2011-10-24 2 views



의 전면 카메라를 제시해야이 당신을 도울 수 :

public static void setCameraDisplayOrientation(Activity activity, 
    int cameraId, android.hardware.Camera camera) { 

    android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo info = 
     new android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo(); 
    android.hardware.Camera.getCameraInfo(cameraId, info); 

    int rotation = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay() 
    int degrees = 0; 
    switch (rotation) { 
     case Surface.ROTATION_0: degrees = 0; break; 
     case Surface.ROTATION_90: degrees = 90; break; 
     case Surface.ROTATION_180: degrees = 180; break; 
     case Surface.ROTATION_270: degrees = 270; break; 

    int result; 
    if (info.facing == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) { 
     result = (info.orientation + degrees) % 360; 
     result = (360 - result) % 360; // compensate the mirror 
    } else { // back-facing 
     result = (info.orientation - degrees + 360) % 360; 

또한이 링크를 참조하십시오 :

How do I open the "front camera" on the Android platform?


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