2012-12-17 2 views

AndEngine (Android 용)에 Box2D을 사용하고 있습니다.Box2D AndEngine : ContactListener 중에 접합을 만들 때 앱이 멈 춥니 다?

내 목적은 2 개의 개체가 서로 충돌 할 때마다 강제 연결을 만드는 것입니다.

내가 ContactListner 과정에서 마우스 공동 2 사이의 객체 (몸을) 만들려고. 응용 프로그램은 잠시 멈추고 아무런 오류없이 끝나는 스레드의 알림 만 종료합니다. 응용 프로그램은 일부 physics.UpdateHandler에서 실행되는 곳 동안() -

공동 작성 내가 ContactListener 외부 mEnvironment.CreateForceJoint(..)를 호출 할 때 OK입니다.

문제를 해결하거나 이유를 찾도록 도와주십시오. 어떤 도움을 주셔서 감사합니다!

This is my code:

public class MyActivity extends SimpleBaseGameActivity { 
    private final String DEBUG_TAG = "MyActivity"; 
    private GEnvironment mEnvironment; 
    private PhysicsWorld mPhysicsWorld; 

    private MyFixture FIXTURE_PLANET = GlobalSettings.FIXTURE_PLANET; 
    private MyFixture FIXTURE_VACUUM = GlobalSettings.FIXTURE_VACUUM; 


    protected Scene onCreateScene() { 
     Scene scene = new Scene(); 
     scene.setBackground(new Background(0.8627f, 0.9020f, 1.0f)); 

     //CODE: creating physic world 

     //creating game environment 
     mEnvironment = new GEnvironment(mPhysicsWorld, scene, mEngine); 

     //CODE: creating objects, register and attach them into scene 
     GMediaPlanet sunZone = mEnvironment.CreatePlanet(x1, y1, sunTextureRegion, FIXTURE_PLANET); 
     GMediaPlanet earthZone = mEnvironment.CreatePlanet(x2, y2, earthTextureRegion, FIXTURE_PLANET); 

     // enable contact listener, detect collision between bodies 
     mPhysicsWorld.setContactListener(new PlanetContactHandler()); 

     return scene; 

    // ---------------------------------------------------- 
    // Handling collision between letter cubes 
    // ---------------------------------------------------- 
    * Handling the collision of GMediaPlanets 
    public class PlanetContactHandler implements ContactListener { 
     private final String DEBUG_TAG = "CONTACT"; 

     // if there's one collision, do not handle others or re-handle it 
     private boolean mIsColliding = false; 

     public void beginContact(Contact contact) { 
      if (mIsColliding) 

      //suppose colliding objects to be sunZone and earthZone 
      Object aTag = contact.getFixtureA().getBody().getUserData(); 
      Object bTag = contact.getFixtureB().getBody().getUserData(); 

      if (aTag != null && bTag != null) { 
       GMediaPlanet box = null; 
       GMediaPlanet cube = null; 

       if (aTag instanceof GMediaPlanet 
         && bTag instanceof GMediaPlanet) { 
        box = (GMediaPlanet) aTag; 
        cube = (GMediaPlanet) bTag; 

       if (box != null && cube != null) 
        //This code will HANG the app when called inside contact listner: 
        MouseJoint mTestJoint = mEnvironment.CreateForceJoint(box, cube); 

        Vector2 target = Vector2Pool.obtain(box.GetLocation()); 
      mIsColliding = true; 

     public void endContact(Contact contact) { 
      Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "end colliding!"); 
      mIsColliding = false; 

     public void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) { 


     public void postSolve(Contact contact, ContactImpulse impulse) { 


public class GMediaPlanet 
    protected IAreaShape mSprite = null; 
    protected Body mBody = null; 

    public GMediaPlanet() 
    { } 

    public Vector2 GetLocation() 


public class GEnvironment 
    private PhysicsWorld mWorld; 
    private Scene mScene; 
    private org.andengine.engine.Engine mEngine; 

    public GEnvironment(PhysicsWorld pWorld, Scene pScene, org.andengine.engine.Engine pEngine) 
     mWorld = pWorld; 
     mScene = pScene; 
     mEngine = pEngine; 

    /** the constructor is hidden, available within Appearances packet only */ 
    public GMediaPlanet CreatePlanet(float pX, float pY, ITextureRegion pTextureRegion, MyFixture pFixture) 
     GMediaPlanet entity = new GMediaPlanet(); 
     entity.mSprite = new Sprite(pX, pY, pTextureRegion, mEngine.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); 
     entity.mBody = PhysicsFactory.createCircleBody(mWorld, entity.mSprite, BodyType.DynamicBody, 
       pFixture.GetDef(), GlobalSettings.PIXEL_2_METER); 



     mWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(entity.mSprite, entity.mBody, true, true)); 

     return entity; 

    // ----------------------------- 
    // Creating JOINTS 
    // ----------------------------- 
    * Creating a force joit based on type of MouseJointDef 
    * @param anchorObj 
    *   the static object in the mTestJoint (anchor base) 
    * @param movingObj 
    *   object to move forward the target 
    public MouseJoint CreateForceJoint(GMediaPlanet anchorObj, GMediaPlanet movingObj) 
     ChangeFixture(movingObj, GlobalSettings.FIXTURE_VACUUM); 

     MouseJointDef jointDef = new MouseJointDef(); 

     jointDef.dampingRatio = GlobalSettings.MOUSE_JOINT_DAMP; 
     jointDef.frequencyHz = GlobalSettings.MOUSE_JOINT_FREQ; 
     jointDef.collideConnected = true; 

     Vector2 initPoint = Vector2Pool.obtain(movingObj.mBody.getPosition()); 
     jointDef.bodyA = anchorObj.mBody; 
     jointDef.bodyB = movingObj.mBody; 
     jointDef.maxForce = (GlobalSettings.MOUSE_JOINT_ACCELERATOR * movingObj.mBody.getMass()); 

     // very important!!!, the initial target must be position of the sattelite 
     MouseJoint joint = (MouseJoint) mWorld.createJoint(jointDef); 

     // very important!!!, the target of the joint then changed to target anchor object 
     Vector2 targetPoint = Vector2Pool.obtain(anchorObj.mBody.getWorldCenter()); 

     return joint; 

    public void ChangeFixture(GMediaPlanet entity, MyFixture pFixture) 
     Filter fil = new Filter(); 
     fil.categoryBits = pFixture.categoryBit; 
     fil.maskBits = pFixture.maskBits; 
     if(entity.mBody != null) 



당신은 단계에서 세계를 수정할 수 없습니다() - Box2D의 콜을 세계가 잠겨 있기 때문에! 당신은 예외를 받아야합니다. 어떤 객체가 충돌 하는지를 기억하고 beginContact 후에 물건을해야합니다. 예를 들어 업데이트 기능에서.


설명이 너무 일반적이어서 '수정'요청이 표시되지 않습니다. 나는 아직도 너의 생각을 잡을 수 없다. Step2) Call of Box2D를 어디서 수정 했습니까? 세상은 무엇을 잠근거야? –


아아아, 나는 당신의 아이디어를 잡을 수있다. 즉, 'ContactListener'에서 충돌 객체 *에 대한 포인터를 저장하고, 다른'Update'에서 그 객체에 의해 발생한 월드로의 변경을 처리한다. 더 명확한 것은 여기에 있습니다 : http://www.neilson.co.za/?p=168 –


그리고 여기에서 ContactListener에 대한 자세한 내용을 볼 수 있습니다 : http://blog.sethladd.com/2011/09/box2d- collision-damage-for-javascript.html –

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