2016-09-19 3 views

shinobi charts을 사용하면 에는 아래 그래프 이미지와 같이 결합하거나 조정할 수있는 기존 시리즈가 있습니까? 차트에서 독립적 기본적으로바는 shinobi 차트와 별개입니다

그 바, 그들은 시작하지 마십시오 각 막대는 바닥과 최고의 레이블이있는 0

(선택 사항).

미리 감사드립니다.

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는 분산 시리즈와 선 시리즈

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보기 컨트롤러의 .h 파일이 필요 빗질하여 문제를 해결

@interface ScatterHRModifiedLineViewController : UIViewController<SChartDelegate> 

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *chartView; 


보기 제어기하는 .m 파일

#import "ScatterHRModifiedLineViewController.h" 
#import "ScatterHRModifiedLineGraphDataSource.h" 

@interface ScatterHRModifiedLineViewController() 

@property (strong, nonatomic) ScatterHRModifiedLineGraphDataSource *datasource; 
@property (strong, nonatomic) ShinobiChart *chart; 
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGRect chartFrame; 


@implementation ScatterHRModifiedLineViewController 

@synthesize chartView; 

//MARK: - Lifecycle 
- (void)viewDidLoad { 
    [super viewDidLoad]; 
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view. 

    //chart init 
    CGFloat margin = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone ? 10.0 : 30.0; 
    self.chart = [[ShinobiChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectInset(self.chartView.bounds, margin, margin)]; 

    [self.chartView addSubview:self.chart]; 
    self.chart.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight; 

    //data source setup 
    self.datasource = [[ScatterHRModifiedLineGraphDataSource alloc]init]; 
    self.chart .datasource = self.datasource; 

    [self setupChart]; 
    [self setupTheme]; 
    [self setupHorizontalLegend]; 

    [super viewDidDisappear:animated]; 

    self.chart= nil; 
    self.datasource = nil; 

#pragma mark - Setup 
    self.chart.title = @"Heart Rates chart"; 

    self.chart.delegate = self; 

    self.chart.crosshair = [[SChartSeriesCrosshair alloc]init]; 

    self.chart.legend.hidden = YES; 

    //License Key 
    self.chart.licenseKey = [[Constants shared] getLicenseKey]; 

    /* X Axis */ 
    self.chart.xAxis = [SChartDateTimeAxis new]; 
    self.chart.xAxis.title = @"Date"; 
    self.chart.xAxis.labelFormatString = @"MM dd yy"; 
    self.chart.xAxis.defaultRange = [self.datasource getInitialDateRange]; 
    self.chart.xAxis.style.majorGridLineStyle.showMajorGridLines = YES; 
    self.chart.xAxis.style.majorTickStyle.showLabels = NO; 
    self.chart.xAxis.style.majorTickStyle.showTicks = YES; 
    self.chart.xAxis.style.minorTickStyle.showTicks = YES; 
    self.chart.xAxis.majorTickFrequency = [[SChartDateFrequency alloc]initWithDay:2]; 

    //axis movement 
    self.chart.xAxis.enableGesturePanning = YES; 
    self.chart.xAxis.enableGestureZooming = YES; 
    self.chart.xAxis.enableMomentumPanning = YES; 
    self.chart.xAxis.enableMomentumZooming = YES; 

    /* Y Axis */ 
    self.chart.yAxis = [SChartNumberAxis new]; 
    self.chart.yAxis.defaultRange = [[SChartRange alloc]initWithMinimum:@60 andMaximum:@120];; 
    self.chart.yAxis.title = @"Heart Rates"; 
    self.chart.yAxis.majorTickFrequency = @1; 
    self.chart.yAxis.style.majorGridLineStyle.showMajorGridLines = YES; 
    self.chart.yAxis.style.majorTickStyle.showLabels = NO; 
    self.chart.yAxis.style.majorTickStyle.showTicks = YES; 
    self.chart.yAxis.style.minorTickStyle.showTicks = YES; 

    //axis movement 
    self.chart.yAxis.enableGesturePanning = NO; 
    self.chart.yAxis.enableGestureZooming = NO; 
    self.chart.yAxis.enableMomentumPanning = NO; 
    self.chart.yAxis.enableMomentumZooming = NO; 


    SChartTheme * theme = [SChartiOS7Theme new]; 

