2013-12-03 2 views

저는 희소 행렬을 사용하여 Python으로 게임을 작성하고 있습니다. 내 프로그램은 사용자 입력에서 좌표를 가져와 선택된 좌표의 셀을 활성 상태로 설정합니다. 나는 첫 번째 세대를 인쇄 할 곳을 가지고 있지만 후 세대를 인쇄하지 않는 이유를 알 수는 없습니다. 어떤 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.Conway의 삶의 게임 Sparse Matrix (Python) 사용

class SparseLifeGrid: 

generations = list() 

def __init__(self): 
    "pass" just allows this to run w/o crashing. 
    Replace it with your own code in each method. 
    self._mat = list() 
    self.col = [] 
    self.row = [] 

def minRange(self): 
    Return the minimum row & column as a tuple. 
    for i in range(len(self.row)): 

     if self.row[i] < self.minRow: 
      self.minRow = self.row[i] 

     if self.col[i] < self.minCol: 
      self.minCol = self.col[i] 

    min_Range = [self.minRow,self.minCol] 

    return min_Range 

def maxRange(self): 
    Returns the maximum row & column as a tuple. 
    for i in range(len(self.row)): 

     if self.row[i] > self.maxRow: 
      self.maxRow = self.row[i] 

     if self.col[i] > self.maxCol: 
      self.maxCol = self.col[i] 

    max_Range = [self.maxRow,self.maxCol] 

    return max_Range 

def configure(self,coordList): 
    Set up the initial board position. 
    "coordlist" is a list of coordinates to make alive. 
    # for i in coordList: 
    #  self.setCell(i[0],i[1]) 

    self._mat = list() 
    self.coordList = coordList 

    for i in range(len(self.coordList)): 
     spot = self.coordList[i] 
     self.row += [spot[0]] 
     self.col += [spot[1]] 
     self._mat += [[self.row[i],self.col[i]]] 

    self.maxRow = self.minRow = self.row[0] 
    self.maxCol = self.minCol = self.col[0] 

def clearCell(self,row, col): 
    Set the cell to "dead" (False) 
    self[row,col] = 0 

def setCell(self,row, col): 
    Set the cell to "live" (True") and if necessary, expand the 
    minimum or maximum range. 
    self[row,col] = 1 

def isLiveCell(self,row,col): 
    n = len(self.coordList) 

    for i in range(n): 

     if (self._mat[i] == [row,col]): 
      return True 

    return False 

def numLiveNeighbors(self, row,col): 
    Returns the number of live neighbors a cell has. 
    neighbors = 0 

    if self.isLiveCell(row+1,col): #checks below the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    if self.isLiveCell(row-1,col): #checks above the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    if self.isLiveCell(row,col+1): #checks to the right of the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    if self.isLiveCell(row,col-1): #checks to the left of the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    if self.isLiveCell(row+1,col+1): #checks downwards diagonally to the right of the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    if self.isLiveCell(row+1,col-1): #checks downwards diagonally to the left of the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    if self.isLiveCell(row-1,col+1): #checks upwards diagonally to the right of the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    if self.isLiveCell(row-1,col-1): #checks upawards diagonally to the left of the current cell 
     neighbors += 1 

    return neighbors 

def __getitem__(self,ndxTuple): 
    row = ndxTuple[0] 
    col = ndxTuple[1] 

     return 1 

     return 0 

def __setitem__(self,ndxTuple, life): 
    The possible values are only true or false: 
    True says alive, False for dead. 
    Also, check to see if this cell is outside of the maximum row and/or 
    column. If it is, modify the maximum row and/or maximum column. 
    ndx = self._findPosition(ndxTuple[0],ndxTuple[1]) 

    if ndx != None: 

     if life != True: 
      self._mat[ndx].value = life 



     if life != True: 
      element = _GoLMatrixElement(ndxTuple[0],ndxTuple[1],life) 

def _findPosition(self,row,col): 
    ''' Does a search through the matrix when given the row&col and 
     returns the index of the element if found 
    n = len(self._mat) 

    for i in range(n): 

     if (row == self._mat[i]) and (col == self._mat[i]): 
      return i 

    return None 

def __str__(self): 
    Print a column before and after the live cells 

    for i in range(minRange[0]-1,maxRange[0]+2): 
     for j in range(minRange[1]-1,maxRange[1]+2): 
      s+=" "+str(self[i,j]) 

    return s 

def getCopy(self): 
    Return a copy of the current board object, including the max and min 
    values, etc. 
    return SparseLifeGrid() 

def evolve(self): 
    Save the current state to the "generations" list. 
    Based on the current generation, return the next generation state. 

