2014-06-12 4 views

두 번째로 누군가 나를 올바른 방향으로 안내 할 수 있기를 희망합니다.퐁 (Pong)을위한 CPU 난이도 설정

iOS 기기 (iPhone/iPod/iPad) 용 앱 내에서 Pong 게임을 구현하려고하는데 점수를 내고 점수를주지 않고 CPU를 이길 수 없다는 사실을 제외하고는 정상적으로 작동합니다. . 여기에 구현하는 .m 코드입니다 : 나는 단순히 #define CPU_SkILL 다시 @"cpuSkill" defaultValue:@"20"];를 말한다 수를 변경 시도했습니다

#import "BTM_pongGame.h" 
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> 

#define STEP_DURATION 0.05 
//#define CPU_SKILL 20 

@interface BTM_pongGame() 


@implementation BTM_pongGame 

@synthesize cpuSkill, ballShape; 

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad]; 

    cpuSkill = [BT_strings getJsonPropertyValue:self.screenData.jsonVars nameOfProperty:@"cpuSkill" defaultValue:@"20"]; 
    ballShape = [BT_strings getJsonPropertyValue:self.screenData.jsonVars nameOfProperty:@"ballShape" defaultValue:@"1"]; 

    if ([ballShape isEqual: @"1"]) { 

     self.ball.layer.cornerRadius = self.ball.frame.size.width/2; 

    } else { 

     //self.ball.layer.cornerRadius = self.ball.frame.size.width/2; 



- (void) wordsPerLineInfoShowAlert { 

    UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Choose Game" 
                message:@"Multiplayer or Single Player? You decide! Choose below." 
              cancelButtonTitle:@"Single Player" 
              otherButtonTitles:@"Go Back",@"Multi Player", nil]; 

    [alert show]; 


- (void)alertView: (UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex 

    NSString *title = [alertView buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex]; 
    if([title isEqualToString:@"Single Player"]) { 

     [self resetPlayerScoreLabels]; 
[self updatePlayerScoreLabels]; 

      self.mode = kGameSinglePlayer; 
     [self moveComputerPaddle]; 

     //Disable panning of computer paddle 
     [self.playerOne.superview setGestureRecognizers:@[]]; 
    [self resetBoardForNewRound]; 

    } else if ([title isEqualToString:@"Multi Player"]) { 

[self resetPlayerScoreLabels]; 
[self updatePlayerScoreLabels]; 

     self.mode = kGameMultiPlayer; 

     [self resetBoardForNewRound]; 

    } else if ([title isEqualToString:@"Go Back"]){ 

     [self navLeftTap]; 



// thanks to MrsVanBeveren for coding the reset score stuff 
    playerOneScore = 0; 
    playerTwoScore = 0; 

    [super viewDidAppear:animated]; 

    [self wordsPerLineInfoShowAlert]; 

    [self startGameTimer]; 

    [super viewDidDisappear:animated]; 
    [_gameTimer invalidate]; 

    [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; 

    [_gameTimer invalidate]; 
    _gameTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:STEP_DURATION target:self selector:@selector(step:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; 

#pragma mark Game setup 

* Some maths to calculate a new starting direction 
* By choosing mid left/right part of the unit circle 
* we avoid getting straight up/down directions 
    float randomUnity = arc4random_uniform(100)/100.0; 
    int horizontalDirection = (arc4random() % 2 ? 1 : -1); 
    float angle = M_PI_4 + randomUnity * M_PI_2; 
    float direction = horizontalDirection * angle; 

    dirX = sin(direction); 
    dirY = cos(direction); 

    speed = self.view.frame.size.width/50.0; 

    [self resetBallDirection]; 

    [_gameTimer invalidate]; 

    [UIView animateWithDuration:RESET_BALL_ANIMATION_DURATION animations:^{ 
     self.ball.center = CGPointMake(self.view.bounds.size.width/2.0, self.view.bounds.size.height/2.0); 
    } completion:^(BOOL finished){ 
     [self startGameTimer]; 

    [self enlargeAnimation:self.ball]; 


    self.playerOneScoreLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",playerOneScore]; 
    self.playerTwoScoreLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",playerTwoScore]; 

#pragma mark Paddle handling 
- (IBAction)paddlePanned:(UIPanGestureRecognizer*)recognizer { 
    UIView *paddleWrapper = recognizer.view; 
    UIView *paddle = [[paddleWrapper subviews] lastObject]; 
    switch([recognizer state]) { 
     case UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan: { 
      paddle.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor; 

     case UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged: { 

      CGPoint position = [recognizer locationInView:self.view]; 

      CGFloat haldPaddleHeight = paddleWrapper.frame.size.height/2.0; 

      CGPoint newCenter = paddleWrapper.center; 
      newCenter.y = position.y; 

      newCenter.y = MAX(haldPaddleHeight, newCenter.y); 
      newCenter.y = MIN(self.view.bounds.size.height - haldPaddleHeight, newCenter.y); 

      paddleWrapper.center = newCenter; 


     case UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded: { 
      paddle.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor; 


#pragma mark Game loop 

* Game loop 
* - Moves the ball and checks for obstacles 
- (void)step:(NSTimer*)timer 
    speed += 0.05; 
    [self checkForBallLevingSide]; 

