2013-06-24 3 views

파일을 디렉토리에 업로드하는 중 오류가 발생합니다. 다음은 오류입니다 : 과거 2 시간 동안 검색하는 동안 나는 온라인 내가 찾을 수 evrything을 시도알림 : 정의되지 않은 색인 : sPic (사진 업로드 시도 중)

    $name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['sName']); 
    $ip = htmlspecialchars($_POST['sIp']); 
    $type = $_POST['sType']; 
    $port = htmlspecialchars($_POST['sPort']); 
    $website = htmlspecialchars($_POST['sWeb']); 
    $video = htmlspecialchars($_POST['sVideo']); 
    $pic = ($_FILES['sPic']['name']); // line 8 
    $desc = htmlspecialchars($_POST['sDesc']); 

    $target = "/uniqueminecraftservers/slist/banners/"; 
    $target = $target . basename($_FILES['sPic']['name']); // line 13 

// Connects to your Database 
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()) ; 
mysql_select_db("slist") or die(mysql_error()) ; 

//Writes the information to the database 
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `postdata` VALUES ('$name', '$ip', '$port', '$type', '$website', '$video', '$desc')") ; 

//Writes the photo to the server 
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['sPic']['tmp_name'], $target)) // line 23 

//Tells you if its all ok 
echo "The file ". basename($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory"; 
else { 

//Gives and error if its not 
echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; 


Notice: Undefined index: sPic in C:\wamp\www\uniqueminecraftservers\upload\upload.php on line 8 
Notice: Undefined index: sPic in C:\wamp\www\uniqueminecraftservers\upload\upload.php on line 13 
Notice: Undefined index: sPic in C:\wamp\www\uniqueminecraftservers\upload\upload.php on line 23 

가 여기 내 PHP입니다. 나는 이것을 고정하는 방법을 생각할 수 없다.

참고 : PHP이 질문은 폐쇄되기 전에 5.4.3


당신은 업로드 형태로 편집 할 수 있습니까? – Barmar


[mysql_ *'functions] (http://stackoverflow.com/q/12859942/1190388)을 새 코드로 사용하지 마십시오. 더 이상 유지 관리되지 않으며 [공식적으로 권장되지 않습니다] (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/mysql_deprecation). 빨간 상자 보이니? 대신 준비된 문에 대해 알아보고 [tag : PDO] 또는 [tag : MySQLi]를 사용하십시오. – hjpotter92


'$ _FILES [ 'sPic'] [ 'error']'는 무엇이라고 말합니까? '$ _FILES [ 'uploadedfile'] [ 'name']'은 어디서 온 것입니까? 왜 검사하지 않니? 그리고 'htmlspecialchars'는 데이터를 표시 할 때만 입력 데이터에 사용해서는 안됩니다. –



와 WAMP에서 실행이, 아마도이를 통해 고민을 가지고, 일부 관심이있을 수 있습니다. 테스트되지 않은

    //connect to the database using PDO 
    $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=slist","root", "mysql_password"); 
    $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); 
    //if there is an error catch it here 
} catch(PDOException $e) { 
    //display the Exception 

//Setup vars we going to use 
$insert = array(); 
$message= null; 
$error = array(); 
$target = "/uniqueminecraftservers/slist/banners/"; 

//ok is request POST? 

    /* Quick crude validation */ 
    //Allowed keys we are expecting from POST 
    $keys = array('sName','sIp','sType','sPort','sWeb','sVideo','sDesc'); 

    //Loop the above and match with $_POST[*] 
    foreach($keys as $key=>$value){ 
      $insert[':'.$key] = $value; 
      $error[$key] = "*required"; 

    //ok $error is empty lets go further 
     //Check files array for error 
     if(isset($_FILES['sPic']['name']) && $_FILES['sPic']['error'] == 0){ 
      //Writes the photo to the server 
      if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['sPic']['tmp_name'], $target.basename($_FILES['sPic']['name']))) 
       //Insert into sql using a prepared query, matching placeholders 
       $sql = 'INSERT INTO `postdata` VALUES (:sName, :sIp, :sType, :sPort, :sWeb, :sVideo, :sDesc)'; 
       $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); 

       //Tells you if its all ok 
       $message = "The file ".htmlspecialchars(basename($_FILES['sPic']['name']))." has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory"; 
      else { 
       $error['upload_error'] = "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; 
      //What was the upload error 
      if($_FILES['sPic']['error']==1){$error['upload_error'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the Max filesize';} 
      if($_FILES['sPic']['error']==2){$error['upload_error'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the Max filesize of '.ini_get('upload_max_filesize').'MB';} 
      if($_FILES['sPic']['error']==3){$error['upload_error'] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.';} 
      if($_FILES['sPic']['error']==4){$error['upload_error'] = 'No file was uploaded.';} 
      if($_FILES['sPic']['error']==6){$error['upload_error'] = 'Missing a temporary folder.';} 
      if($_FILES['sPic']['error']==7){$error['upload_error'] = 'Failed to write file to disk.';} 
      if($_FILES['sPic']['error']==8){$error['upload_error'] = 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.';} 

    //Final check on whats gone on 
     //ill leave you to decide what happens here 
     echo '<pre>'.print_r($error,true).'</pre>'; 
     echo $message; 

    //do something if not POST 


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