2010-02-01 3 views

이 문제는 나를 미치게합니다.Office 2003 interop 문제, 인터페이스, 메서드를 찾을 수 없음

사실 여러 문제가 있습니다. 먼저 하나

: 지구에

이유는이 _Worksheet와 엑셀 상호 운용성에 Worksheetinterface있다. 메소드의 일부 속성을 제외하면 둘 다 동일하게 보입니다.

혼란스러워! 모든

둘째는 대부분의 파일, 나는이 문제에 부딪 치는거야 작동하지만 내 일 오늘 설정 Option Strict OnOption Explicit On

함으로써, VB.NET 더 엄격한 파일을하고 있습니다. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.excel.pivottable.adddatafield(office.11).aspx

내가 내 로컬을 확인하십시오 PivotTable.AddDataField는 MSDN 페이지에 정의

Private _pivotTable As Excel.PivotTable

pvf = .AddDataField(pvc)
End With

: 여기

는 작은 코드 조각입니다 Interop dll/Refle 그 방법은 거기 있지 않습니다.
응용 프로그램을 실행하고 단계별로 실행하면 메서드가 작동합니다.
메서드에 들어가려고하면 LateBound 예외가 발생합니다.


그래서 질문은 : 인터페이스가 두 번 이상 정의되는 이유는 무엇입니까?
두 번째 질문입니다. AddDataField 문제


내가 당신의 명시 적 옵션 불황에 대한 답변 만 허용 대답 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051464/excel-interop-worksheet-or-worksheet이없는 간다 자세한 내용은 인터페이스 문제 –


게시물을 업데이트하여 _pivotTable 선언을 표시하십시오. –


@nobugz : 변경 사항을 만들었습니다 :) 그것은 단지 개인 필드입니다. 그리고 네, 인스턴스화 된;) – Snake



아마도 msdn에 따라 해당 항목 중 일부는 실제로 VB 내에 있지 않습니다. 나는 이것이 꽤 많은 경우에 해당한다는 것을 알았다. 흥미롭게도 이러한 속성이나 메서드는 VBA에서는 사용할 수 있지만 VB.NET에서는 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 실제로 편집중인 Excel 파일 내에 임시 매크로를 만들었습니다. 다른 방법으로는 얻을 수없는 것들을 조작하는 코드가 포함 된 다음 실행했습니다. VB.NET에서는 실제로 VBA 코드가 문자열로 작성되어 Excel에서 실행되었습니다.

다음은이 프로젝트의 코드입니다. 아마 도움이됩니다 :

'---------------------------------------------------------Nitrate Graph 
     'Build the Nitrate graph 
     Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application 'create an Excel application object 
     Dim objWrkBk As Excel.Workbook 'create a workbook 
     Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet 'create a worksheet 
     Dim Range As Excel.Range 'create a range 
     Dim Chart As Excel.Chart 'create a chart 
     Dim chartObjects As Excel.ChartObjects = Nothing 'create a chartObjects instance 
     Dim existingChartObject As Excel.ChartObject = Nothing 'create a chartObject instance 

     objExcel = New Excel.Application 'start the Excel application 
     objWrkBk = objExcel.Workbooks.Add 'add the workbook to this excel application 
     objSheet = objWrkBk.Sheets.Add 'add the worksheet to the workbook object 
     objSheet = objWrkBk.Sheets(1) 'objSheet is the first sheet in the workbook 
     Chart = objExcel.Charts.Add 'add a chart to the Excel application 
     'objExcel.Visible = True 

     'Create a macro to be run within the excel ' 
     'application to delete a series that is  ' 
     'otherwise undeletable.      ' 

     Dim macro As VBIDE.VBComponent 'create a macro object 
     Dim sCode As String 'create a string to hold the macro programming 

retry: 'A point at which the macro creation is retried if unsuccessful 

     'Add in a macro so that Excel will delete the day as the series. 
      macro = objWrkBk.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBIDE.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule) 'place the macro into the workbook 
     Catch ex As Exception 'if an error occurs, catch it and do the following: 
      'If the user has not enabled access to Visual Basic a Run-time error will occur. 
      'Details on this error can be found here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282830/en-us 
      'Run-time error '6068': Programmatic Access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted 
      Dim Response As Integer 
      'if the error is caught, a message box will display with the following text instructions on how to fix the problem. 
      Response = MessageBox.Show("Access is denied from Microsoft Excel. You need to do the following:" & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
          " 1. Open Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Click the Microsoft Office" & vbCr & _ 
          "   button, and then click Excel Options." & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
          " 2. Click the Trust Center tab, and then click Trust Center Settings." & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
          " 3. Click the Macro Settings tab, click to select the Trust access to " & vbCr & _ 
          "  the VBA project object model check box, and then click OK." & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
          " 4. Click OK. " & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
          "Restart IX Report Gen.", "Security Access Denied", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) 
      If Response = 4 Then 'If the user selected to retry they will be taken to the retry point above 
       GoTo retry 
       End 'If the user cancels the program simply ends. 
      End If 
     End Try 

