2013-05-04 2 views

저는 CRM을 처음 사용하고 새로운 일련 번호 플러그인 (실제로는 기존 플러그인을 수정했습니다)을 만들었습니다.커스텀 플러그인이 실행되지 않음 - 기본 이해가 도움이 필요함

이 플러그인이 CRM 측에서 작동하는 데 문제가 있습니다.

나는 플러그인을 만들었고 나는 창조 단계를 만들었습니다. 나는 이미지 제작과 혼동을 느낀다.

또한 localContext.Trace를 사용하고 있으며이 정보를 볼 위치가 확실하지 않습니다.

누구든지이 플러그인을 구현하기 위해 따라야 할 정확한 단계를 이해할 수 있습니다. 내가 잘못한 일을 대비하여 여기에 나의 코드를 포함시킬 것이다. 다시 말하지만, 이것은 작동하는 플러그인이었고 방금 수정했습니다. 나는 이전 개발자가 사용한 패턴을 따르려고했다.

FYI - 배포 프로세스를 돕기 위해 CRM Solution Manager 유틸리티를 구입했지만 운이 아직 없습니다.

미리 감사드립니다. 여기

는이 응답에 특별히입니다

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using IccPlugin.ProxyClasses; 
using IccPlugin.ProxyClasses.ProxyClasses; 
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk; 
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query; 

namespace IccPlugin { 
    public class ProgramReportAutoNumber : PluginBase { 
     private readonly string imageAlias = "ProgramReport"; 
     private new_programreport preImage { get; set; } 
     private new_programreport postImage { get; set; } 
     private new_programreport targetEntity { get; set; } 

     private readonly string imageAlias_program = "Program"; 
     private new_program preImage_program { get; set; } 
     private new_program postImage_program { get; set; } 
     private new_program targetEntity_program { get; set; } 

     public ProgramReportAutoNumber(string unsecure, string secure) 
      : base(typeof(ProgramReportAutoNumber), unsecure, secure) { 
      base.RegisteredEvents.Add(new Tuple<int, string, string, Action<LocalPluginContext>>((int)CrmPluginStepStage.PreOperation, "Create", "new_programreport", new Action<LocalPluginContext>(Execute))); 
      //base.RegisteredEvents.Add(new Tuple<int, string, string, Action<LocalPluginContext>>((int)CrmPluginStepStage.PostOperation, "Update", "new_programreport", new Action<LocalPluginContext>(Execute))); 
      //base.RegisteredEvents.Add(new Tuple<int, string, string, Action<LocalPluginContext>>((int)CrmPluginStepStage.PostOperation, "Delete", "new_programreport", new Action<LocalPluginContext>(Execute))); 

     protected void Execute(LocalPluginContext localContext) { 
      if (localContext == null) { 
       throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext"); 

      IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext; 

      if (context.PreEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias) && (context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias] is Entity)) { 
       preImage = new new_programreport((Entity)context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias]); 

      if (context.PostEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias) && (context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias] is Entity)) { 
       postImage = new new_programreport((Entity)context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias]); 

      if (context.PreEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias_program) && (context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias_program] is Entity)) { 
       preImage_program = new new_program((Entity)context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias_program]); 

      if (context.PostEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias_program) && (context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias_program] is Entity)) { 
       postImage_program = new new_program((Entity)context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias_program]); 

      if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && (context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)) { 
       targetEntity = new new_programreport((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]); 

      switch (context.MessageName) { 
       case "Create": 
       case "Update": 
       case "Delete": 
        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Message Name: " + context.MessageName); 

     private void HandleDelete(LocalPluginContext localContext) { 

      localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete"); 

      try { 
       if (preImage == null) { 
        throw new Exception("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete: preImage is null, unable to process the delete message."); 

       // TODO: Add code here to implement delete message. 
      } catch (Exception ex) { 
       localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete: Exception while processing the delete message, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex); 
       throw ex; 
      } finally { 
       localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete"); 

     private void HandleUpdate(LocalPluginContext localContext) { 

      localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate"); 

      if (preImage == null) { 
       string msg = "IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the pre-operation image using alias" + imageAlias; 
       throw new Exception(msg); 

      if (postImage == null) { 
       string msg = "IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the post-operation image using alias" + imageAlias; 
       throw new Exception(msg); 

      if (preImage_program == null) { 
       string msg = "IccPlugin.Program.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the pre-operation image using alias" + imageAlias_program; 
       throw new Exception(msg); 

      if (postImage_program == null) { 
       string msg = "IccPlugin.Program.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the post-operation image using alias" + imageAlias_program; 
       throw new Exception(msg); 

      try { 
       // TODO: Add code here to implement update message. 
      } catch (Exception ex) { 
       localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate: Exception while processing the update message, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex); 
       throw ex; 
      } finally { 
       localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate"); 

     private void HandleCreate(LocalPluginContext localContext) { 
      localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate"); 

      if (targetEntity == null) { 
       string msg = "IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate : The Create step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the target entity using alias Target."; 
       throw new Exception(msg); 

