2012-10-06 3 views

필자가 작성한이 CUDA 코드에 문제가 있습니다. 이것은 Dijkstra's algorithm의 CUDA 구현이라고 가정합니다. 다음과 같이 코드는 다음과 같습니다CUDA의 Dijkstra 알고리즘

__global__ void cuda_dijkstra_kernel_1(float* Va, int* Ea, int* Sa, float* Ca, float* Ua, char* Ma, unsigned int* lock){ 

     int tid = blockIdx.x; 
      Ma[tid] = '0'; 
      int ind_Ea = Sa[tid * 2]; 
      int num_edges = Sa[(tid * 2) + 1]; 
      int v; 
      float wt = 0; 
      unsigned int leaveloop; 
      leaveloop = 0u; 
       if(atomicExch(lock, 1u) == 0u){ 
        for(v = 0; v < num_edges; v++){ 
         wt = (Va[tid * 3] - Va[Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3]) * (Va[tid * 3] - Va[Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3]) + 
           (Va[(tid * 3) + 1] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 1]) * (Va[(tid * 3) + 1] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 1]) + 
           (Va[(tid * 3) + 2] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 2]) * (Va[(tid * 3) + 2] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 2]) ; 
         wt = sqrt(wt); 

         if(Ca[Ea[ind_Ea + v]] > (Ca[tid] + wt)){ 
          Ca[Ea[ind_Ea + v]] = Ca[tid] + wt; 
          Ma[Ea[ind_Ea + v]] = '1'; 
         leaveloop = 1u; 
         atomicExch(lock, 0u); 

문제는 다 익스트라의 알고리즘의 휴식 단계입니다. 나는 크리티컬 섹션과 같은 단계를 구현했다. 둘 이상의 꼭짓점의 이웃 (즉, 가장자리가있는 다른 꼭지점에 연결) 인 꼭지점이있는 경우 (예 : a), 그 꼭지점에 대한 모든 스레드는 점의 a 점에 쓰기를 시도합니다. 비용 배열 Ca. 이제 저의 목표는 그 위치에 적은 값을 쓰는 것입니다. 이를 위해, 프로세스를 직렬화하고 __threadfence()을 적용하여 한 스레드가 작성한 값을 다른 스레드가 볼 수있게하고 궁극적으로 더 작은 값을 정점 a의 위치에 유지하려고합니다. 그러나 문제는이 논리가 작동하지 않는다는 것입니다. 정점 a의 위치는 해당 위치에 쓰려고하는 모든 스레드 중 가장 작은 값을 얻지 못하고 이유를 이해할 수 없습니다. 어떤 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


왜 tid = blockIdx.x를 설정하고 있습니까? ? tid = (blockIdx.x * blockdim.x) + threadIdx.x와 같은 것을 사용하면 안됩니다. ? 내가 말할 수있는 것처럼, 블록의 모든 쓰레드는 똑같은 코드를 실행하고있다. 그게 당신의 의도인가요? 커널 시작 호출은 어떻게 생겼습니까? –


안녕하세요 Robert, 정점이있는 것처럼 그리드에 블록이 많이 있습니다. 그리고 블록 당 스레드는 하나뿐입니다. 따라서 블록의 유일한 스레드에 의해 하나의 정점이 처리되면 cuda 커널 호출은 다음과 같습니다. cuda_kernel <<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>> (argumentlist ..), dimGrid = (numVers, 1) 및 dimBlock = (1, 1) –


"블록 당 하나의 스레드 만 있습니다."--- 효율적이지 않습니다. 이런 식으로 CUDA를 사용하는 데 정말로 좋은 이유가 없다면 - 그렇게하지 마십시오! – CygnusX1



다 익스트라의 단일 소스 최단 경로의 "고전"(적어도, 주로 참조) 구현은 GPU에 큰 그래프 알고리즘을 가속 종이

에 포함 된 GPU에 (SSSP) 알고리즘이있다

그러나 파르 Harish 및 나라 야난 PJ 의해 CUDA를 사용하는 용지에 구현 도청 할 인식되고, 볼

내가 구현 이하로보고있어

페드로 J. 마틴, 로베르토 토레스, 안토니오 Gavilanes로 SSSP 문제에 대한개

CUDA 솔루션은 두 번째의 발언에 따라 고정 된 첫 번째 논문에서 제안했다. 이 코드에는 C++ 버전도 포함되어 있습니다.

