2017-09-22 4 views

List<T> 항목과 인벤토리 스크립트 및 데이터베이스 항목 스크립트를 저장하는 방법을 모르겠습니다. 재고 목록에있는 항목을 저장하고 싶지만 어떻게해야할지 모르겠습니다. 내가 클래스를 만들고 Update() 함수를 만들려고하지만 ID가 작동하지 않습니다. 그것은 나에게Unity에서 항목 목록을 저장하는 방법은 무엇입니까?


를 직렬화 할 수없는 당신이 날 도와 줄 수

내가 항목을 어떻게 저장해야하십시오 오류를 준다?

다음은 저장 /로드 기능이 포함 된 플레이어 데이터의 스크립트입니다. 여기

using UnityEngine; 
    using System.Collections; 
    using UnityEngine.UI; 
    using System; 
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 

    public class PlayerData : MonoBehaviour { 

     public Text HPtext,MPtext,STRtext,DEFtext,LVLtext,amountTxt; 
     public static PlayerData Pdata; 
     public GameObject player; 
     public int amount = 20; 
     public bool UseKey; 
     public bool poisened; 
     public float counter = 5; 
     public List<Item> Inventory = new List<Item>(); 

     public float x,y ; 
     inventoryTest inv; 

     void Awake() 
      if(Pdata == null) 
       Pdata = this; 
      else if(Pdata != this) 

     void Start() 
      inv = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<inventoryTest>(); 
      HP = 20; 
      MP = 5; 
      HPMAX = 20; 
      MPMAX = 5; 
      STR = 8; 
      DEF = 8; 
      EXP = 0; 
      LVL = 1; 
     void Update() 
      Inventory = inv.Inventory; 
      amountTxt.text = ""+amount; 
      HPtext.text = ""+HP; 
      MPtext.text = ""+MP; 
      STRtext.text = ""+STR; 
      DEFtext.text = ""+DEF; 
      LVLtext.text = ""+LVL; 
      x = player.transform.position.x; 
      y = player.transform.position.y; 

      if(HP > HPMAX){ 
       HP = HPMAX; 
      if(MP > MPMAX){ 
       MP = MPMAX; 
      if(MP <= 0){ 
       MP = 0; 
      if(HP <= 0){ 
       HP = 0; 

      if(amount <= 0){ 
       amount = 0; 
      if(amount >= 99){ 
       amount = 99; 

      if(EXP == 100){ 
       EXP = 0; 
       HPMAX += 10; 
       MPMAX += 5; 
      if(LVL == 99){ 
       LVL = 99; 

     void FixedUpdate(){ 
       counter -= Time.deltaTime; 
       if(counter < 0f){ 
        HP -= 1; 
        counter = 5; 
     public void Save(){ 
      BinaryFormatter BF = new BinaryFormatter(); 
      FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/S_F.dat"); 

      playerDataClass data = new playerDataClass(); 
      data.HP = HPMAX; 
      data.MP = MPMAX; 
      data.STR = STR; 
      data.DEF = DEF; 
      data.EXP = EXP; 
      data.LVL = LVL; 
      data.y = y; 
      data.x = x; 
      data.Inventory = Inventory; 


     public void Load(){ 
      if(File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/S_F.dat")){ 

      BinaryFormatter BF = new BinaryFormatter(); 
      FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/S_F.dat", FileMode.Open); 
      playerDataClass data = (playerDataClass) BF.Deserialize(file); 
      HPMAX = data.HPMAX; 
      MPMAX = data.MPMAX; 
      HP = data.HP; 
      MP = data.MP; 
      STR = data.STR; 
      DEF = data.DEF; 
      EXP = data.EXP; 
      LVL = data.LVL; 
      x = data.x; 
      y = data.y; 
      player.transform.position= new Vector2(x,y); 

    public class playerDataClass 
     public float x,y ; 
     public List<Item> Inventory = new List<Item>(); 


편집 그가 재고 스크립트

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 

public class inventoryTest : MonoBehaviour { 

    public Transform panel,MenuPosition,gPanelPosition; 
    public List<Item> Inventory = new List<Item>(); 
    public ItemDatabase data; 
    public Text testText,saveTextl,USEtext,EQUIPtext; 
    PlayerData Playerdata; 
    PlayerControl contol; 
    public Color saveColor; 
    public bool Eaquiped; 

    int GeneralMenu = 2; 
    int optionMenu = 2; 
    int Index3 = 0; 
    int Index2 = 0; 
    int Index = 0; 

    public float Yoffset; 
    public Image iconGeneral,iconMini,icon; 
    public GameObject saveMessage,ave,arrowAmount,gPanel,itemOption,camerA,Menu; 
    public bool A,B,moveup,movedown,SaveOptionAvalable,openOption,gOption,t,pressed,faceDoor; 

    void Start(){ 
     contol = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<PlayerControl>(); 
     Playerdata = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Playerdata").GetComponent<PlayerData>(); 
     data = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("database").GetComponent<ItemDatabase>(); 
     camerA = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera"); 

