frame - keeping track of score, and ideally would 
    //check if collisions occur 
    function drawCycles(){ 

     //draw trails 

     //display score 
     document.getElementById("redscore").innerHTML = "Red's score: " + redscore; 
     document.getElementById("cyanscore").innerHTML = "Cyan's score: " + cyanscore; 

     //reset positions when trails hit the edge 
     if (red_x == 0 || red_x == 159 || red_y == 0 || red_y == 159) { 
      red_x = 130; 
      red_y = 80; 

      cyan_x = 30; 
      cyan_y = 80; 

      dx = 1; 
      dy = 1; 

      directionr = "l"; 
      directionc = "r"; 

      cyanscore = cyanscore + 1; 

     if (cyan_x == 0 || cyan_x == 159 || cyan_y == 0 ||cyan_y == 159) { 
      red_x = 130; 
      red_y = 80; 

      cyan_x = 30; 
      cyan_y = 80; 

      dx = 1; 
      dy = 1; 

      directionr = "l"; 
      directionc = "r"; 

      redscore = redscore + 1; 

     //check if its hitting the edges 
     if (directionr == "l" && red_x != 0) { red_x -= dx; }; 
     if (directionr == "r" && red_x != 159) { red_x += dx; }; 
     if (directionr == "u" && red_y != 0) { red_y -= dy; }; 
     if (directionr == "d" && red_y != 159) { red_y += dy; }; 

     if (directionc == "l" && cyan_x != 0) { cyan_x -= dx; }; 
     if (directionc == "r" && cyan_x != 159) { cyan_x += dx; }; 
     if (directionc == "u" && cyan_y != 0) { cyan_y -= dy; }; 
     if (directionc == "d" && cyan_y != 159) { cyan_y += dy; }; 

     //scoring system 
     if (cyanscore >= 3) { 
      document.getElementById("redscore").innerHTML = "Red loses"; 
      document.getElementById("cyanscore").innerHTML = "Cyan wins"; 

     if (redscore >= 3) { 
      document.getElementById("redscore").innerHTML = "Red wins"; 
      document.getElementById("cyanscore").innerHTML = "Cyan loses"; 





당신은 축 정렬 경계 상자 접근 방식을 사용하여이 시나리오에서 충돌을 감지 할 수 있습니다 -에 설명 된대로 : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Techniques/2D_collision_detection.

다음은 예입니다 :

if (rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width && 
    rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x && 
    rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height && 
    rect1.height + rect1.y > rect2.y) { 
    // Collision detected! 

그것은이 방법은 같은 축에서 사각형으로 제한되어 있음을 주목할 필요가 - 그들이 회전 할 수 없습니다. 여기

은 당신의 코드에 통합 간단한 예제 : 현재

<!DOCTYPE html> 
\t <title>CC</title> 
\t <style type="text/css"> 
\t \t #canvas { 
\t \t \t border: 1px solid #ccc; 
      background-color: #ccc; 
\t \t } 
\t </style> 

<div><span id="redscore"></span> | <span id="cyanscore"></span></div> 
<canvas id="canvas"></div> 

    var canvas, context; 
    //current x,y coordinates of each trail within a frame 
    var red_x, red_y, cyan_x, cyan_y; 
    //dimensions of the rectangles 
    var red_width, red_height, cyan_width, cyan_height; 
    //how much coordinates change within each frame 
    var dx, dy; 
    //the direction of each trail 
    var directionr; 
    var directionc; 
    //trail scores 
    var redscore, cyanscore; 



    //this function is used to draw the individual squares to make a trail 
    function grid(color,c,u){ 
     //note that the 800x800 canvas is broken into 160x160 by multiplying the 
     //x,y, values of context.rect by 5 
     context.fillStyle = color; 


    function start() { 

    //this function runs all the other functions and properly starts the game 
    function startGame(){ 

     redscore = 0; 
     cyanscore = 0; 