#include <sstream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <float.h> 

#include "Utilities.cuh" 

#define NUM_ASYNCHRONOUS_ITERATIONS 20 // Number of async loop iterations before attempting to read results back 

#define BLOCK_SIZE 16 

// --- The graph data structure is an adjacency list. 
typedef struct { 

    // --- Contains the integer offset to point to the edge list for each vertex 
    int *vertexArray; 

    // --- Overall number of vertices 
    int numVertices; 

    // --- Contains the "destination" vertices each edge is attached to 
    int *edgeArray; 

    // --- Overall number of edges 
    int numEdges; 

    // --- Contains the weight of each edge 
    float *weightArray; 

} GraphData; 

void generateRandomGraph(GraphData *graph, int numVertices, int neighborsPerVertex) { 

    graph -> numVertices = numVertices; 
    graph -> vertexArray = (int *)malloc(graph -> numVertices * sizeof(int)); 
    graph -> numEdges  = numVertices * neighborsPerVertex; 
    graph -> edgeArray  = (int *)malloc(graph -> numEdges * sizeof(int)); 
    graph -> weightArray = (float *)malloc(graph -> numEdges * sizeof(float)); 

    for (int i = 0; i < graph -> numVertices; i++) graph -> vertexArray[i] = i * neighborsPerVertex; 

    int *tempArray = (int *)malloc(neighborsPerVertex * sizeof(int)); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) { 
     for (int l = 0; l < neighborsPerVertex; l++) tempArray[l] = INT_MAX; 
     for (int l = 0; l < neighborsPerVertex; l++) { 
      bool goOn = false; 
      int temp; 
      while (goOn == false) { 
       goOn = true; 
       temp = (rand() % graph->numVertices); 
       for (int t = 0; t < neighborsPerVertex; t++) 
        if (temp == tempArray[t]) goOn = false; 
       if (temp == k) goOn = false; 
       if (goOn == true) tempArray[l] = temp; 
      graph -> edgeArray [k * neighborsPerVertex + l] = temp; 
      graph -> weightArray[k * neighborsPerVertex + l] = (float)(rand() % 1000)/1000.0f; 

/* minDistance FUNCTION */ 
// --- Finds the vertex with minimum distance value, from the set of vertices not yet included in shortest path tree 
int minDistance(float *shortestDistances, bool *finalizedVertices, const int sourceVertex, const int N) { 

    // --- Initialize minimum value 
    int minIndex = sourceVertex; 
    float min = FLT_MAX; 

    for (int v = 0; v < N; v++) 
     if (finalizedVertices[v] == false && shortestDistances[v] <= min) min = shortestDistances[v], minIndex = v; 

    return minIndex; 

/* dijkstraCPU FUNCTION */ 
void dijkstraCPU(float *graph, float *h_shortestDistances, int sourceVertex, const int N) { 

    // --- h_finalizedVertices[i] is true if vertex i is included in the shortest path tree 
    //  or the shortest distance from the source node to i is finalized 
    bool *h_finalizedVertices = (bool *)malloc(N * sizeof(bool)); 

    // --- Initialize h_shortestDistancesances as infinite and h_shortestDistances as false 
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) h_shortestDistances[i] = FLT_MAX, h_finalizedVertices[i] = false; 

    // --- h_shortestDistancesance of the source vertex from itself is always 0 
    h_shortestDistances[sourceVertex] = 0.f; 

    // --- Dijkstra iterations 
    for (int iterCount = 0; iterCount < N - 1; iterCount++) { 

     // --- Selecting the minimum distance vertex from the set of vertices not yet 
     //  processed. currentVertex is always equal to sourceVertex in the first iteration. 
     int currentVertex = minDistance(h_shortestDistances, h_finalizedVertices, sourceVertex, N); 

     // --- Mark the current vertex as processed 
     h_finalizedVertices[currentVertex] = true; 

