2017-03-31 1 views

저는 VIsual Studio 2015를 사용하여 학교 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다. 과제는 교통의 3 가지 옵션으로 GUI "통근 계산기"를 만드는 것입니다. 내 교과서의 지침에 따라하지만, 다음과 같은 오류가 발생하고 코드를 작성했습니다10 진수에서 정수로의 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.

"BC30057 Too many arguments to 'Private Function CarFindCost(intCommuteChoice As Integer, intDays As Integer) As Decimal'."

나는 대에 초보자 해요,하지만 난 문제가 내가 변수를 선언하는 방법으로 믿는 오류를 기반으로. 정수를 10 진수로 변환하는 방법을 봤지만 아무 것도 발견하지 못했습니다. 코드는 길지만 FYI로 모두 포함했습니다. 오류는 개인 하위 btnCommute에 있으며 CarFindCost, BusFindCost 및 TrainFindCost의 세 가지 개인 기능에 연결되어있는 것으로 보입니다. 개인 서브 bthCommute의 intLength 변수에 오류가 발생하지 않도록 수정하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

Option Strict On 

Public Class frmCommuteCalc 
    Dim intCommuteChoice As Integer 
    Dim strSelectedMode As String = "" 
    Private _strGas As Integer 
    Private _strMiles As String = "Enter the total miles for a round trip: " 
    Private _strMilesPerGallon As Double = 2.15 
    Private _strDailyParking As Decimal = 10 
    Private _strMonthlyParking As Decimal 
    Private _strMonthlyUpkeep As Decimal = 112 
    Private _strRTBusFare As String = "Round trip bus fare is " 
    Private _strRTTrainFare As String = "Round trip train fare is " 
    Private _StrDays As String = "Enter the number of days worked per month: " 
    Private _intTrainFare As Integer 

    Private Sub frmCommuteCalc_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 


    End Sub 

    Private Sub cboCommuteMethod_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cboCommuteMethod.SelectedIndexChanged 

     Dim intCommuteChoice As Integer 

     intCommuteChoice = cboCommuteMethod.SelectedIndex() 

     Select Case intCommuteChoice 
      Case 0 
      Case 1 
      Case 2 
     End Select 

     lblDays.Visible = True 
     lblMiles.Visible = True 
     lblLength.Visible = True 
     txtDays.Visible = True 
     'txtMonthlyTotal.Visible = True 

    End Sub 

    Private Sub btnCompute_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCompute.Click 

     Dim intCommuteChoice As Integer 
     Dim intDaysPerMonth As Integer 
     Dim decTotalCost As Decimal 
     Dim intLength As Integer = 0 
     Dim strSelectedMode As String = "" 
     Dim blnNumberInDaysIsValid As Boolean = False 
     Dim blnCommuteMethodIsSelected As Boolean = False 

     blnNumberInDaysIsValid = ValidateNumberInDays() 

     intCommuteChoice = ValidateCommuteSelection(blnCommuteMethodIsSelected, strSelectedMode) 

     If (blnNumberInDaysIsValid And blnCommuteMethodIsSelected) Then 
      intDaysPerMonth = Convert.ToInt32(txtDays.Text) 
      intCommuteChoice = cboCommuteMethod.SelectedIndex() 
      Select Case intCommuteChoice 
       Case 0 
        decTotalCost = CarFindCost(intCommuteChoice, intDaysPerMonth, intLength) 
       Case 1 
        decTotalCost = BusFindCost(intCommuteChoice, intDaysPerMonth, intLength) 
       Case 2 
        decTotalCost = TrainFindCost(intCommuteChoice, intDaysPerMonth, intLength) 
      End Select 

     End If 

    End Sub 

    Private Function intLength() As Object 
     Throw New NotImplementedException() 
    End Function 

    Function ComputeCommuteCost(ByVal decMiles As Decimal, ByVal decGallons As Decimal) As Decimal 

     Dim decMilage As Decimal 

     decMilage = decMiles/decGallons 
     Return decMilage 

    End Function 
    Private Sub Car() 


    End Sub 

    Private Sub Bus() 

    End Sub 

    Private Sub Train() 