     Color colorT = saveColor; 
     colorT.a = 0.1f; 
     saveTextl.color = colorT; 

     gPanel.transform.position = new Vector2(gPanelPosition.transform.position.x * 500,gPanelPosition.transform.position.y *500); 

     void Update(){ 
     t = true; 

      Color colorT = saveColor; 
      colorT.a = 1f; 
      saveTextl.color = colorT; 
     }else if(!SaveOptionAvalable){ 
      Color colorT = saveColor; 
      colorT.a = 0.1f; 
      saveTextl.color = colorT; 

//====== Menu DESPLAY ==========================================================================================================================  

     //==for toch cotrole==================================================================================== 
     if (B && !pressed) {      
      pressed = true; 
      Menu.transform.position = new Vector2(camerA.transform.position.x,camerA.transform.position.y); 
      Time.timeScale = 0; 
      B = !B; 

     }else if (B && pressed && !openOption && !gOption && !SaveOptionAvalable) { 
      Time.timeScale = 1; 
      pressed = !pressed; 
      Menu.transform.position = new Vector2(MenuPosition.transform.position.x,MenuPosition.transform.position.y); 
      if(contol.equipbow == true) 
      B = !B; 
     else if (B && pressed && openOption){ 
      openOption = !openOption; 
      Color colorT = saveColor; 
      colorT.a = 1f; 
      USEtext.color = colorT; 
      EQUIPtext.color = colorT; 
      B = !B; 

//====BACK TO GENERAL MENU=============================================================================================================== 
     //=====FOR TOCH CONTROL============================================================================== 
     if(B && pressed && gOption) { 
      gPanel.transform.position = new Vector2(gPanelPosition.transform.position.x * 500,gPanelPosition.transform.position.y *500); 
      gOption = !gOption; 
      if(contol.inSaveErea == true){ 
       SaveOptionAvalable = true; 
      else if (contol.inSaveErea == false){ 
       SaveOptionAvalable = false; 
      B = !B; 
     if(A && pressed && !gOption) { 
      if(Index3 == 0){ 
      gPanel.transform.position = new Vector2(gPanelPosition.transform.position.x,gPanelPosition.transform.position.y); 
      gOption = true; 
      SaveOptionAvalable = false; 
      A =!A; 
      if(Index3 == 1 && SaveOptionAvalable && !gOption){ 
      gOption = true; 
      A =!A; 
     //==== KEYBOARD CONTROL================================================================================ 
// if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.B)&& pressed && gOption){ 
//   gPanel.transform.position = new Vector2(gPanelPosition.transform.position.x * 500,gPanelPosition.transform.position.y *500); 
//   gOption = !gOption; 
// } 
// if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) && pressed && !gOption){ 
//  if(Index3 == 0){ 
//   gPanel.transform.position = new Vector2(gPanelPosition.transform.position.x,gPanelPosition.transform.position.y); 
//   gOption = true; 
//   Debug.Log(gOption); 
//   return; 
//   } 
//  if(Index3 == 1 && !SaveOptionAvalable){ 
//   } 
//  if(Index3 == 2){ 
//  } 
// } 

//===SAVE BITTON AND SAVE MESSAGE======================================================================================================== 

     //====TOUCH CONTROL=================================================================================================== 

     if(A && pressed && SaveOptionAvalable) 
      SaveOptionAvalable = !SaveOptionAvalable; 
      gOption = !gOption; 
      A = !A; 

     if(B && pressed && SaveOptionAvalable) 
      SaveOptionAvalable = true; 
      SaveOptionAvalable = !SaveOptionAvalable; 
      B = !B; 
     //===KEYBOARD CONTROL================================================================================================== 

//===UP/DOWN NAVIGATION MENU=================================================================================================== 
     //===TOUCH CONTROL============================================================== 
     if(movedown && pressed && !gOption && !openOption){ 
      movedown = !movedown; 
       if(Index3 < GeneralMenu -1){ 
        Vector2 position = iconGeneral.transform.position; 
        position.y -= Yoffset; 
        iconGeneral.transform.position = position; 

     if(moveup && pressed && !gOption && !openOption){ 
      moveup = !moveup; 
       if(Index3 > 0){ 
        Vector2 position = iconGeneral.transform.position; 
        position.y += Yoffset; 
        iconGeneral.transform.position = position; 

