2017-01-27 1 views

배열에 JSON 데이터를 저장하려고 할 때 nils가 발생했습니다.
내가 제대로
JSON 데이터를 swift3의 배열 (모델 클래스)에 저장하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

이 APIManager 클래스

[AppName.Article(author: nil, description: nil, publishedAt: nil, title: nil, url: nil, urlToImage: nil), AppName.Article(author: nil, description: nil, publishedAt: nil, title: nil, url: nil, urlToImage: nil)] 

나는 아래의 세 가지 클래스 및 API 데이터가에 print(articles)의 결과는 JSON 데이터를 얻을 싶어요.

import Foundation 
import SwiftyJSON 

struct Article { 

var author: String! 
var description: String! 
var publishedAt: String! 
var title: String! 
var url: String! 
var urlToImage: String! 

init(json: JSON) { 
    self.publishedAt = json["publishedAt"].string 
    self.author = json["author"].string 
    self.title = json["title"].string 
    self.description = json["desctiption"].string 
    self.url = json["url"].string 
    self.urlToImage = json["urlToImage"].string 

// init(author: String, discription:String, publishedAt: String, title: String, url: String, urlToImage: String) { 
//  self.author = author 
//  self.discription = discription 
//  self.publishedAt = publishedAt 
//  self.title = title 
//  self.url = url 
//  self.urlToImage = urlToImage 
// } 


import Foundation 
import Alamofire 
import SwiftyJSON 

class APIManager { 

class func getArticle(handler: @escaping (Array<Article>?) ->()) { 
    .responseJSON { response in 
     guard response.result.isSuccess else { 
      print("Error while fetching jsondata: \(response.result.error)") 

     guard let responseJSON = response.result.value else { 
      print("Invalid jsondata received from the server") 

     var articles: Array<Article> = [] 
     let json = JSON(responseJSON) 

     json.forEach {(_, json) in 
      articles.append(Article(json: json)) 


의 ViewController

override func viewDidLoad() { 

    APIManager.getArticle{ (articles: Array<Article>?) in 
     if let data = articles?[0] { 



API 데이터

articles =  (
     author = "Matthew Lynley"; 
     description = "Google reported mixed earnings for its fourth quarter today \U2014 but we're starting to see some flashes of improvement in its \"other bets\" category, which is.."; 
     publishedAt = "2017-01-26T20:09:05Z"; 
     title = "Alphabet\U2019s bets beyond search are starting to pay\U00a0off"; 
     url = "http://social.techcrunch.com/2017/01/26/alphabets-bets-beyond-search-are-starting-to-look-better/"; 
     urlToImage = "https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/a3c4057e7d804c79b4bfb3278f4afced.jpg?w=764&h=400&crop=1"; 

     author = "Natasha Lomas"; 
     description = "An Executive Order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump in his first few days in office could jeopardize a six-month-old data transfer framework that enables.."; 
     publishedAt = "2017-01-26T15:41:33Z"; 
     title = "Trump order strips privacy rights from non-U.S. citizens, could nix EU-US data\U00a0flows"; 
     url = "http://social.techcrunch.com/2017/01/26/trump-order-strips-privacy-rights-from-non-u-s-citizens-could-nix-eu-us-data-flows/"; 
     urlToImage = "https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/gettyimages-632212696.jpg?w=764&h=400&crop=1"; 

sortBy = top; 
source = techcrunch; 
status = ok; 

자세한 정보가 필요하면 알려 주시기 바랍니다.



JSON에서 articles 배열에 액세스하고 루프를 통해 Article 배열을 가져와야합니다.

let json = JSON(responseJSON) 
//Get the Array of articles(JSON) 
let articleArray = json["articles"].arrayValue 
//Now loop through this array. 
articleArray.forEach {(json) in 
    articles.append(Article(json: json)) 

내가 원하는 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다. 빠른 답변 주셔서 감사합니다. – tekun


@tekun Welcome mate :) –


json [ "article"] 뒤에 .arrayValue를 연결하면 문맥 마감 유형 '(JSON) -> Void'expects 1 인수가 발생합니다. 그러나 closure 본문에 사용되었습니다. – tekun

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