2013-10-11 3 views

트위터에서 140 개의 글자로만 글을 올릴 수 있습니다. 여기에는 tweeting하는 핸들이 포함됩니다 : @handle. 큰 그룹에서 트윗하려고 할 때 문제가 발생합니다. 내 농구 팀의 해결 방법을 만들려고 시도 할 때 트위터에서 짹짹 울 때 짹짹에서 텍스트를 가져 와서 팀의 각 사람이 처리하는 일련의 트윗을 보내는 트위터 봇을 만들려고합니다.TweetBot Retweeter failing authorization

코드가 this tutorial에서 시작되었습니다. 그럼 난 볼프람 알파 물건을 편집하고 시작하는이 코드를 내놓았다 : (키와 비밀 정말 xxxxx는이 arent)

/**  ScotsTeamRetweeter        **/ 
/**  =======================================   **/ 
/**  Written by John Holland  
/**  Taken from: Amit Agarwal @labnol on 10/09/2013 **/ 
/**  Tutorial link: http://www.labnol.org/?p=27902 **/ 

function start() {  
    Logger.log("Did actually start"); 

    var TWITTER_HANDLE   = "ScotsTeam"; 

    // Store variables 
    ScriptProperties.setProperty("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY", TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY); 
    ScriptProperties.setProperty("TWITTER_HANDLE",   TWITTER_HANDLE); 
    ScriptProperties.setProperty("MAX_TWITTER_ID",   0); 

    // Delete exiting triggers, if any 
    var triggers = ScriptApp.getScriptTriggers(); 
    for(var i=0; i < triggers.length; i++) { 

    // Setup trigger to read Tweets every five minutes 

function oAuth() { 
    var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("twitter"); 

function fetchTweets() { 
    var twitter_handle = ScriptProperties.getProperty("TWITTER_HANDLE"); 

    var phrase = "lang:en+to:" + twitter_handle; 
    var search = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?count=5&include_entities=false&result_type=recent&q="; 
    search = search + encodeString(phrase) + "&since_id=" + ScriptProperties.getProperty("MAX_TWITTER_ID");  

    var options = 
    "method": "get", 

    try { 

    var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(search, options);  
    if (result.getResponseCode() === 200) { 
     var data = Utilities.jsonParse(result.getContentText()); 
     if (data) { 
     var tweets = data.statuses; 
     for (var i=tweets.length-1; i>=0; i--) { 
      var question = tweets[i].text.replace(new RegExp("\@" + twitter_handle, "ig"), "");    
      var answer = "Looks Like it worked" 
      sendTweet(tweets[i].user.screen_name, tweets[i].id_str, answer); 
      Logger.log("Tweet should have sent");   
    } catch (e) { 

function sendTweet(user, reply_id, tweet) { 

    var options = 
    "method": "POST", 

    var status = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"; 

    status = status + "?status=" + encodeString("@" + user + " " + tweet); 
    status = status + "&in_reply_to_status_id=" + reply_id; 

    try { 
    var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(status, options); 
    ScriptProperties.setProperty("MAX_TWITTER_ID", reply_id); 
    catch (e) { 

function encodeString (q) { 
    // Update: 09/06/2013 
    // Google Apps Script is having issues storing oAuth tokens with the Twitter API 1.1 due to some encoding issues. 
    // Hence this workaround to remove all the problematic characters from the status message. 

    var str = q.replace(/\(/g,'{').replace(/\)/g,'}').replace(/\[/g,'{').replace(/\]/g,'}').replace(/\!/g, '|').replace(/\*/g, 'x').replace(/\'/g, ''); 
    return encodeURIComponent(str); 

// var str = encodeURIComponent(q); 
// str = str.replace(/!/g,'%21'); 
// str = str.replace(/\*/g,'%2A'); 
// str = str.replace(/\(/g,'%28'); 
// str = str.replace(/\)/g,'%29'); 
// str = str.replace(/'/g,'%27'); 
// return str; 


(나의 이해는) 바로 트위터 봇이를 게시하게해야이 코드 트위터에 올 때 "효과가있는 것처럼 보입니다"라고 말하는 트윗.

그러나 나는 이해하지 못하는 인증 문제가있는 것 같습니다. 이 이메일을 가장 많이받는 날 :

Your script, ScotsTeamRetweeter, has recently failed to finish successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here. 


Error Message Count 
Authorization is required to perform that action. 18 

Start Function Error Message Trigger End 
10/9/13 9:11 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:11 PM 
10/9/13 9:12 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:12 PM 
10/9/13 9:13 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:13 PM 
10/9/13 9:14 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:14 PM 
10/9/13 9:15 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:15 PM 
10/9/13 9:16 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:16 PM 
10/9/13 9:17 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:17 PM 
10/9/13 9:18 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:18 PM 
10/9/13 9:19 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:19 PM 
10/9/13 9:20 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:20 PM 
10/9/13 9:21 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:21 PM 
10/9/13 9:22 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:22 PM 
10/9/13 9:23 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:23 PM 
10/9/13 9:24 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:24 PM 
10/9/13 9:25 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:25 PM 
10/9/13 9:26 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:26 PM 
10/9/13 9:27 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:27 PM 
10/9/13 9:28 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action. time-based 10/9/13 9:28 PM 

봇을 수정하려면 어떻게해야합니까?


'fetchTweets'을 수동으로 호출하고 @ br-araujo가 권한을 부여한 것으로 인증 한 후에 작동합니까? Btw, 내가 먼저 테스트하고 작동하는 경우 트리거를 설정하는 것이 좋습니다 ... 또한 오류에 대한 로그를 참조하십시오 ... btw. 당신은 현재 매분마다 실행되는 트리거를 정의했습니다. 아마 5 분마다 바꾸기를 원할 것입니다. 이 줄에서'var answer = "보이는 것 같아요"'종료하는 세미콜론이 없습니다 ... – Taifun



스크립트 편집기로 가서 함수를 직접 호출해야합니다. (재생 버튼). 그 후에 당신에게 인증 화면을 보여줄 것이고 그 후에 모든 것이 괜찮을 것입니다.


나는 그 일을했지만 여전히 진전이 없습니다 ... –


재생 버튼을 클릭 했습니까? –