//=======INVENTORY : Selectig Item With Up and Down Arrows and pressing A to Use and B to Cancel ============================================================================================================================ 
     for(int i = 0 ; i < Inventory.Count; i++){ 
      //===TOUCH CONTROL======================================================================================== 
      if(movedown && pressed){ 
       movedown = !movedown; 
       if(Index < Inventory.Count -1 && !openOption){ 
        Vector2 position = icon.transform.position; 
        position.y -= Yoffset; 
        icon.transform.position = position; 
       }if(Index2 < optionMenu -1 && openOption){ 
         Vector2 position = iconMini.transform.position; 
         position.y -= Yoffset; 
         iconMini.transform.position = position; 
      if(moveup && pressed){ 
       moveup = !moveup; 
       if(Index > 0 && !openOption){ 
        Index -- ; 
        Vector2 position = icon.transform.position; 
        position.y += Yoffset; 
        icon.transform.position = position; 
       }if(Index2 > 0 && openOption){ 
         Vector2 position = iconMini.transform.position; 
         position.y += Yoffset; 
         iconMini.transform.position = position; 

//======= USE/EQUIPE MENU =================================================================================================== 
      //===TOUCH CONTROL=============================================================================================== 
      if(A && pressed && !openOption && gOption && !SaveOptionAvalable){ 
       openOption = true; 
       A = !A; 

      if(A && openOption){ 
       openOption = !openOption; 
      //===== IF PRESS USE TOUCH CONTROL================================================================================================= 
     if(Index2 == 1) 
      if(Index == i){ 

         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 5 && contol.equipSword == true && contol.equipbow == false){ 

          contol.equipSword = false; 
          contol.equipbow = true; 
          t = false; 
          var ttt = GameObject.Find("sword").GetComponent<Text>(); 
          ttt.text = "sword" + ""; 
          testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
          testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + "  <E>"; 
          A =!A; 
         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 4 && contol.equipSword == false && contol.equipbow == true){ 

          contol.equipSword = true; 
          contol.equipbow = false; 
          t = false; 
          var ttt = GameObject.Find("bow").GetComponent<Text>(); 
          ttt.text = "bow" + ""; 
          testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
          testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + " <E>"; 
          A =!A; 

       if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 4 && contol.equipSword == false) 
        contol.equipSword = true; 
        contol.equipbow = false; 
        t = false; 
        testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
        testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + " <E>"; 
        A =!A; 


        else if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 4 && contol.equipSword == true){ 

         contol.equipSword = false; 
         contol.equipbow = false; 
         t = false; 
         testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
         testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname; 
         A =!A; 

       if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 5 && contol.equipbow == false) 
        contol.equipbow = true; 
        contol.equipSword = false; 
        t = false; 
        testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
        testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + "  <E>"; 
        A =!A; 


        else if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 5 && contol.equipbow == true){ 

         contol.equipbow = false; 
         contol.equipSword = false; 
         t = false; 
         testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
         testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname; 
         A =!A; 


         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 0) 
          Color colorT = saveColor; 
          colorT.a = 0.1f; 
          EQUIPtext.color = colorT; 
          A =!A; 
         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 1) 
          Color colorT = saveColor; 
          colorT.a = 0.1f; 
          EQUIPtext.color = colorT; 
          A =!A; 
         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 2) 
          Color colorT = saveColor; 
          colorT.a = 0.1f; 
          EQUIPtext.color = colorT; 
          A =!A; 
         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 3) 
          Color colorT = saveColor; 
          colorT.a = 0.1f; 
          EQUIPtext.color = colorT; 
          A =!A; 

      openOption = true; 

       if(Index2 == 0){ 

        if(Index == i){ 
         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 0){ 
          if(Playerdata.HP != Playerdata.HPMAX){ 
          t = false; 
          testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
          testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + ": " + Inventory [i].capacity; 
          Playerdata.HP += 20; 
           A =!A; 

         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 1){ 
          t = false; 
          testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
          testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + ": " + Inventory [i].capacity; 
          Playerdata.poisened = false; 
          A =!A; 

         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 2){ 
          t = false; 
          Inventory[i].capacity -= 10; 
          testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
          testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + ": " + Inventory [i].capacity; 
          Playerdata.amount += 10; 
          A =!A; 