     'The macro code is put into the sCode string. 
     'Line by line, the code below is described: 

     'Sub Macro2() 
     'ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(""Chart 1"").Activate  'Activate the chart in the sheet 
     'ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Select    'Select the chart's 1st data series 
     'Selection.Delete         'Delete the chart's 1st data series 
     'End Sub           'End the macro 

     sCode = "Sub Macro2()" & vbCr & "ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(""Chart 1"").Activate" _ 
       & vbCr & "ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Select" _ 
       & vbCr & "Selection.Delete" _ 
       & vbCr & "End Sub" 
     'The sCode string is placed into the empty macro 

     'Populate the Nitrate Avegare Array 
     Dim HeadingArray(1, 1) As String 'A HeadingArray is created to place headings into the Excel sheet 
     HeadingArray(0, 0) = "Day" 'Heading 1 is Day 
     HeadingArray(0, 1) = "Nitrate Avg" 'Heading 2 is Nitrate Avg 
     Range = objSheet.Range("A1", "B1") 'Range is assigned to the cells A1 and B1 
     Range.Value = HeadingArray 'The value of the range is set to the value of the HeadingArray. A1=Day and B1=Nitrate Avg 
     'Range is now assigned to the cells from A2 to the B column and 'as many rows as are in the reporting month plus 1 
     'to accomodate the heading row. 
     Dim BNum As Integer = ArrayRows(DailyNitrateAverageArray) 
     Dim NumArray(BNum - 1, 1) As Double 
     'Transfer the string array's values into a double array 
     For i As Integer = 0 To BNum - 1 
      NumArray(i, 0) = DailyNitrateAverageArray(i, 0) 
      NumArray(i, 1) = DailyNitrateAverageArray(i, 1) 

     Range = objSheet.Range("A2", "B" & BNum + 2) 
     Range.Value = NumArray 'The value of Range is now assigned the values of DailyAverageArray 
     Range = objSheet.Range("A1", "B" & BNum + 2) 'Range is reassigned to select the whole edited area from A1 to B# 
     'This is the title later used for the chart. An example of what the title would 
     'say if it were April is, Daily Nitrate Averages for April 
     Dim Title As String = "Daily Nitrate Averages for " & Month & " - Train " & GraphNumber + 1 

     Chart.Location(Excel.XlChartLocation.xlLocationAsObject, objSheet.Name) 'The chart is placed into the worksheet 
     ' Get the ChartObjects collection for the sheet. 
     chartObjects = objSheet.ChartObjects() 'chartObjects is assigned to this sheet 

     ' Get the chart to modify. This is the first item in chartObjects 
     existingChartObject = chartObjects.Item(1) 

     'Custom settings are assigned to the chart using the With keyword 
     With existingChartObject 
      .Chart.ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlLine 'This is a line graph 
      .Chart.SetSourceData(Range, PlotBy:=Excel.XlRowCol.xlColumns) 'we plot by the columns selected--this gives us our headings as names 
      .Chart.HasLegend = True 'give the chart a legend 
      .Chart.HasTitle = True 'tell the chart it has a title 
      .Chart.ChartTitle.Text = Title 'give the chart its title (declared and assigned earlier) 
      .Shadow = True 'Give the chart a shadow effect 
      .Chart.ChartArea.Shadow = True 'Give the chart area a shadow effect 
      .Chart.ChartArea.Format.Shadow.Style = MsoShadowStyle.msoShadowStyleOuterShadow 'assign an outer shadow style 
      .Chart.Legend.Position = Excel.XlLegendPosition.xlLegendPositionTop 'position the legend at the top of the chart 
      .Chart.ChartArea.Format.Glow.Radius = 10 'add a glow with a radius of 10 
      .Chart.ChartArea.Format.Glow.Color.RGB = RGB(90, 90, 90) 'set the color of the glow to a gray color 
      .Chart.ChartArea.Format.Fill.Visible = True 'make the fill on the chart visible 
      'give the chart major gridlines on it's x axis 
      .Chart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary).HasMajorGridlines = True 
     End With 'Finish working with existingChartObject 

     'from the perspective of the sheet, set the Width and Height to 500 X 300 
     objSheet.ChartObjects(1).Width = 500 
     objSheet.ChartObjects(1).Height = 300 

     'Format the Chart's 2nd data series 
     With existingChartObject.Chart.SeriesCollection(2) 
      .Shadow = True 'give it a shadow 
      .Format.Shadow.Style = MsoShadowStyle.msoShadowStyleOuterShadow 'set the shadow to be an outer shadow 
      .Format.Shadow.Transparency = 0.5 'make the shadow 50% transparent 
     End With 'stop working with the existingChartObject.Chart.SeriesCollection(2) 

     objExcel.Run("Macro2") 'Run Macro2 to delete the unecessary series 
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