2013-08-29 2 views

나는 이와 같은 결과를 얻고 있으며 결과를 아래에서 얻고 있습니다. 하지만 난은이 같은 넣어 마지막피벗 또는 피벗을 사용하여이 결과를 얻는 방법

SELECT DISTINCT      LEFT(DATENAME(m, CONVERT(DATE, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), fcp.DateKey))), 3) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), year(convert(DATE, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), fcp.DateKey)))) DatePeriod 
     ,OM.HedisOCMKey AS OutComeMeasureKey 
      SELECT NumeratorSegmentCnt 
      FROM Fact.HedisOCMSegments omse 
      WHERE omse.SegmentLabel = 'Good' 
       AND omse.HedisOCMKey = OM.HedisOCMKey 
      ) AS Good 
     ,0 AS Fair 
     ,0 AS Poor 
     ,0 AS 'NotCategorised' 
       FROM fact.HEDISReport fcp WITH (NOLOCK) 
     ON OM.HEDISReportKey = fcp.HEDISReportKey 
    INNER JOIN dim.ConditionMetric dc WITH (NOLOCK) 
     ON dc.ConditionMetricID = OM.MetricID 
    WHERE fcp.DateKey <= @i_ReportingPeriod 

내 외부에 표시하는 데 필요한 :

ConditionPrevalenceKey PopulationConditionCnt PrevalencePercent DatePeriod OutComeMeasureKey Good Fair Poor NotCategorised NotTested GoodPercentage FairPercentage PoorPercentage NotCategorisedPercentage NotTestedPercentage GoodRange FairRange PoorRange NotCategorisedRange NotTestedRange DerivedGoodValue DerivedFairValue DerivedPoorValue DerivedNotCategorised DerivedNotTested ConditionMetricName 

18018 252 0.53 Dec-12 34957 35 0 0 0 217 13.89 0 0 0 86.11 Good Fair Poor NC NoData >= 1 0 0 NotCategorized NotTested Chlamydia Screen 

그럼 난 내 결과이 같은 설정 얻을 수있는 방법 :

year Legend percent count Derived value field 

Dec-12 Good 13.89 35 >= 1 

Dec-12 Fair 0 0 0 

Dec-12 Poor 0 0 0 

Dec-12 NC 0 0 0 

나를 제안하시오 ???



나는 UNPIVOT을 사용할 것입니다. 여기에 stackoverflow에 UNPIVOT 많은 스레드가 있습니다. 다음은 하나의 example입니다. 매우 비슷합니다 another입니다.

SELECT [DatePeriod] , 
     [OutComeMeasureKey] , 
     [Legend] , 
       LEFT(DATENAME(m, CONVERT(DATE, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), fcp.DateKey))), 3) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), YEAR(CONVERT(DATE, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), fcp.DateKey)))) DatePeriod , 
       OM.HedisOCMKey AS OutComeMeasureKey , 
       (SELECT NumeratorSegmentCnt 
       FROM Fact.HedisOCMSegments omse 
       WHERE omse.SegmentLabel = 'Good' AND omse.HedisOCMKey = OM.HedisOCMKey 
       ) AS Good , 
       0 AS Fair , 
       0 AS Poor , 
       0 AS 'NotCategorised' 
     FROM fact.HEDISReport fcp WITH (NOLOCK) 
       INNER JOIN fact.HedisOCM OM WITH (NOLOCK) ON OM.HEDISReportKey = fcp.HEDISReportKey 
       INNER JOIN dim.ConditionMetric dc WITH (NOLOCK) ON dc.ConditionMetricID = OM.MetricID 
     WHERE fcp.DateKey <= @i_ReportingPeriod 
     ) AS sourcetable UNPIVOT ([Percent] FOR Legend IN (Good, Fair, Poor, [NotCategorised])) AS unpvt 
: 여기

는 특정 문제 사용 UNPIVOT를 해결하는 일반적인 시작이다
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