2016-06-07 3 views

저는 Java가 처음이며 여섯 개의 사각형을 드래그하는 애플릿에 대해 작업하고 있습니다. 지금까지 오른쪽에서 왼쪽 방향으로 각 사각형을 독립적으로 이동할 수있는 코드가 있습니다. 그러나 오른쪽에있는 정사각형을 왼쪽으로 끌면 오른쪽을 클릭 할 수 없습니다. 사각형을 놓을 수있는 방법이 있습니까? 이전에 옮긴 사각형을 드래그하여 선택하십시오.6 개의 사각형을 움직이는 Java 애플릿

import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 

public class DragSixSquares extends JApplet 
       implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { 

    int x1, y1; // Coords of top-left corner of the red square. 
    int x2, y2; // Coords of top-left corner of the blue square. 
    int x3, y3; // Coords of top-left corner of the cyan square. 
    int x4, y4; // Coords of top-left corner of the magenta square. 
    int x5, y5; // Coords of top-left corner of the pink square. 
    int x6, y6; // Coords of top-left corner of the orange square. 
    int x0, y0; // Coords of top-left corner of the black square. 
    /* Some variables used during dragging */ 

    boolean dragging;  // Set to true when a drag is in progress. 
    int offsetX, offsetY; // Offset of mouse-click coordinates from 
          // top-left corner of the square that was 
          // clicked.     
    JPanel drawSurface; // This is the panel on which the actual 
         // drawing is done. It is used as the 
         // content pane of the applet. It actually 
         // belongs to an anonymous class which is 
         // defined in place in the init() method. 
boolean dragRedSquare; 
boolean dragBlueSquare; 
boolean dragPinkSquare; 
boolean dragMagentaSquare; 
boolean dragCyanSquare; 
boolean dragOrangeSquare; 

    public void init() { 
     // Initialize the applet by putting the squares in a 
     // starting position and creating the drawing surface 
     // and installing it as the content pane of the applet. 

     x1 = 0; // Set up initial positions of the squares. 
     y1 = 0; 
     x2 = 50; 
     y2 = 0; 
     x3 = 100; 
     y3 = 0; 
     x4 = 150; 
     y4 = 0; 
     x5 = 200; 
     y5 = 0; 
     x6 = 250; 
     y6 = 0; 
     x0 = 300; 
     y0 = 0; 

     drawSurface = new JPanel() { 
       // This anonymous inner class defines the drawing 
       // surface for the applet. 
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { 
        // Draw the six squares and a black frame 
        // around the panel. 
       super.paintComponent(g); // Fill with background color. 
       g.fillRect(x1, y1, 30, 30); 
       g.fillRect(x2, y2, 30, 30); 
       g.fillRect(x3, y3, 30, 30); 
       g.fillRect(x4, y4, 30, 30); 
       g.fillRect(x5, y5, 30, 30); 
       g.fillRect(x6, y6, 30, 30); 



    } // end init(); 

    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { 
      // Respond when the user presses the mouse on the panel. 
      // Check which square the user clicked, if any, and start 
      // dragging that square. 

     if (dragging) // Exit if a drag is already in progress. 

     int x = evt.getX(); // Location where user clicked. 
     int y = evt.getY(); 

     if(x >= x1 && x < x1+30 && y >= y1 && y < y1+30) { 
      // It's the red square. 
     dragging = true; 
     dragRedSquare = true; 
     offsetX = x - x1; // Distance from corner of square to (x,y). 
     offsetY = y - y1; 

     else if (x >= x2 && x < x2+60 && y >= y2 && y < y2+60) { 
      // It's the blue square 
     dragging = true; 
     dragBlueSquare = true; 
     offsetX = x - x2; // Distance from corner of square to (x,y). 
     offsetY = y - y2; 

     else if (x >= x3 && x < x3+30 && y >= y3 && y < y3+30) { 
      // It's the cyan square 
     dragging = true; 
     dragCyanSquare = true; 
     offsetX = x - x3; // Distance from corner of square to (x,y). 
     offsetY = y - y3; 

     else if (x >= x4 && x < x4+30 && y >= y4 && y < y4+30) { 
      // It's the magenta square 
     dragging = true; 
     dragMagentaSquare = true; 
     offsetX = x - x4; // Distance from corner of square to (x,y). 
     offsetY = y - y4; 

     else if (x >= x5 && x < x5+30 && y >= y5 && y < y5+30) { 
      // It's the pink square) 
     dragging = true; 
     dragPinkSquare = true; 
     offsetX = x - x5; // Distance from corner of square to (x,y). 
     offsetY = y - y5; 

     else { 
      // It's the orange square 
     dragging = true; 
     dragOrangeSquare = true; 
     offsetX = x - x6; // Distance from corner of square to (x,y). 
     offsetY = y - y6; 


    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { 
      // Dragging stops when user releases the mouse button. 
     dragging = false; 

    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) { 
      // Respond when the user drags the mouse. If a square is 
      // not being dragged, then exit. Otherwise, change the position 
      // of the square that is being dragged to match the position 
      // of the mouse. Note that the corner of the square is placed 
      // in the same position with respect to the mouse that it had 
      // when the user started dragging it. 
     if (dragging == false) 
     int x = evt.getX(); 
     int y = evt.getY(); 
     if (dragRedSquare) { // Move the red square. 
      x1 = x - offsetX; 
      y1 = y - offsetY; 
     else if (dragBlueSquare){ // Move the blue square. 
      x2 = x - offsetX; 
      y2 = y - offsetY; 
     else if (dragCyanSquare) { // Move the cyan square. 
      x3 = x - offsetX; 
      y3 = y - offsetY; 
     else if (dragMagentaSquare) { // Move the magenta square. 
      x4 = x - offsetX; 
      y4 = y - offsetY; 
     else if (dragPinkSquare) { // Move the pink square. 
      x5 = x - offsetX; 
      y5 = y - offsetY; 
     else if (dragOrangeSquare) { // Move the orange square. 
      x6 = x - offsetX; 
      y6 = y - offsetY; 
     else { // 
      x0 = x - offsetX; 
      y0 = y - offsetY; 

    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { } 
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { } 
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { } 
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { } 





마우스를 놓을 때 끌기 확인을 재설정하는 것을 잊었습니다. 그래서 앞으로 드래그하려고 할 때마다 가장 왼쪽 클릭 된 사각형에서만 작동합니다.

public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { 
      // Dragging stops when user releases the mouse button. 
     dragging = false; 
     dragRedSquare = false; 
     dragBlueSquare = false; 
     dragPinkSquare = false; 
     dragMagentaSquare = false; 
     dragCyanSquare = false; 
     dragOrangeSquare = false; 

업데이트 응답을 더 구체적으로하고 예를 보여

대신 현재의 mouseReleased 이벤트의이보십시오. – sorifiend