2016-09-14 2 views

angular2 rc6의 해결 가드는 어떻게됩니까?angular2 rc6의 가드가 해결되지 않을 것입니다

다음은 내 해결사입니다. 콘솔 로그가 WTF를 인쇄하는 위치를 확인 하시겠습니까? 그럼 내가 원하는 데이터를 볼 수 있습니다.

    var url = this.getEndpointUrl(endpoint); 
    if (isHash==true){ 
     var result = this._authHttp.get(this.getModelUrl(endpoint,modelId)).map(res => res.json()); 
    } else { 
     var result =this._authHttp.get(this.getModelUrl(endpoint,modelId)).map(res => res.json().results); 

     return result; 

왜이 작동하지 않습니다 내 구성 요소

ngOnInit (를) {

this.route.data.forEach((data: { crisis: BasicSetup }) => { 
     //this.editName = data.crisis.name; 
     //this.crisis = data.crisis; 


내 서비스 호출이됩니다에서

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; 
import { Router, Resolve,ActivatedRouteSnapshot } from '@angular/router'; 
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; 
import { ApiService } from '../api_service/api.service'; 

export class BasicSetupResolve implements Resolve<any> { 

    constructor(private _apiService: ApiService, private router: Router) {} 

    resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<any> | Promise<any> | any { 
    let id = route.params['id']; 
    let model_id = id; 
    let endpoint='/test/model/basic'; 
    return this._apiService.getModel(endpoint,model_id,false).subscribe(api_object => { 
     if (api_object) { 
     return api_object; 
     } else { // id not found 
     this.router.navigateByUrl('/dashboard(content:models/basic/' + model_id +')'); 
     return false; 



다음은 router.data 개체의 콘솔 로그입니다.

WHEREAREYOU Object {api_object: Subscriber}api_object: Subscriber_subscriptions: nullclosed: truedestination: SafeSubscriber_complete: undefined_context: null_error: undefined_next: (api_object)arguments: (...)caller: [Exception: TypeError: 'caller' and 'arguments' are restricted function properties and cannot be accessed in this context. 
     at Function.remoteFunction (<anonymous>:3:14)]length: 1name: ""prototype: Objectconstructor: (api_object)arguments: [Exception: TypeError: 'caller' and 'arguments' are restricted function properties and cannot be accessed in this context. 
     at Function.remoteFunction (<anonymous>:3:14)]caller: [Exception: TypeError: 'caller' and 'arguments' are restricted function properties and cannot be accessed in this context. 
     at Function.remoteFunction (<anonymous>:3:14)]length: 1name: ""prototype: Objectconstructor: (api_object)arguments: [Exception: TypeError: 'caller' and 'arguments' are restricted function properties and cannot be accessed in this context. 
     at Function.remoteFunction (<anonymous>:3:14)]caller: [Exception: TypeError: 'caller' and 'arguments' are restricted function properties and cannot be accessed in this context. 
     at Function.remoteFunction (<anonymous>:3:14)]length: 1name: ""prototype: Object__proto__:()<function scope>__proto__: Object__proto__:()apply: apply()arguments: nullcaller: nulllength: 2name: "apply"__proto__:()<function scope>arguments: (...)get arguments: ThrowTypeError()set arguments: ThrowTypeError()bind: bind()call: call()caller: (...)get caller: ThrowTypeError()set caller: ThrowTypeError()constructor: Function()length: 0name: ""toString: toString()Symbol(Symbol.hasInstance): [Symbol.hasInstance]()__proto__: Object<function scope><function scope>ClosureClosureGlobal: Window__proto__: Object__defineGetter__: __defineGetter__()__defineSetter__: __defineSetter__()__lookupGetter__: __lookupGetter__()__lookupSetter__: __lookupSetter__()constructor: Object()hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: isPrototypeOf()propertyIsEnumerable: propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: toLocaleString()toString: toString()valueOf: valueOf()get __proto__: __proto__()set __proto__: __proto__()__proto__:()<function scope>_parent: null_subscriptions: nullclosed: truedestination: ObjectisStopped: truesyncErrorThrowable: falsesyncErrorThrown: falsesyncErrorValue: null__proto__: Subscriber__tryOrSetError: (parent, fn, value)__tryOrUnsub: (fn, value)_unsubscribe:()complete:()constructor: SafeSubscriber(_parent, observerOrNext, error, complete)error: (err)next: (value)__proto__: SubscriptionisStopped: truesyncErrorThrowable: falsesyncErrorThrown: falsesyncErrorValue: null__proto__: Subscription__proto__: Object 



first()을 추가하여 첫 번째 이벤트 이후에 관찰 가능 항목이 닫히도록하십시오. 는 확실하지이 문제를 해결하지만 만약 어떻게 든 라우터는 이전의 응답을 기다리는 진행되는 동안 다른 탐색을 시작 좋아하지 않는 것 같다

resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<any> | Promise<any> | any { 
    let id = route.params['id']; 
    let model_id = id; 
    let endpoint='/test/model/basic'; 
    return this._apiService.getModel(endpoint,model_id,false).map(api_object => { 
     if (api_object) { 
     return api_object; 
     } else { // id not found 
     this.router.navigateByUrl('/dashboard(content:models/basic/' + model_id +')'); 
     return false; 

형식 오류 : this._apiService.getModel (. ..). subscribe (...). take는 함수가 아닙니다. – Tampa


rxjs'take' 연산자를 가져와야합니다. –


어떻게? {rxjs/Observable}에서 {Observable}을 가져 오십시오; – Tampa

관련 문제