    UIColor *darkGrayColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:83.0/255 green:96.0/255 blue:107.0/255 alpha:1]; 
    theme.chartTitleStyle.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18]; 
    theme.chartTitleStyle.textColor = darkGrayColor; 
    theme.chartTitleStyle.titleCentresOn = SChartTitleCentresOnChart; 
    theme.chartStyle.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; 
    theme.legendStyle.borderWidth = 0; 
    theme.legendStyle.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:16]; 
    theme.legendStyle.titleFontColor = darkGrayColor; 
    theme.legendStyle.fontColor = darkGrayColor; 
    theme.crosshairStyle.defaultFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14]; 
    theme.crosshairStyle.defaultTextColor = darkGrayColor; 

    [self styleAxisStyle:theme.xAxisStyle useLightLabelFont:YES]; 
    [self styleAxisStyle:theme.yAxisStyle useLightLabelFont:YES]; 
    [self styleAxisStyle:theme.xAxisRadialStyle useLightLabelFont:NO]; 
    [self styleAxisStyle:theme.yAxisRadialStyle useLightLabelFont:NO]; 

    [self.chart applyTheme:theme]; 

#pragma mark - Setup Helpers 
- (void)styleAxisStyle:(SChartAxisStyle *)style useLightLabelFont:(BOOL)useLightLabelFont 
    UIColor *darkGrayColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:83.0/255 green:96.0/255 blue:107.0/255 alpha:1]; 

    style.titleStyle.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:16]; 
    style.titleStyle.textColor = darkGrayColor; 
    if (useLightLabelFont) { 
     style.majorTickStyle.labelFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14]; 
    } else { 
     style.majorTickStyle.labelFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14]; 
    style.majorTickStyle.labelColor = style.titleStyle.textColor; 
    style.majorTickStyle.lineColor = style.titleStyle.textColor; 
    style.lineColor = style.titleStyle.textColor; 

- (void)setupHorizontalLegend 
    self.chart.legend.hidden = NO; 

    self.chart.legend.style.orientation = SChartLegendOrientationHorizontal; 
    self.chart.legend.style.horizontalPadding = @10; 
    self.chart.legend.position = SChartLegendPositionBottomMiddle; 
    self.chart.legend.style.symbolAlignment = SChartSeriesLegendAlignSymbolsLeft; 
    self.chart.legend.style.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft; 

데이터 소스 .H 파일

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 
#import <ShinobiCharts/ShinobiCharts.h> 

@interface ScatterHRModifiedLineGraphDataSource : NSObject<SChartDatasource> 

-(SChartDateRange *)getInitialDateRange; 

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *dataCollection; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *afterData; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *beforeData; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *seriesNames; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter; 


데이터 소스하는 .m 파일

#import "ScatterHRModifiedLineGraphDataSource.h" 

@implementation ScatterHRModifiedLineGraphDataSource 

-(id)init { 
    if(self = [super init]) 
     self.seriesNames = @[@"before", @"after"]; 

     //date formatter 
     self.dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; 
     [self.dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"MM-dd-yyyy"]; 

     NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"scatter-HRModified-data" ofType:@"plist"]; 
     if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:path]) { 
      NSArray * tempData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path]; 

      if ([tempData count] == 2) 
       self.dataCollection = tempData; 
       self.beforeData = [self.dataCollection objectAtIndex:0]; 
       self.afterData = [self.dataCollection objectAtIndex:1]; 

       NSLog(@"Data: %@", self.dataCollection); 

    return self; 

#pragma mark - Graph Helpers 

//assuming all data points have the same dates 
-(NSDate *)getDateFromIndex:(NSInteger)index 
    NSDate * date = [NSDate date]; 
    if (index < [self.afterData count]) 
     NSDictionary * dateData = [self.afterData objectAtIndex:index]; 
     NSString * dateString = [dateData objectForKey:@"Date"]; 
     date = [self.dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString]; 

    return date; 

    NSDictionary * currData = self.beforeData[dataIndex]; 

    id yValue = currData[@"Value"]; 

    return yValue; 

    NSDictionary * currData = self.afterData[dataIndex]; 

    id yValue = currData[@"Value"]; 

    return yValue; 

#pragma mark - Multi part methods 
-(SChartDateRange *)getInitialDateRange 
    NSInteger lastIndex = [self.afterData count]; 
    lastIndex = lastIndex-1; 

