2017-10-30 2 views

오전 rabbitmq의 메시지를 소비하지만, 소비자는셀러리

[MainProcess] Received message: RT @Iamsidneyy: Kenya in scientific terms 

[WARNING/MainProcess] Received and deleted unknown message. Wrong destination?!? 

The full contents of the message body was: body: 'The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.\n\n—Stephen Hawking' (133b) 
{content_type:'application/json' content_encoding:'utf-8' 
    delivery_info:{'consumer_tag': 'None5', 'delivery_tag': 1, 'redelivered': False, 'exchange': 'twitterstatus', 'routing_key': 'twitterstatus'} headers={}} 

[MainProcess] Received message: RT @fideloper: Coming together! 

[WARNING/MainProcess] Received and deleted unknown message. Wrong destination?!? 

The full contents of the message body was: body: 'Lol all of mine are memes :’)' (60b) 
{content_type:'application/json' content_encoding:'utf-8' 
    delivery_info:{'consumer_tag': 'None5', 'delivery_tag': 2, 'redelivered': False, 'exchange': 'twitterstatus', 'routing_key': 'twitterstatus'} headers={}} 



celery worker -A app -Q twitterstatus -l info 
를 사용하던 다음 메시지를 거부 한 후 동의 (같은 형식)를 거부 수락 거부를 받아들이는 것 같다 그것은 지금

celery worker -A app -l info 

를 사용하여 그런 식으로 만든

잘 작동 큐 옵션을 사용하는 것 같아