     // --- Relaxation loop 
     for (int v = 0; v < N; v++) { 

      // --- Update dist[v] only if it is not in h_finalizedVertices, there is an edge 
      //  from u to v, and the cost of the path from the source vertex to v through 
      //  currentVertex is smaller than the current value of h_shortestDistances[v] 
      if (!h_finalizedVertices[v] && 
       graph[currentVertex * N + v] && 
       h_shortestDistances[currentVertex] != FLT_MAX && 
       h_shortestDistances[currentVertex] + graph[currentVertex * N + v] < h_shortestDistances[v]) 

       h_shortestDistances[v] = h_shortestDistances[currentVertex] + graph[currentVertex * N + v]; 

// --- Check whether all the vertices have been finalized. This tells the algorithm whether it needs to continue running or not. 
bool allFinalizedVertices(bool *finalizedVertices, int numVertices) { 

    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) if (finalizedVertices[i] == true) { return false; } 

    return true; 

__global__ void initializeArrays(bool * __restrict__ d_finalizedVertices, float* __restrict__ d_shortestDistances, float* __restrict__ d_updatingShortestDistances, 
           const int sourceVertex, const int numVertices) { 

    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    if (tid < numVertices) { 

     if (sourceVertex == tid) { 

      d_finalizedVertices[tid]   = true; 
      d_shortestDistances[tid]   = 0.f; 
      d_updatingShortestDistances[tid] = 0.f; } 

     else { 

      d_finalizedVertices[tid]   = false; 
      d_shortestDistances[tid]   = FLT_MAX; 
      d_updatingShortestDistances[tid] = FLT_MAX; 

__global__ void Kernel1(const int * __restrict__ vertexArray, const int* __restrict__ edgeArray, 
         const float * __restrict__ weightArray, bool * __restrict__ finalizedVertices, float* __restrict__ shortestDistances, 
         float * __restrict__ updatingShortestDistances, const int numVertices, const int numEdges) { 

    int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    if (tid < numVertices) { 

     if (finalizedVertices[tid] == true) { 

      finalizedVertices[tid] = false; 

      int edgeStart = vertexArray[tid], edgeEnd; 

      if (tid + 1 < (numVertices)) edgeEnd = vertexArray[tid + 1]; 
      else       edgeEnd = numEdges; 

      for (int edge = edgeStart; edge < edgeEnd; edge++) { 
       int nid = edgeArray[edge]; 
       atomicMin(&updatingShortestDistances[nid], shortestDistances[tid] + weightArray[edge]); 

__global__ void Kernel2(const int * __restrict__ vertexArray, const int * __restrict__ edgeArray, const float* __restrict__ weightArray, 
         bool * __restrict__ finalizedVertices, float* __restrict__ shortestDistances, float* __restrict__ updatingShortestDistances, 
         const int numVertices) { 

    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    if (tid < numVertices) { 

     if (shortestDistances[tid] > updatingShortestDistances[tid]) { 
      shortestDistances[tid] = updatingShortestDistances[tid]; 
      finalizedVertices[tid] = true; } 

     updatingShortestDistances[tid] = shortestDistances[tid]; 

/* dijkstraGPU FUNCTION */ 
void dijkstraGPU(GraphData *graph, const int sourceVertex, float * __restrict__ h_shortestDistances) { 

    // --- Create device-side adjacency-list, namely, vertex array Va, edge array Ea and weight array Wa from G(V,E,W) 
    int  *d_vertexArray;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_vertexArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numVertices)); 
    int  *d_edgeArray;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_edgeArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numEdges)); 
    float *d_weightArray;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_weightArray, sizeof(float) * graph -> numEdges)); 

    // --- Copy adjacency-list to the device 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_vertexArray, graph -> vertexArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numVertices, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_edgeArray, graph -> edgeArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numEdges, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_weightArray, graph -> weightArray, sizeof(float) * graph -> numEdges, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); 

    // --- Create mask array Ma, cost array Ca and updating cost array Ua of size V 
    bool *d_finalizedVertices;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_finalizedVertices,  sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices)); 
    float *d_shortestDistances;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_shortestDistances,  sizeof(float) * graph->numVertices)); 
    float *d_updatingShortestDistances; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_updatingShortestDistances, sizeof(float) * graph->numVertices)); 

    bool *h_finalizedVertices = (bool *)malloc(sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices); 

