2011-01-19 3 views

jsonlint.com왜 장고를 할 때이 자바 스크립트 오류가 발생합니까?

에 따라 유효한 json 있습니다. 내 자바 스크립트에서 이렇게 :

var params = JSON.parse('{{ all_params_in_json }}'); 

그리고 난이 오류가 발생합니다.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL 
(anonymous function) 

왜? 내 json이 유효합니다. 나는 표준 json2 라이브러리를 사용하고있다.

내 json은 다음과 같습니다.

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       "bio": "I'm the CEO at Twitter. Prior to Twitter, I cofounded FeedBurner (acquired by Google). I'm an investor and Advisor in a few start-ups including about.me.\r\n \r\nI used to perform with Chicago\u2019s Annoyance Theater and at various comedy festivals in Edinburgh, Montreal and other distant lands. I recently left the cold winters of Chicago for Marin County's sunshine.", 
       "first_name": "feli", 
       "last_name": "twan", 
       "avatar_url": "http://s3.amazonaws.com/fabletest/937ypvlchrd2e5z1a0sq", 
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      "body": "foxed", 
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       "username": "swnn", 
       "bio": "I'm the CEO at Twitter. Prior to Twitter, I cofounded FeedBurner (acquired by Google). I'm an investor and Advisor in a few start-ups including about.me.\r\n \r\nI used to perform with Chicago\u2019s Annoyance Theater and at various comedy festivals in Edinburgh, Montreal and other distant lands. I recently left the cold winters of Chicago for Marin County's sunshine.", 
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       "location": "San Francisco", 
       "fullname": "twan Chan", 
       "id": 1, 
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      "body": "Is this really the right thing? I mean...after thinking about it. ist's just not very cool", 
      "created_at": 1295345827.0, 
      "user": { 
       "username": "swnn", 
       "bio": "I'm the CEO at Twitter. Prior to Twitter, I cofounded FeedBurner (acquired by Google). I'm an investor and Advisor in a few start-ups including about.me.\r\n \r\nI used to perform with Chicago\u2019s Annoyance Theater and at various comedy festivals in Edinburgh, Montreal and other distant lands. I recently left the cold winters of Chicago for Marin County's sunshine.", 
       "first_name": "feli", 
       "last_name": "twan", 
       "avatar_url": "http://s3.amazonaws.com/fabletest/937ypvlchrd2e5z1a0sq", 
       "is_active": true, 
       "is_superuser": false, 
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       "last_login": 1295410796.0, 
       "location": "San Francisco", 
       "fullname": "twan Chan", 
       "id": 1, 
       "date_joined": 1293678904.0 
      "body": "s this really the right thing? I mean...after thinking about it. ist's just not very cool", 
      "created_at": 1295345871.0, 
      "user": { 
       "username": "swnn", 
       "bio": "I'm the CEO at Twitter. Prior to Twitter, I cofounded FeedBurner (acquired by Google). I'm an investor and Advisor in a few start-ups including about.me.\r\n \r\nI used to perform with Chicago\u2019s Annoyance Theater and at various comedy festivals in Edinburgh, Montreal and other distant lands. I recently left the cold winters of Chicago for Marin County's sunshine.", 
       "first_name": "feli", 
       "last_name": "twan", 
       "avatar_url": "http://s3.amazonaws.com/fabletest/937ypvlchrd2e5z1a0sq", 
       "is_active": true, 
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       "last_login": 1295410796.0, 
       "location": "San Francisco", 
       "fullname": "twan Chan", 
       "id": 1, 
       "date_joined": 1293678904.0 
      "body": "his song really suck.s", 
      "created_at": 1295346108.0, 
      "user": { 
       "username": "swnn", 
       "bio": "I'm the CEO at Twitter. Prior to Twitter, I cofounded FeedBurner (acquired by Google). I'm an investor and Advisor in a few start-ups including about.me.\r\n \r\nI used to perform with Chicago\u2019s Annoyance Theater and at various comedy festivals in Edinburgh, Montreal and other distant lands. I recently left the cold winters of Chicago for Marin County's sunshine.", 
       "first_name": "feli", 
       "last_name": "twan", 
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       "location": "San Francisco", 
       "fullname": "twan Chan", 
       "id": 1, 
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       "first_name": "feli", 
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Firebug를 사용하고 여기에 중단 점을 설정할 수 있으며 따옴표로 무엇을 얻었는지 확인할 수 있습니까? – Spacedman





소리 :

내 JSON이입니다. 이것을 확인하십시오. 브라우저에 따라 합법적인지 여부에 달려 있습니다. 변수가 문자열을 종료하고 모든 지옥 나누기 느슨한

var params = JSON.parse('{{ all_params_in_json|escapejs }}'); 

그렇지 않으면 예컨대 '문자 all_params_in_json 내부 :


내 json을 확인하여 내가 가지고있는 잘못된 문자를 볼 수 있습니까? (해당 json 유효합니다) – TIMEX


거기에 어떤 문제가 보지 마세요. 어떻게 JSON을 JSON.parse()에 실제로 제공 했습니까? 문자열에는 질문에 게시 할 때 오류가 발생하는 문자가 포함되어 있습니다 (', 토마스의 대답을 참조하십시오. 또한 줄 바꿈이 오류를 유발할 수 있습니다). –

관련 문제