      try { 
       // if the target entity does not have the new_filenumber attribute set we will set it now. 
       if (targetEntity.new_filenumber != null && targetEntity.new_filenumber != "") { 
        // log a warning message and do not change this value. 
        localContext.Trace("The Program Report being created already has a value for File Number, skipping the auto number assignment for this field."); 
       } else { 

       if (targetEntity.new_name != null && targetEntity.new_name != "") { 
        localContext.Trace("The Program Report being created already has a value for Report Number, skipping the auto number assignment for this field."); 
       } else { 
      } catch (Exception ex) { 
       localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate: Exception while processing the create message, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex); 
       throw ex; 
      } finally { 
       localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate"); 

     private void SetFileNumber(LocalPluginContext localContext) { 
      localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetFileNumber"); 
      string s_new_filenumberformat = string.Empty; 
      string s_new_reportnumberprefix = string.Empty; 
      string s_new_filenumbercode = string.Empty; 

      try { 
       IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService; 
       string fileNumberValue = ""; 
       emds_autonumbersequence fileNumberSequence = null; 

       // ################################################################################################## 
       // 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- Code added for the following change to the auto-number for file numbering 
       // ################################################################################################## 
       //  1 - Year/Month/Sequence 
       //    [Year]-[Month]-[Sequence] = [Year] is the current year/[Month] is the current month/[Sequence] is a number series for each Year & Month and resets to 1 when the Month changes 
       //  2 - Year/PMG/Sequence - PMG 
       //    [Year]-[PMGProductType][Sequence] = [Year] is the current year/[PMGProductType] is 1st letter from the PMG Product Type on the Program Report/[Sequence] is a single number series for this Format 
       //  3 - Year/Letter/Sequence - ESL,VAR 
       //    [Year]-[FileCode][Sequence] = [Year] is the current year/[FileCode] is from a new field on the Program entity/[Sequence] is a number series for each Format & File Code 
       // ################################################################################################## 

       localContext.Trace("Look at the File Number Format to determine which format to use for the Auto-Number, will default to 1 if not set"); 

       if (targetEntity_program.new_filenumberformat.ToString() != "") { 
        localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_filenumberformat field, so we will be using this value."); 
        s_new_filenumberformat = targetEntity_program.new_filenumberformat.ToString(); 
       } else { 
        localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_filenumberformat field, so we will be using 1 as the default."); 
        s_new_filenumberformat = "1"; 

       localContext.Trace("File Number Format Being Used = " + s_new_filenumberformat); 

       switch (s_new_filenumberformat) { 
        case "1": 
         #region File Format #1 
         fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yy"), DateTime.Now.ToString("MM")); 

         localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve FileNumber Sequence record."); 

         QueryExpression qeFileNumberSequence_1 = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>()); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_1.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_1.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>()); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_1.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_1.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, fileNumberValue); 

         localContext.Trace("Getting FileNumber sequence record."); 

         List<emds_autonumbersequence> lFileNumberSequences_1 = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeFileNumberSequence_1); 
         if (lFileNumberSequences_1 == null || lFileNumberSequences_1.Count == 0) { 
          localContext.Trace("No FileNumber sequence record was returned, creatign a new one."); 

          // no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year. 
          fileNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence(); 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>(); 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_index = 1; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_prefix = fileNumberValue; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("File Number Sequence For: {0}", fileNumberValue); 
         } else { 
          localContext.Trace("A FileNumber sequence record was found, using it."); 
          // a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned. 
          fileNumberSequence = lFileNumberSequences_1[0]; 
         // ############################################################################### 
         // 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- Changed the format from "###" to be "##" for seq number 
         // ############################################################################### 
         fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1:00}", fileNumberValue, fileNumberSequence.emds_index); 
        case "2": 
         #region File Format #2 

         if (targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != null && targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != "") { 
          localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using this value."); 
          s_new_reportnumberprefix = targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix; 
         } else { 
          localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using P as the default."); 
          s_new_reportnumberprefix = "P"; 

         fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yy"), s_new_reportnumberprefix); 

         localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve FileNumber Sequence record."); 

         QueryExpression qeFileNumberSequence_2 = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>()); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_2.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_2.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>()); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_2.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_2.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, "PMG"); 

         localContext.Trace("Getting FileNumber sequence record."); 

         List<emds_autonumbersequence> lFileNumberSequences_2 = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeFileNumberSequence_2); 
         if (lFileNumberSequences_2 == null || lFileNumberSequences_2.Count == 0) { 
          localContext.Trace("No FileNumber sequence record was returned, creatign a new one."); 

          // no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year. 
          fileNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence(); 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>(); 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_index = 1; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_prefix = "PMG"; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("File Number Sequence For: {0}", fileNumberValue); 
         } else { 
          localContext.Trace("A FileNumber sequence record was found, using it."); 
          // a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned. 
          fileNumberSequence = lFileNumberSequences_2[0]; 
         fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1:0000}", fileNumberValue, fileNumberValue + fileNumberSequence.emds_index.ToString()); 
        case "3": 
         #region File Format #3 

         if (targetEntity_program.new_filenumbercode != null && targetEntity_program.new_filenumbercode != "") { 
          localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_filenumbercode field, so we will be using this value."); 
          s_new_filenumbercode = targetEntity_program.new_filenumbercode; 
         } else { 
          localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_filenumbercode field, so we will be using L as the default."); 
          s_new_filenumbercode = "l"; 

         fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yy"), s_new_filenumbercode); 

         localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve FileNumber Sequence record."); 

