2013-05-20 1 views

나는 avcapture 세션에서 비디오를 녹화하려고하는데 동시에 타격을 감지하지만 녹화 버튼을 클릭하면 카메라가 정지되는 문제에 직면합니다. 한 가지 중요한 일은 avcapture 세션에서 오디오 입력을 제거한 다음 잘 작동하는 모든 것을 처리해야합니다. 어떤 도움 감지되어야 .. 버튼 기록AVCapture 세션 및 마이크에서 타격을 감지


[recordButton setEnabled:NO]; 
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/dev/null"]; 

NSDictionary *settings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: 
          [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 44100.0],     AVSampleRateKey, 
          [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatAppleLossless], AVFormatIDKey, 
          [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1],       AVNumberOfChannelsKey, 
          [NSNumber numberWithInt: AVAudioQualityMax],   AVEncoderAudioQualityKey, 

NSError *error; 

recorder = [[AVAudioRecorder alloc] initWithURL:url settings:settings error:&error]; 

if (recorder) { 
    [recorder prepareToRecord]; 
    recorder.meteringEnabled = YES; 
    [recorder record]; 
    levelTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.03 target: self selector: @selector(levelTimerCallback:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; 
} else{ 
    NSLog(@"error%@",[error description]); 
     [recordButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"record-h.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; 

     [timerLbl setHidden:false]; 

     [lblHr setHidden:false]; 
     [lblMnt setHidden:false]; 
     [self toggleRecording:nil]; 
     startDate = [NSDate date] ; 

     startDate = [[startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:((-1)*(pauseTimeInterval))] retain]; 
     timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/10.0 target:self selector:@selector(updateTimer) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; 


이고 녹화 개시하기위한 코드 다음과 같다 [자기 toggleRecording을 : 닐] ;

다음과 같이 내가 avcapture 세션을 설정하고

- (IBAction)toggleRecording:(id)sender 
    // Start recording if there isn't a recording running. Stop recording if there is. 
     if ([UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:SOURCETYPE]) { 
     if (![[[self captureManager] recorder] isRecording]) 
     [[self captureManager] startRecording]; 
    [[self captureManager] stopRecording]; 

을 다음과

- (BOOL) setupSession 
    BOOL success = NO; 

// Set torch and flash mode to auto 
if ([[self backFacingCamera] hasFlash]) { 
    if ([[self backFacingCamera] lockForConfiguration:nil]) { 
     if ([[self backFacingCamera] isFlashModeSupported:AVCaptureFlashModeAuto]) { 
      [[self backFacingCamera] setFlashMode:AVCaptureFlashModeAuto]; 
     [[self backFacingCamera] unlockForConfiguration]; 
if ([[self backFacingCamera] hasTorch]) { 
    if ([[self backFacingCamera] lockForConfiguration:nil]) { 
     if ([[self backFacingCamera] isTorchModeSupported:AVCaptureTorchModeAuto]) { 
      [[self backFacingCamera] setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeAuto]; 
     [[self backFacingCamera] unlockForConfiguration]; 

// Init the device inputs 
AVCaptureDeviceInput *newVideoInput = [[AVCaptureDeviceInput alloc] initWithDevice:[self frontFacingCamera] error:nil]; 
AVCaptureDeviceInput *newAudioInput = [[AVCaptureDeviceInput alloc] initWithDevice:[self audioDevice] error:nil]; 

// Setup the still image file output 
AVCaptureStillImageOutput *newStillImageOutput = [[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init]; 
NSDictionary *outputSettings = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: 
           AVVideoCodecJPEG, AVVideoCodecKey, 
[newStillImageOutput setOutputSettings:outputSettings]; 
[outputSettings release]; 

// Create session (use default AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh) 
AVCaptureSession *newCaptureSession = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]; 

// Add inputs and output to the capture session 
if ([newCaptureSession canAddInput:newVideoInput]) { 
    [newCaptureSession addInput:newVideoInput]; 
if ([newCaptureSession canAddInput:newAudioInput]) { 
    [newCaptureSession addInput:newAudioInput]; 
if ([newCaptureSession canAddOutput:newStillImageOutput]) { 
    [newCaptureSession addOutput:newStillImageOutput]; 

[self setStillImageOutput:newStillImageOutput]; 
[self setVideoInput:newVideoInput]; 
[self setAudioInput:newAudioInput]; 
[self setSession:newCaptureSession]; 

[newStillImageOutput release]; 
[newVideoInput release]; 
[newAudioInput release]; 
[newCaptureSession release]; 

// Set up the movie file output 
NSURL *outputFileURL = [self tempFileURL]; 
AVCamRecorder *newRecorder = [[AVCamRecorder alloc] initWithSession:[self session] outputFileURL:outputFileURL]; 
[newRecorder setDelegate:self]; 

// Send an error to the delegate if video recording is unavailable 
if (![newRecorder recordsVideo] && [newRecorder recordsAudio]) { 
    NSString *localizedDescription = NSLocalizedString(@"Video recording unavailable", @"Video recording unavailable description"); 
    NSString *localizedFailureReason = NSLocalizedString(@"Movies recorded on this device will only contain audio. They will be accessible through iTunes file sharing.", @"Video recording unavailable failure reason"); 
    NSDictionary *errorDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: 
           localizedDescription, NSLocalizedDescriptionKey, 
           localizedFailureReason, NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey, 
    NSError *noVideoError = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"AVCam" code:0 userInfo:errorDict]; 
    if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(captureManager:didFailWithError:)]) { 
     [[self delegate] captureManager:self didFailWithError:noVideoError]; 

[self setRecorder:newRecorder]; 
    [newRecorder release]; 

    success = YES; 

    return success; 


관련 문제