2017-10-07 4 views

azure.storage.sharedaccesssignature 나는 푸른 내 파이썬 프로젝트를 게시하려고하지 않았다, 그러나 나는 ImportError를 가지고 'azure.storage.sharedaccesssignature'라는 이름의 모듈을. 이 프로젝트는 가상 환경이 없어도 제대로 작동하며, 작동하지 않아서이 오류가 발생합니다. 예, 모든 종속성은 조타실에 있으며 requirements.txt는 --find-links wheelhouse입니다. 종속성은 ve의 유무에 관계없이 동일합니다.
`푸른 웹 애플리케이션 ImportError를

--find-links wheelhouse 

` 당신은 또한 필요한 정보가 무엇인지 말해주십시오. 감사합니다.

편집 1 : 푸른 나의를 출력 로그 :

D:\home\site\wwwroot>cat logs.txt 
2017-10-07 16:08:25.674062: wfastcgi.py 2.1.1 started 

2017-10-07 16:08:25.689690: Python version: 3.4.1 (v3.4.1:c0e311e010fc, May 18 2014, 10:38:22) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] 

2017-10-07 16:08:25.689690: wfastcgi.py 2.1.1 initializing 

2017-10-07 16:08:25.737007: Activating venv with executable at D:\home\site\wwwroot\env\Scripts\python.exe 

2017-10-07 16:08:26.886554: Getting handler main.app 

2017-10-07 16:08:31.038583: Error occurred while reading WSGI handler: 

Traceback (most recent call last): 

    File "D:\Python34\Scripts\wfastcgi.py", line 711, in main 

    env, handler = read_wsgi_handler(response.physical_path) 

    File "D:\Python34\Scripts\wfastcgi.py", line 568, in read_wsgi_handler 

    return env, get_wsgi_handler(handler_name) 

    File "D:\Python34\Scripts\wfastcgi.py", line 541, in get_wsgi_handler 

    handler = handler() 

    File ".\virtualenv_proxy.py", line 93, in get_venv_handler 

    handler = get_wsgi_handler(os.getenv('WSGI_ALT_VIRTUALENV_HANDLER')) 

    File ".\virtualenv_proxy.py", line 62, in get_wsgi_handler 

    raise ValueError('"%s" could not be imported%s' % (handler_name, last_tb)) 

ValueError: "main.app" could not be imported: Traceback (most recent call last): 

    File ".\virtualenv_proxy.py", line 46, in get_wsgi_handler 

    handler = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[name_list[0][0]]) 

    File "D:\home\site\wwwroot\main.py", line 3, in <module> 

    from azure.storage.table import TableService, Entity 

    File "D:\home\site\wwwroot\env\lib\site-packages\azure\storage\table\__init__.py", line 26, in <module> 

    from .tableservice import TableService 

    File "D:\home\site\wwwroot\env\lib\site-packages\azure\storage\table\tableservice.py", line 82, in <module> 

    from ..sharedaccesssignature import (

ImportError: No module named 'azure.storage.sharedaccesssignature' 



2017-10-07 16:08:31.055892: Unhandled exception in wfastcgi.py: Traceback (most recent call last): 

    File "D:\Python34\Scripts\wfastcgi.py", line 711, in main 

    env, handler = read_wsgi_handler(response.physical_path) 

    File "D:\Python34\Scripts\wfastcgi.py", line 568, in read_wsgi_handler 

    return env, get_wsgi_handler(handler_name) 

    File "D:\Python34\Scripts\wfastcgi.py", line 541, in get_wsgi_handler 

    handler = handler() 

    File ".\virtualenv_proxy.py", line 93, in get_venv_handler 

    handler = get_wsgi_handler(os.getenv('WSGI_ALT_VIRTUALENV_HANDLER')) 

    File ".\virtualenv_proxy.py", line 62, in get_wsgi_handler 

    raise ValueError('"%s" could not be imported%s' % (handler_name, last_tb)) 

ValueError: "main.app" could not be imported: Traceback (most recent call last): 

    File ".\virtualenv_proxy.py", line 46, in get_wsgi_handler 

    handler = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[name_list[0][0]]) 

    File "D:\home\site\wwwroot\main.py", line 3, in <module> 

    from azure.storage.table import TableService, Entity 

    File "D:\home\site\wwwroot\env\lib\site-packages\azure\storage\table\__init__.py", line 26, in <module> 

    from .tableservice import TableService 

    File "D:\home\site\wwwroot\env\lib\site-packages\azure\storage\table\tableservice.py", line 82, in <module> 

    from ..sharedaccesssignature import (

ImportError: No module named 'azure.storage.sharedaccesssignature' 

2017-10-07 16:08:31.069837: wfastcgi.py 2.1.1 closed 

Kudu에 전체 로그 정보를 올리시겠습니까? –
