2012-01-25 2 views

난 그냥 병렬 컴퓨팅 툴킷을 사용하기 시작했고 나는 다음과 같은 오류가 matlabpool open를 호출 할 때마다 :matlab에 병렬 컴퓨팅 툴킷 로컬 구성 유효성 검사 실패

??? Error using ==> matlabpool at 127 
The interactive parallel job errored with the following message: 

Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

내 MATLAB 버전은 2010A이며 설치 상당히 최근의 . 이전에는 구성을 변경하지 않았으므로 기본값으로 설정해야합니다. 내가 구성 관리자로 가서 로컬 구성을 검증 할 때 나는 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다 : 나는 명령 distcomp.feature('LocalUseMpiexec', false) 어떤 사람들을 위해 일했다 다른 곳에서 읽을

**Find Resource**: Passed 

**Distributed Job**: Failed 
    Stage: Distributed Job 

Status: Failed 
Description: The job in the given stage completed, but reported failed due to a task failure. 

Command Line Output: (none) 

Error Report: 
Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Debug Log: 
MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 

    To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
    For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 


**Parallel Job**: Failed 
Stage: Parallel Job 

Status: Failed 
Description: The job in the given stage completed, but reported failed due to a task failure. 

Command Line Output: (none) 

Error Report: 
Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Debug Log: 
[0] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 
[2] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 
[1] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 
[1] To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
[1] For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 
[1] » [0] 
[0] To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
[0] For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 
[2] To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
[2] For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 
[0] » [2] » 

**Matlabpool**: Skipped 

를하지만 같은 테스트를, 나에게 영향을 미치지 아니 실패하고 동일한 오류가보고되었습니다.

누구도 전에 이것을 경험 했습니까?



정말 이상하게 보입니다. 이전에 그 실패를 본 적이 없었습니다. (아마도 대부분의 경우 로컬 스케줄러 방식을 사용했을 것입니다.) 내가 제안 할 수있는 유일한 것은 로컬 스케줄러의 DataLocation의 전체 내용을 날려 보내는 것입니다. DataLocation이 이전 위치를 가리키고 있지 않은지 확인해야 할 수도 있습니다. 다음 작업을 수행 할 수 있습니다.

s = findResource('scheduler', 'Configuration', 'local'); 
s.DataLocation % navigate to this directory, delete all contents 
% now, restart MATLAB 

그래도 도움이되지 않으면 The MathWorks 설치 지원부에 문의하십시오.


완벽하게 작동했습니다. 감사합니다. –

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