2016-10-17 6 views

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바이올린 : 도움을



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      <li class="nav-item"><a href="world.html">Around the globe</a></li> 
      <li class="nav-item"><a href="where.html">Where to eat?</a></li> 
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     <article class="main"> 
      <h1>Food around the world</h1> 
      <h2 id="japan" class="anchor">Japan</h2> 
       Ramen, egg noodles in a salty broth, is Japan&#39;s favourite late night meal. It&#39;s also the perfect example of an imported dish &#45; in this case from China &#45; that the Japanese have made completely and deliciously their own. There are four major 
       soup styles: tonkotsu (pork bone), miso, soy sauce and salt. Fukuoka is particularly famous for its rich tonkotsu ramen; pungent miso ramen is a specialty of Hokkaido. 
      <img src="https://gourmetadventuresnet.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/chashu-shoyu-ramen-gourmet-adventures.jpg" alt="ramen" class="responsive-image" /> 
       Put simply, sushi is raw fish served on rice seasoned lightly with vinegar. It&#39;s in the variety of flavours and textures &#45; like tangy, creamy uni (sea urchin meat) and plump, juicy, ama-ebi (sweet shrimp) &#45; that things get interesting. Despite sushi&#39;s 
       lofty image, it has a humble origin: street food. 
       Light and fluffy tempura is Japan&#39;s contribution to the world of deep-fried foods (though it likely originated with Portuguese traders). The batter&#45;coated seafood and vegetables are traditionally fried in sesame oil and served with either a tiny pool 
       of salt or a dish of soy sauce&#45;flavoured broth spiked with grated radish for dipping. Do not miss out on ebi&#45;ten (tempura prawns). 
       Literally &#34;grilled as you like,&#34; okonomiyaki is Japanese comfort food at its best, and a clear violation of the typical refined image of Japanese food. It&#39;s a savoury pancake filled with any number of things (but usually cabbage and pork) and topped with 
       fish flakes, dried seaweed, mayonnaise and a Worcester&#45;style sauce. It&#39;s also a lot of fun: At most restaurants, diners grill the dish themselves at a hotplate built into the table. 
     <article class="main"> 
      <h2 id="mexico">Mexico</h2> 
      <p>Three states claim to be the original home of mole (pronounced &#34;mol&#45;eh&#34;), a rich sauce popular in Mexican cooking. 
       There are myriad types of mole but all contain around 20 or so ingredients, including one or more varieties of chilli peppers, and all require constant stirring over a long period of time. 
       Perhaps the best&#45;known mole is mole poblano, a rusty red sauce typically served over turkey or chicken. 
     <aside class="aside aside-1"> 
      <ul class="content">Table of content 
       <li><a href="#japan">Japan</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#mexico">Mexico</a></li> 
       <li><a href="">eeeeee</a></li> 
       <li><a href="">eeeeee</a></li> 
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CSS : 다시

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<aside class="aside aside-1"> 
     <div class="content-wrapper"> 
      <ul class="content"> 
       <p>Table of content</p> 
       <li><a href="#slovenia">Slovenia</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#belgium">Belgium</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#spain">Spain</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#mexico">Mexico</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#japan">Japan</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#indonesia">Indonesia</a></li> 