    //when one of the trails score reaches 3 then the game should stop 
    function stopGame(){ 

    //this function sets uo the games by initialising starting positions etc 
    function setupGame() { 
     canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); 
     context = canvas.getContext("2d"); 

     context.canvas.width = 800; 
     context.canvas.height = 800; 

     red_x = 130; 
     red_y = 80; 

     cyan_x = 30; 
     cyan_y = 80; 

     red_width = 10; 
     red_height = 10; 

     cyan_width = 10; 
     cyan_height = 10; 

     dx = 1; 
     dy = 1; 

     directionr = "l"; 
     directionc = "r"; 

     window.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown, true); 

    //movement controls 
    function onKeyDown(e){ 

     if (e.keyCode == 37 && directionr != "r") { directionr = "l";} // left arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 38 && directionr != "d") { directionr = "u";} // up arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 39 && directionr != "l") { directionr = "r";} // right arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 40 && directionr != "u") { directionr = "d";} // down arrow pressed 

     if (e.keyCode == 65 && directionc != "r") { directionc = "l";} // left arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 87 && directionc != "d") { directionc = "u";} // up arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 68 && directionc != "l") { directionc = "r";} // right arrow pressed 
     if (e.keyCode == 83 && directionc != "u") { directionc = "d";} // down arrow pressed 


    function playGame(){ 

    //this function manages each frame - keeping track of score, and ideally would 
    //check if collisions occur 
    function drawCycles(){ 
     //draw trails 

     //display score 
     document.getElementById("redscore").innerHTML = "Red's score: " + redscore; 
     document.getElementById("cyanscore").innerHTML = "Cyan's score: " + cyanscore; 

     // Check for collision 
     if (red_x < cyan_x + cyan_width && 
      red_x + red_width > cyan_x && 
      red_y < cyan_y + cyan_height && 
      red_height + red_y > cyan_y) { 
      console.log('Collision detected!'); 

     if (cyan_x == 0 || cyan_x == 159 || cyan_y == 0 ||cyan_y == 159) { 
      red_x = 130; 
      red_y = 80; 
      cyan_x = 30; 
      cyan_y = 80; 
      dx = 1; 
      dy = 1; 
      directionr = "l"; 
      directionc = "r"; 
      redscore = redscore + 1; 

     //reset positions when trails hit the edge 
     if (red_x == 0 || red_x == 159 || red_y == 0 || red_y == 159) { 
      red_x = 130; 
      red_y = 80; 
      cyan_x = 30; 
      cyan_y = 80; 
      dx = 1; 
      dy = 1; 
      directionr = "l"; 
      directionc = "r"; 
      cyanscore = cyanscore + 1; 

     //check if its hitting the edges 
     if (directionr == "l" && red_x != 0) { red_x -= dx; }; 
     if (directionr == "r" && red_x != 159) { red_x += dx; }; 
     if (directionr == "u" && red_y != 0) { red_y -= dy; }; 
     if (directionr == "d" && red_y != 159) { red_y += dy; }; 

     if (directionc == "l" && cyan_x != 0) { cyan_x -= dx; }; 
     if (directionc == "r" && cyan_x != 159) { cyan_x += dx; }; 
     if (directionc == "u" && cyan_y != 0) { cyan_y -= dy; }; 
     if (directionc == "d" && cyan_y != 159) { cyan_y += dy; }; 

     //scoring system 
     if (cyanscore >= 3) { 
      document.getElementById("redscore").innerHTML = "Red loses"; 
      document.getElementById("cyanscore").innerHTML = "Cyan wins"; 

     if (redscore >= 3) { 
      document.getElementById("redscore").innerHTML = "Red wins"; 
      document.getElementById("cyanscore").innerHTML = "Cyan loses"; 


이 단지 충돌이 발생 콘솔에 기록하지만, 분명 당신이로이로 조건문을 통합 할 수 너는 좋아한다.