2013-05-17 2 views

MySQL Workbench 데이터 마이그레이션 마법사를 사용하여 MS SQL Server R2 데이터베이스를 MySQL 데이터베이스로 마이그레이션합니다. 스키마와 데이터는 올바르게 마이그레이션되지만 어포 스트로피가있는 필드의 경우 아포스트로피 다음의 데이터는 잘립니다. (SQL Server의) 필드에MySQL Workbench 데이터베이스 마이그레이션 - 어포 스트로피 후 데이터 자름

원본 데이터 : (MySQL은)

<p>It has come to the Association’s attention that some crew members are being required to perform administrative/office duties whilst on airport reserve.</p> 
<p>As members would all be aware, your Enterprise Agreement states that Airport Reserve is duty time spent by a flight attendant at the airport awaiting assignment to a flight or duty (Clause 10.1)</p> 
<p>However, in the past it has been agreed between the Association and the Company that checking and loading of an aircraft would be an appropriate requirement and should a flight attendant offer to assist the Company in performing other duties within their capabilities, that is also acceptable, but cannot be required. The Association’s position on this particular issue has been long standing and, in a time where administrative positions have been reduced and with a staff freeze in place, we can see no reason to reconsider this.</p> 

반환 된 데이터 : 애프터

<p>It has come to the Association 

당신이 볼 수 있듯이, 모든 것을 여기에 은 예입니다 아포스트로피가 없습니다.




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