2017-03-04 2 views

현재 파이썬에서 CSV 모듈을 사용하여 'stock'파일을 읽고 쓰는 것을 의미하는 프로그램을 테스트하고 있습니다. 그러나이 오류가 무엇입니까 :
IndexError: list index out of rangeIndexError :리스트 인덱스가 범위를 벗어남 - Python 3.5.2

오류는 프로그램의이 부분에서 온다 :

def GTIN8Test(): # function validates GTIN 
digit8 = input("Please enter the GTIN-8 of the product you want to modify in the stock file: ") # input for GTIN 
while digit8.isdigit is False or len(digit8) > 8 or len(digit8) < 8: # checks length of GTIN and characters 
    digit8 = input("Invalid GTIN-8! Please enter a valid GTIN ") 
V1 = int(digit8[0]) 
V2 = int(digit8[1]) 
V3 = int(digit8[2]) 
V4 = int(digit8[3]) # validates GTIN 
V5 = int(digit8[4]) 
V6 = int(digit8[5]) 
V7 = int(digit8[6]) 
V8 = int(digit8[7]) 
V1a = V1 * 3 
V3a = V3 * 3 
V5a = V5 * 3 
V7a = V7 * 3 
T1 = V1a + V2 + V3a + V4 + V5a + V6 + V7a + V8 
T2 = T1 % 10 
if T2 != 0: 
    print("Your GTIN-8 code",digit8,"is not valid!") 
    GTIN8Test() # calls function so user can enter another GTIN if theirs is invalid 
    import csv # imports CSV for reading files 
    s = open("stock.txt") # opens stock file 
    counter = 0 # sets counter to 0 
    while counter != 3: # while counter is not = to 3 this loop keeps running 
     for stock in csv.reader(s): # checks each line in the stock file6 
      if digit8 == stock[0]: 
       print("GTIN-8 is valid and is found in the stock file") 
       StockMod(digit8) # StockMod is called, carring the GTIN as a paramter 
       counter = counter + 1 # if no matches on a line are found 1 is added to the counter. 
    print("GTIN valid but not found in stock file!") # message displays when counter = 3. 
    s.close() # closes stock file  

그리고 오류가이 함수의 끝에서 트리거 될 것 같다

def StockMod(digit8): # function which modifies the stock file, digit8 taken as a paramter 
import csv # imports CSV to read and write 
StockFile = [] # creates stock file list 
s = open("stock.txt") # opens stock file 
for stock in csv.reader(s): # checks each line in the stock file 
    if digit8 == stock[0]: # if the GTIN matches another GTIN in the stock file 
     print(digit8, "is assigned to", stock[1], "and has", stock[2], "in stock with a target stock level of", stock[4]) 
     quantity = input("Please enter quantity") # asks user for quantity 
     newq = int(quantity) + int(stock[2]) # calculates the new quantity of the product chosen by the user 
     stock[2] = newq # changes the quantity in the file to the new one 
    StockFile.append(stock) # appends the list stockfile with the information gathered by the program   
s.close() # closes the file 
print(StockFile) # prints stockfile list 
s = open("stock.txt", "wt", newline = "") # opens the stock file again for writing 
writer = csv.writer(s) # sets up csv to write 
for product in StockFile: # goes through each line in the stockfile list 
    writer.writerow(product) # writes everything back into the stock file 
s.close() # closes the stock file 
print("File write success") 

서식 오류가 발생하면 죄송합니다.

미리 감사드립니다.

편집 :

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Mavro\Documents\School Work\GCSE COURSEWORK\Computer Science\Task 3\Task3MOD (1).py", line 84, in <module> GTIN8Test() # calls GTIN8Test for StockMod File "C:\Users\Mavro\Documents\School Work\GCSE COURSEWORK\Computer Science\Task 3\Task3MOD (1).py", line 29, in GTIN8Test if digit8 == stock[0]: IndexError: list index out of range


오류의 전체 역 추적을주십시오. – cdarke


안녕하세요, 방금 추가했습니다. – Mavro


csv.reader (s)에서'for stock의 각 행에 대한 출력을 확인해야합니다 :'. 'stock ['[0]'는 당신의 실수를 던질 것 같습니다. 아마도 입력 문서에 빈 줄이 있습니까?! – rinderwahn



방법처럼 "stock.txt"모양 않습니다


전체 오류가? 파일 시작 부분에 빈 줄이 있습니까? 이 경우 csv.reader는 빈 목록을 반환합니다. 이 경우이 줄 앞에 s.readline()를 추가 할 수 있습니다 비어 아니라면

for stock in csv.reader(s): 

당신이 각 라인을 확인할 수 있습니다

if stock != []: 
관련 문제