    // --- Initialize mask Ma to false, cost array Ca and Updating cost array Ua to \u221e 
    initializeArrays <<<iDivUp(graph->numVertices, BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE >>>(d_finalizedVertices, d_shortestDistances, 
                  d_updatingShortestDistances, sourceVertex, graph -> numVertices); 

    // --- Read mask array from device -> host 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_finalizedVertices, d_finalizedVertices, sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); 

    while (!allFinalizedVertices(h_finalizedVertices, graph->numVertices)) { 

     // --- In order to improve performance, we run some number of iterations without reading the results. This might result 
     //  in running more iterations than necessary at times, but it will in most cases be faster because we are doing less 
     //  stalling of the GPU waiting for results. 
     for (int asyncIter = 0; asyncIter < NUM_ASYNCHRONOUS_ITERATIONS; asyncIter++) { 

      Kernel1 <<<iDivUp(graph->numVertices, BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE >>>(d_vertexArray, d_edgeArray, d_weightArray, d_finalizedVertices, d_shortestDistances, 
                  d_updatingShortestDistances, graph->numVertices, graph->numEdges); 
      Kernel2 <<<iDivUp(graph->numVertices, BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE >>>(d_vertexArray, d_edgeArray, d_weightArray, d_finalizedVertices, d_shortestDistances, d_updatingShortestDistances, 

     gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_finalizedVertices, d_finalizedVertices, sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); 

    // --- Copy the result to host 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_shortestDistances, d_shortestDistances, sizeof(float) * graph->numVertices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); 



int main() { 

    // --- Number of graph vertices 
    int numVertices = 8; 

    // --- Number of edges per graph vertex 
    int neighborsPerVertex = 6; 

    // --- Source vertex 
    int sourceVertex = 0; 

    // --- Allocate memory for arrays 
    GraphData graph; 
    generateRandomGraph(&graph, numVertices, neighborsPerVertex); 

    // --- From adjacency list to adjacency matrix. 
    //  Initializing the adjacency matrix 
    float *weightMatrix = (float *)malloc(numVertices * numVertices * sizeof(float)); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices * numVertices; k++) weightMatrix[k] = FLT_MAX; 

    // --- Displaying the adjacency list and constructing the adjacency matrix 
    printf("Adjacency list\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) weightMatrix[k * numVertices + k] = 0.f; 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) 
     for (int l = 0; l < neighborsPerVertex; l++) { 
      weightMatrix[k * numVertices + graph.edgeArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l]] = graph.weightArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l]; 
      printf("Vertex nr. %i; Edge nr. %i; Weight = %f\n", k, graph.edgeArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l], 
                    graph.weightArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l]); 

    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices * neighborsPerVertex; k++) 
     printf("%i %i %f\n", k, graph.edgeArray[k], graph.weightArray[k]); 

    // --- Displaying the adjacency matrix 
    printf("\nAdjacency matrix\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) { 
     for (int l = 0; l < numVertices; l++) 
      if (weightMatrix[k * numVertices + l] < FLT_MAX) 
       printf("%1.3f\t", weightMatrix[k * numVertices + l]); 

    // --- Running Dijkstra on the CPU 
    float *h_shortestDistancesCPU = (float *)malloc(numVertices * sizeof(float)); 
    dijkstraCPU(weightMatrix, h_shortestDistancesCPU, sourceVertex, numVertices); 

    printf("\nCPU results\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) printf("From vertex %i to vertex %i = %f\n", sourceVertex, k, h_shortestDistancesCPU[k]); 

    // --- Allocate space for the h_shortestDistancesGPU 
    float *h_shortestDistancesGPU = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * graph.numVertices); 
    dijkstraGPU(&graph, sourceVertex, h_shortestDistancesGPU); 

    printf("\nGPU results\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) printf("From vertex %i to vertex %i = %f\n", sourceVertex, k, h_shortestDistancesGPU[k]); 


    return 0; 