2011-11-21 2 views

cakephp에 "insert ignore"를 설정하는 방법이 있습니까? Model-> query();를 사용하고 싶지 않습니다. 다른 방법이 있습니까?cakephp에서 "중복 입력"오류를 제거하거나 관리하십시오.

파일 : 응용 프로그램/app_model.php

* Callback executed when a save has failed. 
* Contains database error parsing and evaluation to display appropriate messages to end-users. 
private function afterSaveFailed() { 
    $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig); 
    $lastError = $db->lastError(); 
    // this holds the match for the key id 
    // add more for more database types 
     'mysql' => '/^\d+: Duplicate entry \'.*\' for key (\d+)$/i', 
     'postgres' => '/^ERROR: duplicate key value violates .+ "(.+)"$/i', 
    // this holds the match for the key id 
    // add more for more database types 
     'postgres' => '/^ERROR: insert or update on table "(.+)" violates foreign key constraint .+/i', 
    if(preg_match($dupe_check[$db->config['driver']], $lastError, $matches) 
     && !empty($dupe_check[$db->config['driver']])) { 
     $matches[1] = str_replace('_key','',$matches[1]); 
     $matches[1] = str_replace($this->table.'_','',$matches[1]); 
     $this->invalidate('db','Error: Duplicate value found.'); 
    if(preg_match($foreign_check[$db->config['driver']], $lastError, $matches) 
     && !empty($foreign_check[$db->config['driver']])) { 
     $this->invalidate('db','Error: Referenced value not found.'); 

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830808/cakephp-insert-ignore- –


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