2011-04-05 10 views

OnValid 이벤트에 대한 메서드 호출을 사용하고 있지만 내 메서드의 값을 내 메서드에서 참조하려고 할 때 내 양식의 값이 지워졌습니다. 아무도 내가 뭘 잘못하고 있는지 알아?Jquery 유효성 검사 onValid

     //errorLabelContainer: $("#divErrors"), 

      rules: { 
       txtUserName: { 
        required: true, 
        minlength: 4, 
        maxlength: 20 
       txtPassword: { 
        required: true, 
        minlength: 4, 
        maxlength: 32 
       txtConfirmPassword: { 
        required: true, 
        equalTo: "#txtPassword", 
        minlength: 4, 
        maxlength: 32 
       txtFirstName: { 
        required: true, 
        maxlength: 50 
       txtLastName: { 
        required: true, 
        maxlength: 50 
       txtJobTitle: { 
        required: true, 
        maxlength: 100 
       txtEmailAddress: { 
        required: true, 
        email: true, 
        maxlength: 100 
       txtTelephoneNumber: { 
        required: true, 
        number: true//, 
      messages: { 
       txtUserName: { 
        required: "Please enter a User Name", 
        minlength: "User Name must be at least 4 characters", 
        maxlength: "User Name must be no more than 20 characters" 
       txtPassword: { 
        required: "Please enter a Password", 
        minlength: "Password must be at least 4 characters", 
        maxlength: "Password must be no more than 32 characters" 
       txtConfirmPassword: { 
        required: "Please confirm Password", 
        equalTo: "Confirm Password must match Password", 
        minlength: "Confirm Password must be at least 4 characters", 
        maxlength: "Confirm Password must be no more than 32 characters" 
       txtFirstName: { 
        required: "Please enter a First Name", 
        maxlength: "First Name must be no more than 50 characters" 
       txtLastName: { 
        required: "Please enter a Last Name", 
        maxlength: "Last Name must be no more than 50 characters" 
       txtJobTitle: { 
        required: "Please enter a Job Title", 
        maxlength: "Job Title must be no more than 100 characters" 
       txtEmailAddress: { 
        required: "Please enter an Email Address", 
        email: "Please enter a valid Email Address", 
        maxlength: "Email Address must be no more than 100 characters" 
       txtTelephoneNumber: { 
        required: "Please enter a Telephone Number", 
        number: "Telephone Number must be numeric" 
      onValid : function() { 

    function addUser() { 


편집 : 당신의 도움에 대한

많은 감사합니다! submitHandler에 대한 함수를 지정할 때 메소드를 호출하여 예를 들어 추가 유효성 검증을 수행 한 후 다른 메소드를 호출하여 데이터베이스에 쓸 수 있습니까? 내 submitHandler에서 메소드를 지정했지만 'invalid label { "d": 0}'오류가 발생합니다.

      submitHandler: function() { addUser(); } 

function addUser() { 

     //check for unique username and email 
      type: "POST", 
      url: "/Services/CDServices.asmx/CheckForUniqueUserName", 
      data: "{strUserName:'" + $('input[name="txtUserName"]').val() + "'}", 
      async: false, 
      dataType: "json", 
      contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
      success: function(msg) { 
       if (msg.d == 0) { 
        alert("already exists"); 
       else { 
        alert("username is unique"); 


    submitHandler: function() { alert("submitted!"); } 

$().ready(function() { 
    // validate the comment form when it is submitted 

Validate의 소스에서 : 여기 내 수정 된 코드입니다.