    CGPoint newCenter = self.ball.center; 
    CGFloat ballRadius = self.ball.frame.size.height/2.0; 

    newCenter.x += dirX * speed; 
    newCenter.y += dirY * speed; 

    CGFloat upperEdge = ballRadius; 
    CGFloat bottomEdge = self.view.bounds.size.height - ballRadius; 

    // Bounce ball of top/bottom walls 
    if (newCenter.y <= upperEdge) { 
     dirY = ABS(dirY); 
     newCenter.y = upperEdge; 
    } else if (newCenter.y >= bottomEdge) { 
     dirY = -ABS(dirY); 
     newCenter.y = bottomEdge; 

    [UIView animateWithDuration:STEP_DURATION animations:^{ 
     self.ball.center = newCenter; 


-(BOOL)didBallHitPaddle:(UIView *)paddle withinLimit:(CGFloat)limit 
    if (CGRectIntersectsRect(paddle.frame, self.ball.frame)){ 
     [self deflectBallFromPaddle:paddle]; 
     CGRect ballFrame = self.ball.frame; 
     ballFrame.origin.x = limit; 
     self.ball.frame = ballFrame; 
     return YES; 
    } else 
     return NO; 


    float limitLeft = MARGIN_WHERE_BALL_IS_LEAVING; 
    float limitRight = self.view.bounds.size.width - self.ball.frame.size.width - MARGIN_WHERE_BALL_IS_LEAVING; 

    CGRect ballFrame = self.ball.frame; 
    CGFloat ballX = ballFrame.origin.x; 

    if (ballX < limitLeft) { 
     if (![self didBallHitPaddle:self.playerOne.superview withinLimit:limitLeft]) 
      [self playerDidMiss:kPlayerOne]; 
    }else if (ballX > limitRight) { 
     if (![self didBallHitPaddle:self.playerTwo.superview withinLimit:limitRight]) 
      [self playerDidMiss:kPlayerTwo]; 


* Calculates new dirX and dirY after the bounce. 
* The longer from the paddle's middle the bigger the result angle gets. (Pong style) 
-(void)deflectBallFromPaddle:(UIView *)paddle 
    dirX *= -1; 

    CGFloat diff = self.ball.center.y - paddle.center.y; 
    float p = diff/paddle.frame.size.height * 2.0f; 
    dirY += p * 0.5; 


    if (player == kPlayerOne) { 
     [self victoryShake:self.playerTwo]; 
     [self enlargeAnimation:self.playerTwoScoreLabel]; 
    else if (player == kPlayerTwo) { 
     [self victoryShake:self.playerOne]; 
     [self enlargeAnimation:self.playerOneScoreLabel]; 

    [self resetBoardForNewRound]; 
    [self updatePlayerScoreLabels]; 

    UIView *paddle = self.playerOne.superview; 
    CGPoint cpuCenter = paddle.center; 
    CGFloat diff = self.ball.center.y - paddle.center.y; 
    CGFloat movement = MIN((int)cpuSkill, ABS(diff)); 

    movement *= diff > 0 ? 1 : -1; 

    cpuCenter.y += movement; 

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.1 animations:^{ 
     self.playerOne.superview.center = cpuCenter; 
    } completion:^(BOOL b) { 
     [self moveComputerPaddle]; 

#pragma mark Animation 
-(void)victoryShake:(UIView *)view 
    CAKeyframeAnimation * anim = [ CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform" ] ; 
    anim.values = [ NSArray arrayWithObjects: 
        [ NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:CATransform3DMakeTranslation(0.0f, -20.0f, 0.0f) ], 
        [ NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:CATransform3DMakeTranslation(0.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f) ], 
        nil ] ; 
    anim.autoreverses = YES ; 
    anim.repeatCount = 4.0f ; 
    anim.duration = 0.07f ; 

    [view.layer addAnimation:anim forKey:nil]; 

-(void)enlargeAnimation:(UIView *)view 
    CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform"]; 
    animation.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:CATransform3DMakeScale(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]; 
    animation.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:CATransform3DMakeScale(3.0, 3.0, 1.0)]; 
    [animation setDuration:RESET_BALL_ANIMATION_DURATION * 0.5]; 
    animation.repeatCount = 1.0f ; 
    [animation setAutoreverses:YES]; 

    [view.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:nil]; 


,하지만 난 어떤 방향으로 번호를 변경과 함께 행운을 했어.

아이디어가 있으십니까?

미리 감사드립니다.


이 코드를 직접 작성 했습니까? 질문은 당신이 코드를 작성했음을 암시하지만, 상수가 무엇을하는지 알아야합니다. – MatthiasB


코드는 Jens Andersson의 공개 소스 프로젝트 (https://github.com/jenshandersson/Pong/tree/master/Pong)를 기반으로합니다. 나는 다른 개발자에 의해 다시 쓰여졌 고, 나는 그것을 얻을 수 없다. – user1813849



cpuSkill 변수 제어 CPU 제어 패들의 운동 :

CGFloat movement = MIN((int)cpuSkill, ABS(diff)); 

그래서 어쩌면 cpuSkill는 모든 상황에서 의도 한 것보다 더 높다. 계산 후에 훨씬 낮은 값을 시도하거나 무작위로 약간의 움직임을 조정하십시오.

또한 음수로 움직일 때 완벽한 이동을 피하기 위해 cpuSkill해야합니다.