    End Sub 
    Private Function ValidateNumberInDays() As Boolean 

     Dim intDays As Integer 
     Dim blnValidityCheck As Boolean = False 
     Dim strNumberInDaysMessage As String = "Please enter the No. of days per month you will be commuting " 
     Dim strMessageBoxTitle As String = "Error" 

      intDays = Convert.ToInt32(txtDays.Text) 
      If intDays >= 1 And intDays <= 21 Then 
       blnValidityCheck = True 
       MsgBox(strNumberInDaysMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
      End If 
     Catch Exception As FormatException 
      MsgBox(strNumberInDaysMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
     Catch Exception As OverflowException 
      MsgBox(strNumberInDaysMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
     Catch Exception As SystemException 
      MsgBox(strNumberInDaysMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
     End Try 

     Return blnValidityCheck 

    End Function 

    Private Function ValidateCommuteSelection(ByRef blnDays As Boolean, ByRef strDays As String) As Integer 
     Dim intCommuteChoice As Integer 

      intCommuteChoice = Convert.ToInt32(lstCommute.SelectedIndex) 
      strDays = lstCommute.SelectedItem.ToString() 
      blnDays = True 
     Catch Exception As SystemException 
      MsgBox("Select a commute mode", , "Error") 
      blnDays = False 
     End Try 

     Return intCommuteChoice 

    End Function 

    Private Function CarFindCost(ByVal intCommuteChoice As Integer, ByVal intDays As Integer) As Decimal 
     Dim decDaysPerMonth As Decimal 
     Dim decMiles As Decimal 
     Dim decMilesPerGallon As Decimal = 2 
     Dim decGasTotal As Decimal 
     Dim decDailyParking As Decimal = 10 
     Dim decMonthlyParking As Decimal 
     Dim decMonthlyUpkeep As Decimal = 112 
     Dim decFinalCost As Decimal 
     Dim intLength As Integer = 0 

     decMiles = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMiles.Text) 
     decMilesPerGallon = Convert.ToDecimal(txtGallons.Text) 
     decGasTotal = decMilesPerGallon * decMiles 
     decMonthlyParking = Convert.ToDecimal(lblLength.Text) 
     decMonthlyParking = decDailyParking * decDaysPerMonth 
     decFinalCost = Convert.ToDecimal(lblLength.Text) 
     decFinalCost = decGasTotal + decMonthlyUpkeep + decMonthlyParking 

     Return decFinalCost 

    End Function 

    Private Function BusFindCost(ByVal intCommuteChoice As Integer, ByVal intDays As Integer) As Decimal 

     Dim intLength As Integer = 0 
     Dim decDaysPerMonth As Decimal 
     Dim decBusFarePerDay As Decimal = 4 
     Dim decFinalCost As Decimal 

     decBusFarePerDay = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMonthlyTotal) 
     decFinalCost = decBusFarePerDay * decDaysPerMonth 

     Return decFinalCost 

    End Function 

    Private Function TrainFindCost(ByVal intCommuteChoice As Integer, ByVal intDays As Integer) As Decimal 

     Dim intLength As Integer = 0 
     Dim decDaysPerMonth As Decimal 
     Dim decTrainFarePerDay As Decimal = 18 
     Dim decFinalCost As Decimal 

     decTrainFarePerDay = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMonthlyTotal) 
     decFinalCost = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMonthlyTotal) 
     decFinalCost = decDaysPerMonth * decTrainFarePerDay 

     Return decFinalCost 

    End Function 
End Class 

215 행의 코드를 게시했습니다. 당신은 1에서 컴파일러 오류가 발생했습니다. 그리고 정수로 10 진수 변환 오류가 아닙니다. – abatishchev


당신은 3 개의 인자 ('intLength'는 세번째 인자)를 2 개의 인자만을 기대하는 함수에 전달합니다. – Ryan


@abatishchev. 말하기에 도움이되는 것이 없다면 왜 댓글을 쓰지요. 저는이 일에 익숙하지 않고 도움을 요청하면서 비판 대신 약간의 동정심이 좋았을 것입니다. 스택 오버플로에이 옵션이 있으면 나를 차단하십시오. – lorac1969



물 :

Select Case intCommuteChoice ... End Select 

case를 단계; CarFindCost에 3 매개 변수 y를 사용하여 2로만 선언했습니다.


안녕하세요 로베르토, 저에게 올바른 방향으로 가르쳐 주셔서 감사합니다. 당신이 알고있는 기술을 다루는 것을 협박 할 수 있습니다. – lorac1969


@ lorac1969이 질문에 대한 답변이 있으면 ** upvote하고 **이 답변을 수락하십시오. 문제가 해결되지 않았지만 도움이되었다고 판단되면 ** 답장을하시기 바랍니다 **. – Yatrix

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