         QueryExpression qeFileNumberSequence_3 = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>()); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_3.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_3.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>()); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_3.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber); 
         qeFileNumberSequence_3.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, fileNumberValue); 

         localContext.Trace("Getting FileNumber sequence record."); 

         List<emds_autonumbersequence> lFileNumberSequences_3 = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeFileNumberSequence_3); 
         if (lFileNumberSequences_3 == null || lFileNumberSequences_3.Count == 0) { 
          localContext.Trace("No FileNumber sequence record was returned, creatign a new one."); 

          // no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year. 
          fileNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence(); 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>(); 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_index = 1; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_prefix = fileNumberValue; 
          fileNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("File Number Sequence For: {0}", fileNumberValue); 
         } else { 
          localContext.Trace("A FileNumber sequence record was found, using it."); 
          // a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned. 
          fileNumberSequence = lFileNumberSequences_3[0]; 
         fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1:0000}", fileNumberValue, fileNumberValue + fileNumberSequence.emds_index.ToString()); 

       targetEntity.new_filenumber = fileNumberValue; 
      } catch (Exception ex) { 
       localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetFileNumber: Exception while setting the File Number value, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex); 
       throw ex; 
      } finally { 
       localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetFileNumber"); 

     private void SetReportNumber(LocalPluginContext localContext) { 
      localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetReportNumber"); 
      string s_new_reportnumberprefix = string.Empty; 

      try { 
       IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService; 
       string reportNumberValue = ""; 
       emds_autonumbersequence reportNumberSequence = null; 

       // ################################################################################################## 
       // 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- Code added for the following change to the auto-number for file numbering 
       // ################################################################################################## 
       // Currently the plugin uses the GP Class Id as the prefix for the Report Number. 
       // It now needs to use the Report Number Prefix field. 
       // ################################################################################################## 

       if (targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != null && targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != "") { 
        localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using this value."); 
        s_new_reportnumberprefix = targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix; 
       } else { 
        localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using P as the default."); 
        s_new_reportnumberprefix = "P"; 

       localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve parent new_program record."); 

       // ################################################################################# 
       // 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- The above code replaces the need to pull the GP Class ID 
       // ################################################################################# 
       //new_program program = targetEntity.new_programid.RetrieveProxy<new_program>(service, new ColumnSet(true)); 
       // going to assume that we were able to get the parent program record. If not an exception will be thrown. 
       // could add a check here and throw our own detailed exception if needed. 

       reportNumberValue = String.Format("{0}", s_new_reportnumberprefix); // using Trim just to be safe. 

       // now lets get the sequence record for this Report Number Prefix 
       QueryExpression qeReportNumberSequence = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>()); 
       qeReportNumberSequence.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); 
       qeReportNumberSequence.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>()); 
       qeReportNumberSequence.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_name); 
       qeReportNumberSequence.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, reportNumberValue); 

       localContext.Trace("Getting Report Number sequence record."); 

       List<emds_autonumbersequence> lReportNumberSequences = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeReportNumberSequence); 
       if (lReportNumberSequences == null || lReportNumberSequences.Count == 0) { 
        localContext.Trace("No Report Number sequence record was returned, creatign a new one."); 

        // no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year. 
        reportNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence(); 
        reportNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_name; 
        reportNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>(); 
        reportNumberSequence.emds_index = 1; 
        reportNumberSequence.emds_prefix = reportNumberValue; 
        reportNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("Report Number Sequence For Report Number Prefix: {0}", reportNumberValue); 
       } else { 
        localContext.Trace("A Report Number sequence record was found, using it."); 
        // a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned. 
        reportNumberSequence = lReportNumberSequences[0]; 

       reportNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", reportNumberValue, reportNumberSequence.emds_index); 

       targetEntity.new_name = reportNumberValue; 
      } catch (Exception ex) { 
       localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetReportNumber: Exception while setting the File Number value, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex); 
       throw ex; 
      } finally { 
       localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetReportNumber"); 

특별히 작동하지 않는 것은 어떻게 플러그인을 등록 했습니까? –



.. 코드입니다 :이 정보를 볼 수

나는 localContext.Trace을 사용하고 내가 확실하지 않다

MSDN에서; Debug a Plug-In - Logging and Tracing

실행되는 동안 그 플러그인 실행시 다시 플랫폼에 대한 예외를 전달하는 경우에만, 추적 정보는 사용자에게 표시된다. 동기식 등록 플러그인의 경우 추적 정보는 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 웹 응용 프로그램의 대화 상자에 으로 표시됩니다. 비동기 등록 플러그인의 경우 정보가 웹 응용 프로그램의 시스템 작업 양식의 세부 정보 영역에 표시됩니다.

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