2013-09-23 1 views

다음 함수를 구현하여 모든 레코드를 성공적으로 정렬하고 있습니다.검색된 레코드를 gridview에서 정렬하는 방법

private const string ASCENDING = " ASC"; 
private const string DESCENDING = " DESC"; 
public SortDirection GridViewSortDirection 
     if (ViewState["sortDirection"] == null) 
      ViewState["sortDirection"] = SortDirection.Ascending; 

     return (SortDirection)ViewState["sortDirection"]; 
    set { ViewState["sortDirection"] = value; } 

protected void GridView1_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) 
    string sortExpression = e.SortExpression; 

    if (GridViewSortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending) 
     GridViewSortDirection = SortDirection.Descending; 
     SortGridView(sortExpression, DESCENDING); 
     GridViewSortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending; 
     SortGridView(sortExpression, ASCENDING); 

private void SortGridView(string sortExpression, string direction) 
    // You can cache the DataTable for improving performance 
    DataTable dt = GetData().Tables[0]; 

    DataView dv = new DataView(dt); 
    dv.Sort = sortExpression + direction; 

    GridView1.DataSource = dv; 
public DataSet GetData() 
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=MEHDI-PC\\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=PIMS; Integrated Security=true;"); 
     using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) 
      String sql = "select * from dbo.Documents1"; 
      cmd.Connection = con; 
      cmd.CommandText = sql; 


      DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 

      using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd)) 


      return ds; 


검색된 레코드를 정렬하는 데 문제가 있습니다. 나는 단지 필요 동안 코드 위

protected void GridView2_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) 
    string sortExpression = e.SortExpression; 

    if (GridViewSortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending) 
     GridViewSortDirection = SortDirection.Descending; 
     SortGridView1(sortExpression, DESCENDING); 
     GridViewSortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending; 
     SortGridView1(sortExpression, ASCENDING); 

private void SortGridView1(string sortExpression, string direction) 

    DataTable dt = SearchTable().Tables[0]; 

    DataView dv = new DataView(dt); 
    dv.Sort = sortExpression + direction; 

    GridView2.DataSource = dv; 


public DataSet SearchTable() 

     string sql1 = "SELECT * from dbo.Documents1"; 

     bool flag = false; 

     if (!txtRef.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Ref LIKE N'%" + txtRef.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Ref LIKE N'%" + txtRef.Text + "%'"; 

     if (!txtSubject.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Subject LIKE N'%" + txtSubject.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Subject LIKE N'%" + txtSubject.Text + "%'"; 
     if (!ddlSource.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Src =N'" + ddlSource.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Src =N'" + ddlSource.Text + "'"; 
     if (!ddlDestination.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Dst=N'" + ddlDestination.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Dst =N'" + ddlDestination.Text + "'"; 

     if (!ddlMedium.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Medium =N'" + ddlMedium.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Medium =N'" + ddlMedium.Text + "'"; 
     if (!txtDatePrinted.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Date_Printed =N'" + txtDatePrinted.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Date_Printed =N'" + txtDatePrinted.Text + "'"; 

     if (!txtDateReceived.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Date_Received =N'" + txtDateReceived.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Date_Received =N'" + txtDateReceived.Text + "'"; 
     if (!ddlDocumentType.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Document_Type =N'" + ddlDocumentType.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Document_Type =N'" + ddlDocumentType.Text + "'"; 
     if (!txtDueDate.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Due_Date = N'" + txtDueDate.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Due_Date =N'" + txtDueDate.Text + "'"; 
     if (!txtActualDate.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Actual_Date= N'" + txtActualDate.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Actual_Date=N'" + txtActualDate.Text + "'"; 

     if (!txtContent.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Content=N'" + txtContent.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Content=N'" + txtContent.Text + "'"; 
     if (!txtTag.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Tag =N'" + txtTag.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Tag =N'" + txtTag.Text + "'"; 
     if (!txtIssue.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Issue_No = N'" + txtIssue.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Issue_No = N'" + txtIssue.Text + "'"; 
     if (!txtNotes.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Notes = N'" + txtNotes.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Notes = N'" + txtNotes.Text + "'"; 
     if (!ddlAssignedTo.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Assigned_To = N'" + ddlAssignedTo.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Assigned_To = N'" + ddlAssignedTo.Text + "'"; 
     if (!txtReplyRef.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Reply_Ref LIKE N'%" + txtReplyRef.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Reply_Ref LIKE N'%" + txtReplyRef.Text + "%'"; 
     if (!ddlPriority.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Priority = N'" + ddlPriority.Text + "'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Priority = N'" + ddlPriority.Text + "'"; 
     if (!ddlStatus.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Status LIKE N'%" + ddlStatus.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Status LIKE N'%" + ddlStatus.Text + "%'"; 
     if (!ddlResponse.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Response LIKE N'%" + ddlResponse.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Response LIKE N'%" + ddlResponse.Text + "%'"; 
     if (!txtPhysicalFileNo.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Physical_File_No LIKE N'%" + txtPhysicalFileNo.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Physical_File_No LIKE N'%" + txtPhysicalFileNo.Text + "%'"; 
     if (!txtPhysicalRackLocation.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " where Physical_Rack_Location LIKE N'%" + txtPhysicalRackLocation.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Physical_Rack_Location LIKE N'%" + txtPhysicalRackLocation.Text + "%'"; 

     using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=MEHDI-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=PIMS;Integrated Security=True")) 
      using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) 

       cmd.Connection = con; 
       cmd.CommandText = sql1 + ";"; 
       //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 
       //dataset object to get all select statement results 
       DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 

       //sql dataadoptor to fill dataset 
       using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd)) 
       if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) 

       return ds; 


이 Gridview2의 검색 기록을 정렬되어 있지만 레코드를 결합 할 때, 그것은 ... 데이터베이스 테이블에서 모든 레코드를 구속력이 : 내가 신청하는 코드는 다음과 같습니다 검색된 레코드를 바인드하여 표시합니다. 내가 어디로 잘못 가고 있는지 이해할 수 없다. 어떤 도움을 많이 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 미리 감사드립니다.


SearchTable() 함수는 어디에 있습니까? 이 함수 코드를 추가 할 수 있습니까? –


@SainPradeep 신속한 답장을 보내 주셔서 감사합니다. 귀하의 검토를 위해 SearchTable()을 추가했습니다. 고맙습니다. –


디버그하여 조건에 맞는 최종 검색어를 확인하십시오. –



이와 같이 searchTable 함수 쿼리를 변경하십시오.

 string sql1 = "SELECT * from dbo.Documents1 where 1=1"; 

     bool flag = false; 

     if (!txtRef.Text.Equals("")) 
      if (flag == false) 
       sql1 = sql1 + " and Ref LIKE N'%" + txtRef.Text + "%'"; 
       flag = true; 

       sql1 = sql1 + " and Ref LIKE N'%" + txtRef.Text + "%'"; 

모든 "if"조건에 "where"를 넣을 필요가 없습니다. "and"키워드가있는 조건을 추가해야합니다.


Sain Pradeep, 코드를 변경했습니다. 그러나 출력의 동작에는 여전히 차이가 없습니다. 나는 여전히 "검색된 레코드"를 정렬 할 수 없습니다. –


e.SortExpression에 포함 된 내용은 무엇입니까? –


"Date_Received"열에서 정렬하려면 e.SortExpression에 "Date_Received"값이 포함되어 있습니다. –

관련 문제