2016-10-13 3 views



그리드에 template reference variable을 할당 할 수 없습니다. 예 : flex1

<wj-flex-grid #flex1 

그런 다음 ngAfterViewInit 콜백에 열을 설정하고 해당 열을 폭 '*', 예를 할당

import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'; 

import { Collection } from 'wijmo/wijmo'; 
import { FlexGrid } from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid'; 

@Component({ ... }) 
export class MyComponent implements AfterViewInit { 
    @ViewChild('flex1') protected grid: FlexGrid; 
    protected data: any; 

    constructor() { 
    this.data = new Collection([ 
     { id: 1, country: 'United States' }, 
     { id: 2, country: 'Germany' }, 

    public ngAfterViewInit() { 
    // Missing part: Set up columns programmatically 
    // OP has done this already. 

    // Set the column width of the column with binding to the `country` property 
    this.grid.columns.getColumn('country').width = '*'; 