2014-03-29 2 views

기본 URL이 있다고 가정 해 보겠습니다.Docusign : JS를 사용하여 퍼가기가 안전합니까?

이제 userA가 문서를 업로드하고 userB가 서명해야합니다.

// To run this sample 
// 1. Copy the file to your local machine and give .js extension (i.e. example.js) 
// 2. Change "***" to appropriate values 
// 3. Install async and request packages 
//  npm install async 
//  npm install request 
// 4. execute 
//  node example.js 

var  async = require("async"),  // async module 
     request = require("request"),  // request module 
     fs = require("fs");   // fs module 

var  email = "***",    // your account email 
     password = "***",   // your account password 
     integratorKey = "***",  // your Integrator Key (found on the Preferences -> API page) 
     recipientName = "***",  // recipient (signer) name 
     recipientEmail = "***",  // recipient email address 
     documentName = "***",  // copy document with this name into same directory! 
     envelopeId = "",   // will retrieve this from second api call 
     baseUrl = "";    // retrieved through the Login call 

    // Step 1: Login (used to retrieve your accountId and baseUrl) 
    function(next) { 
     var url = "https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2/login_information"; 
     var body = ""; // no request body for login api call 

     // set request url, method, body, and headers 
     var options = initializeRequest(url, "GET", body, email, password); 

     // send the request... 
     request(options, function(err, res, body) { 
      if(!parseResponseBody(err, res, body)) { 
      baseUrl = JSON.parse(body).loginAccounts[0].baseUrl; 
      next(null); // call next function 

    // Step 2: Create Envelope with Embedded Recipient (need to set |clientUserId| property) 
    function(next) {  
     var url = baseUrl + "/envelopes"; 
     // following request body will place 1 signature tab 100 pixels to the right and 
     // 100 pixels down from the top left of the document that you send in the request 
     var body = { 
      "recipients": { 
       "signers": [{ 
        "email": recipientEmail, 
        "name": recipientName, 
        "recipientId": 1, 
        "clientUserId": "1001",  //Required for embedded recipient 
        "tabs": { 
         "signHereTabs": [{ 
          "xPosition": "100", 
          "yPosition": "100", 
          "documentId": "1", 
          "pageNumber": "1"                     
      "emailSubject": 'DocuSign API - Signature Request on Document Call', 
      "documents": [{ 
       "name": documentName, 
       "documentId": 1, 
      "status": "sent" 

     // set request url, method, body, and headers 
     var options = initializeRequest(url, "POST", body, email, password); 

     // change default Content-Type header from "application/json" to "multipart/form-data" 
     options.headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data"; 

     // configure a multipart http request with JSON body and document bytes 
     options.multipart = [{ 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Content-Disposition": "form-data", 
        "body": JSON.stringify(body), 
       }, { 
        "Content-Type": "application/pdf", 
        'Content-Disposition': 'file; filename="' + documentName + '"; documentId=1', 
        "body": fs.readFileSync(documentName), 

     // send the request... 
     request(options, function(err, res, body) { 
      if(!parseResponseBody(err, res, body)) { 
      envelopeId = JSON.parse(body).envelopeId; 
      next(null); // call next function 
    }, // end function  

    // Step 3: Generate the Embedded Signing URL 

    function(next) { 
     var url = baseUrl + "/envelopes/" + envelopeId + "/views/recipient"; 
     var method = "POST"; 
     var body = JSON.stringify({ 
       "returnUrl": "http://www.docusign.com/devcenter", 
       "authenticationMethod": "email",      
       "email": email,     
       "userName": recipientName,  
       "clientUserId": "1001", // must match clientUserId in step 2! 

     // set request url, method, body, and headers 
     var options = initializeRequest(url, "POST", body, email, password); 

     // send the request... 
     request(options, function(err, res, body) { 
      if(!parseResponseBody(err, res, body)) 
       console.log("\nNavigate to the above URL to start the Embedded Signing workflow..."); 

function initializeRequest(url, method, body, email, password) {  
    var options = { 
     "method": method, 
     "uri": url, 
     "body": body, 
     "headers": {} 
    addRequestHeaders(options, email, password); 
    return options; 

function addRequestHeaders(options, email, password) { 
    // JSON formatted authentication header (XML format allowed as well) 
    dsAuthHeader = JSON.stringify({ 
     "Username": email, 
     "Password": password, 
     "IntegratorKey": integratorKey // global 
    // DocuSign authorization header 
    options.headers["X-DocuSign-Authentication"] = dsAuthHeader; 

function parseResponseBody(err, res, body) { 
    console.log("\r\nAPI Call Result: \r\n", JSON.parse(body)); 
    if(res.statusCode != 200 && res.statusCode != 201) { // success statuses 
     console.log("Error calling webservice, status is: ", res.statusCode); 
     console.log("\r\n", err); 
     return false; 
    return true; 

지금 하나가 프런트 엔드에서 내 DocuSign의 계정 자격 증명을 얻을 캔트 :

이 코드를 사용하고 계십니까?

내가 사용하고있는 올바른 접근 방법입니까?




자바 스크립트가 서버 측에 위치를 인용하는 예는 Node.js를 환경입니다. 서버 측에 보관하면 안전합니다. 프런트 엔드에이 코드를 게시하면 보안되지 않습니다. 적어도 귀하의 솔루션이 DocuSign API에 액세스 할 수있게 해주는 Integrator Key를 노출합니다.

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