         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 3){ 
          t = false; 
          testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
          testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + ": " + Inventory [i].capacity; 
          Playerdata.UseKey = false; 
           A =!A; 
         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 4) 
          Color colorT = saveColor; 
          colorT.a = 0.1f; 
          USEtext.color = colorT; 
          A =!A; 
         if(Inventory[i].ItemId == 5) 
          Color colorT = saveColor; 
          colorT.a = 0.1f; 
          USEtext.color = colorT; 
          A =!A; 

        openOption = true; 

    //======Item Caoacity = 0 Erase =================================================================== 
      if(Inventory[i].capacity <= 0){ 
       testText = GameObject.Find(Inventory [i].Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 

       openOption = false; 

//=====CHECK FOR ITEM IF EXIST AND ADD ITEM TO INVENTORY ================================================================================================ 
    public void AddItem(int id) { 
     Item itemADD = data.fetchItem(id); 

     if(CheckForItemExist(itemADD)) { 
      for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Count; i++) { 
       if(Inventory[i].ItemId == id) { 
         t = false; 
         Inventory[i].capacity ++; 
         testText = GameObject.Find(itemADD.Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
         testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + ": " + Inventory [i].capacity; 
         Debug.Log (testText.text); 

        if(Inventory[i].Itemtype == Item.ItemType.ammo) { 
         Inventory[i].capacity += 10; 
         Inventory[i].capacity -= 1; 
         testText = GameObject.Find(itemADD.Itemname).GetComponent<Text>(); 
         testText.text = Inventory [i].Itemname + ": " + Inventory [i].capacity; 
      for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Count; i++) { 
       if(Inventory[i].ItemId == -1){ 
        t = true; 
        Inventory[i] = itemADD; 

    bool CheckForItemExist(Item item) { 
     for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Count; i++) 
      if(Inventory[i].ItemId == item.ItemId) 
       return true; 
     return false; 
    public void DesplayInventory() { 
     for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Count; i++) { 
       var _text =Instantiate(Resources.Load("Text",typeof (Text)))as Text; 
       testText =_text; 
       _text.transform.position = panel.transform.position; 
       _text.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1,1,1); 


이며, 여기에 항목 스크립트를

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 
public class Item { 

    public int ItemId; 
    public string Itemname; 
    public ItemType Itemtype; 
    public int ItemPower; 
    public int capacity; 

    public enum ItemType 

    public Item(int id,string name,int power,ItemType type,int cap) 
     capacity = cap; 
     ItemId = id; 
     Itemname = name; 
     ItemPower = power; 
     Itemtype = type ; 

    public Item() 

     this.ItemId = -1; 


이며, 여기

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 

public class ItemDatabase : MonoBehaviour { 

    public List<Item> items = new List<Item>(); 

    void Start() 
      items.Add (new Item (0, "Potion", 0, Item.ItemType.consumable,1)); 
      items.Add (new Item (1, "Antidot", 0, Item.ItemType.consumable, 1)); 
      items.Add (new Item (2, "Arrows", 0, Item.ItemType.ammo,10)); 
      items.Add (new Item (3, "KEY", 0, Item.ItemType.consumable,1)); 
      items.Add (new Item (4, "sword", 15, Item.ItemType.weapon,1)); 
      items.Add (new Item (5, "bow", 50, Item.ItemType.weapon,1)); 

    public Item fetchItem(int id) 
     for (int i = 0 ; i < items.Count;i++) 
      if(items[i].ItemId == id) 
       return items[i]; 
      return null; 


항목 클래스 소스 코드는 어디에 있습니까? – acoolaum


여기 게시물을 편집하려면 인벤토리 스크립트 (내비게이션 화살표 탐색 메뉴 및 컨트롤 UI 포함) 및 항목 스크립트 및 아이템 데이터 상자 –



그것은 보이는 항목 데이터베이스 스크립트를하다 같은 Serializeable 누락 된 것처럼 공물. 이렇게 항목 클래스에 추가하십시오 ->

    public class Item { 
    ///Your code here 

이미 아이템 스크립트 –


의 아이템 클래스에 [system.serializable]을 추가하면 [Serializable] anstaid [system.serializable] 항목 스크립트를 추가해야합니다. 그렇지 않으면 playerData 스크립트에 새 클래스 Item을 생성해야한다는 의미입니다. 저장 /로드 시스템이 포함되어 있습니까? –


귀하의 편집 내용이 이미 올바른 속성을 가지고 있음을 보여줍니다. 그래서 다른 실수가 있어야합니다. " 인벤토리를 역 직렬화 할 수 없습니다"라는 오류가 있습니까? 귀하의 예제에서 제네릭 형식이있는 인벤토리 클래스가 표시되지 않습니다. 따라서 정확한 오류 메시지를 복사/붙여 넣기 할 수 있습니까? –

관련 문제