    NSDate * minDate = [self getDateFromIndex:0]; 
    NSDate * maxDate = [self getDateFromIndex:lastIndex]; 
    SChartDateRange * range = [[SChartDateRange alloc]initWithDateMinimum:minDate andDateMaximum:maxDate]; 

    return range; 

#pragma mark - Datasource methods 
-(NSInteger)numberOfSeriesInSChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart 
    NSInteger total = 0; 

    //making sure data is avaliable 
    if ([self.afterData count] > 0) { 
     total = 2 + [self.afterData count]; 

    return total; 

-(SChartSeries *)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart seriesAtIndex:(NSInteger)index 
    UIColor * shinobiBlueColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1/255.f *.8 green:122/255.f *.8 blue:255/255.f *.8 alpha:1.f]; 
    UIColor * shinobiGreenColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:76/255.f *.8 green:217/255.f *.8 blue:100/255.f *.8 alpha:1.f]; 
    UIColor * lightGrayColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:238/255.f green:238/255.f blue:238/255.f alpha:1.0f]; 

    SChartSeries * series = nil; 

    if (index < 2) 
     NSString * seriesTitle; 
     UIColor * seriesColor; 

     if (index == 0) 
      seriesTitle = @"Before"; 
      seriesColor = shinobiBlueColor; 
     else { 
      seriesTitle = @"After"; 
      seriesColor = shinobiGreenColor; 

     SChartScatterSeries * beforeAndAfterSeries = [SChartScatterSeries new]; 

     beforeAndAfterSeries.title = seriesTitle; 

     beforeAndAfterSeries.style.pointStyle.showPoints = YES; 
     beforeAndAfterSeries.style.pointStyle.radius = @10; 
     beforeAndAfterSeries.style.pointStyle.innerColor = seriesColor; 

     beforeAndAfterSeries.style.dataPointLabelStyle.showLabels = YES; 
     beforeAndAfterSeries.style.dataPointLabelStyle.offsetFromDataPoint = CGPointMake(0, -15); 
     beforeAndAfterSeries.style.dataPointLabelStyle.displayValues = SChartDataPointLabelDisplayValuesY; 

     series = beforeAndAfterSeries; 
     SChartLineSeries * lineSeries = [SChartLineSeries new]; 

     SChartLineSeriesStyle * seriesStyle = [[SChartLineSeriesStyle alloc]init]; 
     seriesStyle.lineWidth = @3; 
     seriesStyle.lineColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor]; 

     [lineSeries set_style:seriesStyle]; 

     lineSeries.showInLegend = false; 

     series = lineSeries; 

    series.crosshairEnabled = true; 

    return series; 

-(id<SChartData>)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart 
    SChartDataPoint *dp = [SChartDataPoint new]; 

    NSDate * date = [self getDateFromIndex:dataIndex]; 

    //heart rate values 

    id beforeHeartRateValue = 0; 
    id afterHeartRateValue = 0; 
    id heartRateValue = 0; 

    //scatter points 
    if(seriesIndex < 2) 

     if (seriesIndex == 0) 
      heartRateValue = [self getBeforeHeartRateValueForIndex:dataIndex];; 
     else if (seriesIndex == 1) 
      heartRateValue = [self getAfterHeartRateValueForIndex:dataIndex]; 
    //lines connecting data points 
     //series index == array index 
     //data index == before or after array 

     NSInteger currSeriesIndex = seriesIndex-2; 
     date = [self getDateFromIndex:currSeriesIndex]; 

     if (dataIndex == 0) 
      heartRateValue = [self getBeforeHeartRateValueForIndex:currSeriesIndex]; 
     else if (dataIndex == 1) 
      heartRateValue = [self getAfterHeartRateValueForIndex:currSeriesIndex]; 

    dp.xValue = date; 
    dp.yValue = heartRateValue; 

    return dp; 

-(NSInteger)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart 
    //assuming all series have the same amount of data 
    if (seriesIndex < 2) 
     return [self.afterData count]; 
    //line series only need to high/low 
     return 2; 



P 목록 데이터

<plist version="1.0"> 

DISCIAMER : 나는 ShinobiControls에서 일합니다.

SChartCandlestickSeries로 구현하는 것이 좋습니다.

촛대 시리즈는 높이, 열린, 낮음 &의 네 가지 값을 취합니다.

높은 값 & 열기 값이 낮은 값과 닫힌 값과 동일하게 설정 한 경우. 이렇게하면 플로팅 바 시리즈가 생성됩니다.