    for row in range(len(self.row)): 
     for col in range(len(self.col)): 

      if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) == 2)): 

      if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) == 3)): 

      if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) < 2)): 

      if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) > 3)): 

      if ((self[row,col] == False) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) == 3)): 

    return self._mat 

def hasOccurred(self): 
    Check whether this current state has already occured. 
    If not, return False. If true, return which generation number (1-10). 
    for i in range(len(self.generations)): 

     if len(self.generations) > 0: 
      print("This is generation",len(self.generations)) 
      return self.generations[i] 

      print("No Generations") 
      return False 

def __eq__(self,other): 
    This is good method if we want to compare two sparse matrices. 
    You can just use "sparseMatrixA == sparseMatrixB" once this method 
    is working. 

class _GoLMatrixElement: 
    Storage class for one cell 
    def __init__(self,row,col): 
     self.row = row 
     self.col = col 
     self.next = None # 
     # Since this node exists, this cell is now alive! 
     # To kill it, we just delete this node from the lists. 
from SparseLifeGrid import SparseLifeGrid 
import sys 

def readPoints(lifeGrid): 
    Reads the locations of life and set to the SparseMatrix 
    print("1. Enter positions of life with row,col format (e.g., 2,3).") 
    print("2. Enter empty line to stop.") 

    while life: 
     except ValueError: 
      print("Ignored input:" + life+ ", row, col not valid numbers") 
      print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) 
     print("added, keep entering or enter empty line to stop.") 
    print("Thanks, finished entering live cells") 

def main(): 
    Runs for ten generations if a stable (repeating) state is not found. 
    lifeGrid= SparseLifeGrid() 
    while i <10 : 
     Evolve to the next generation 
     Check whether this generation is a repetition of any of the 
     previous states. 
     If yes return the previous matching generation (1-10). 
     if patterns != -1: 

    if i==10: 
     print("No pattern found") 

     print("Pattern found at: " + str(i)+ " of type: " + str(patterns)) 


이 당신의 전체 코드가 아마 당신은 할 의미? 'printLifeGrid'는 어디에 정의되어 있습니까? – Kevin


더 이상 printLifeGrid가 없습니다. 나는 단지 그것을 주머니에서 꺼내는 것을 잊었다. 나는 그것을 여기에서 바꿀 것이다. – Jacques


왜 "튜토리얼을 튜플로 반환"하는 것이 반환 목록을 말하는 것입니까? – user2357112



루프 만이 때문에 한번 실행 :

if patterns != -1: 

patterns 동일 -1 어떤 상황에서 hasOccurred 이후에만 False 또는 self.generations의 부재 또는 돌아갈 수 않을 None. 결과적으로 루프는 첫 번째 반복에서 항상 break이되며 후속 세대는 인쇄되지 않습니다.

덧붙여 말하면, 귀하의 hasOccurred 논리가 이상합니다. len(self.generations)이 0이면 루프가 전혀 실행되지 않고 return 문 중 하나도 계산되지 않으므로 결과는 None이됩니다. 길이가 0보다 큰 경우 루프 내의 조건은 항상 참이므로 self.generations[i]은 첫 번째 반복에서 항상 반환됩니다.

#changed the name from `hasOcurrence`, since that implies the method can only return True or False. 
def get_last_occurrence(self): 
    for i in range(len(self.generations)): 
     #todo: somehow compare self.generations[i] to the current generation 
     if the generations match: 
      return i 
    #the loop ended without finding a match! 
    return False 

, main 내 :

if patterns != False: 
관련 문제