2017-11-03 1 views

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^리디렉션 것 홈페이지

에 웹 사이트의 예에서

코드 : 양식 태그

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그리고이 :

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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css-signup.css"> 

    <div class="wrapper"> 
    <!-- TITLE YOUR FORM --> 
    <h1>Health Survey</h1> 
    <h2>Diagnostic for applicants to our fitness program.</h2> 

    <div class="wrapper"> 
    <form action="https://docs.google.com/a/ladieslearningcode.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddBVO983YSbAXB7yWkg9Z69CyrY8AAQvUjlhJWtm-7LvdOpQ/formResponse"> 

    <!-- MUTLIPLE CHOICE --> 
    <p>How often do you exercise?</p> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="radio" name="entry.1177013199" id="e1" value="1 day a week"/> 
    <label for="e1">1 day a week</label></div> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="radio" name="entry.1177013199" id="e2" value="2-3 days a week"/> 
    <label for="e2">2-3 days a week</label></div> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="radio" name="entry.1177013199" id="e3" value="4-5 days a week"/> 
    <label for="e3">4-5 days a week</label></div> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="radio" name="entry.1177013199" id="e4" value="6+ days a week"/> 
    <label for="e4">6+ days a week</label></div> 

    <!-- CHECKBOXES --> 
    <p>Do you have any food allergies?</p> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="checkbox" name="entry.359931602" id="a1" value="Milk"/> 
    <label for="a1">Milk</label></div> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="checkbox" name="entry.359931602" id="a2" value="Eggs"/> 
    <label for="a2">Eggs</label></div> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="checkbox" name="entry.359931602" id="a3" value="Peanuts"> 
    <label for="a3">Peanuts</label></div> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="checkbox" name="entry.359931602" id="a4" value="Wheat"> 
    <label for="a4">Wheat</label></div> 
    <div class="input-wrap"><input type="checkbox" name="entry.359931602" id="a5" value="Soy"> 
    <label for="a5">Soy</label></div> 

    <!-- DROPDOWN --> 
    <p>What is your favourite food group?</p> 
    <div class="input-wrap select-box"> 
     <select name="entry.1781742467"> 
     <option selected disabled>Choose</option> 
     <option value="Fruit">Fruit</option> 
     <option value="Vegetables">Vegetables</option> 
     <option value="Grain">Grain</option> 
     <option value="Meat">Meat</option> 
     <option value="Dairy">Dairy</option> 

    <label for="comfort">What is your go-to comfort food?</label> 
    <input name="entry.1169089770" type="text" id="comfort"/> 

    <label for="explain">Explain why you want to improve your physical health.</label> 
    <textarea name="entry.1175247585" id="explain"/></textarea> 

    <!-- LINEAR SCALE "SLIDER" --> 
    <label for="explain">Rate your current physical health.</label> 
    <input name="entry.1672382864" type="range" min="1" max="5" step="1"> 

    <!-- DATE INPUT --> 
    <label for="explain">When are you available to start training?</label> 
    <input name="entry.246017384" type="date"> 

    <!-- TIME INPUT --> 
    <label for="explain">What time of day is best to connect?</label> 
    <input name="entry.1990206646" type="time"> 

    <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON --> 
    <input class="button" type="submit" value="Submit"> 


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다 함께 리를 찾습니다 KE이 (예)

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    <label>Insert label</label> 
    <input name="entry.xxx" type="text" required /> 
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> 