2011-03-27 3 views

안녕하세요, 저는이 미리 작성된 jQuery 스크립트와 인스턴트 메신저를 통해 누군가 나를 큰 도움을 줄 수 있는지 확인하고 스크립트가 어디에 있는지 보여 주어 스크립트를 통해 레이어를 제거 할 수 있는지 궁금해합니다. 클릭하면 .. 사람을 리디렉션 그것이 것을 감사합니다 :)게시물 - jQuery를 덮고있는 리디렉션 레이어를 제거하려면 어떻게합니까?

소스 코드를 게시 :

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
     //when the DOM is ready 
      //settings on top 
      var doindex = 'comments.php?item_id='; 
      var initialPosts = <?php echo get_posts(0,$_SESSION['posts_start']); ?>; 
      //function that creates posts 
      var postHandler = function(postsJSON) { 
       $.each(postsJSON,function(i,post) { 

        //post url 
        var postURL = '' + doindex + post.item_id; 
        var id = 'post-' + post.ID; 
        //create the HTML 
        //generate the HTML 
.html('<table width="244" height="101" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" ><tr> <td height="24" colspan="2" bgcolor="#0270B7"><table width="410" border="0"><tr> <td width="404" height="20" class="username"><a href="../profile.php?user=' + post.username + '" class="username">&nbsp;' + post.username + '<span class="name">&nbsp;&nbsp;' + post.name + '</span></a></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr> <td width="51" bgcolor="#Edeff4"><span class="thum"><img src="' + post.thumnailpath + '" alt="" width="50" height="50" /></span></td><td width="355" height="50" bgcolor="#Edeff4" class="content">&nbsp;' + post.item_content + '</td></tr><tr><td height="19" colspan="2" bgcolor="#Edeff4" class="content"><table width="404" border="0"> <tr class="post-title"><td width="171" height="28" class="links"> <a href="comment.php?id=' + post.item_id + '" class="post-title">&nbsp;<span class="post-title">comment </span></a><a href="#" class="post-title">(' + post.likecount + '</a><a href="comment.php?id=' + post.item_id + '" class="post-title"><span class="post-title">)</span></a> <span class="post-title"><a href="#" class="post-title">likes (' + post.likecount + ')</a></span></td><td width="223" >' + post.timeago + '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>') 

        .click(function() { 
         window.location = postURL; 
        //inject into the container 
        .slideDown(250,function() { 
         if(i == 0) { 
          $.scrollTo($('div#' + id)); 
      //place the initial posts in the page 
      //first, take care of the "load more" 
      //when someone clicks on the "load more" DIV 
      var start = <?php echo $_SESSION['posts_start']; ?>; 
      var desiredPosts = <?php echo $number_of_posts; ?>; 
      var loadMore = $('#load-more'); 
      //load event/ajax 
       //add the activate class and change the message 
       //begin the ajax attempt 
        url: 'jquery-version.php', 
        data: { 
         'start': start, 
         'desiredPosts': desiredPosts 
        type: 'get', 
        dataType: 'json', 
        cache: false, 
        success: function(responseJSON) { 
         //reset the message 
         loadMore.text('Load More'); 
         //increment the current status 
         start += desiredPosts; 
         //add in the new posts 
        //failure class 
        error: function() { 
         //reset the message 
         loadMore.text('Oops! Try Again.'); 
        //complete event 
        complete: function() { 
         //remove the spinner 



이 밖으로 데리고보십시오 :

.click(function() { 
    window.location = postURL; 
관련 문제