2016-09-05 4 views



이 하나

보내는 초대

     title: "The title", // mandatory, see the screenshots for its purpose 
     message: "The message", // mandatory, see the screenshots for its purpose 
     deepLink: "myapp://deeplink", 
     callToActionText: "My CTA", 
     description: "My description", 
     customImage: "https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png", 
     //emailSubject: "My Email subject", 
     //emailHtmlContent: "Some <strong>HTML</strong> content", 
     androidClientID: "123abc", 
     // You can find your iOS app's client ID in the GoogleService-Info.plist file you downloaded from the Firebase console 
     iosClientID: "abc123" 
    function (result) { 
    console.log("Sent " + result.count + " invites"); 
    console.log("Invitation ID's: " + JSON.stringify(result.invitationIds)); 
    function (msg) { 
    alert("Error: " + msg); 

및 수신 문서에 따라 발생할 수있는 문제를 해결 https://plugins.telerik.com/cordova/plugin/firebase-invites

    function (result) { 
    console.log("invitation ID: " + result.invitationId); 
    console.log("deeplink: " + result.deepLink); 
    console.log("matchType: " + result.matchType); // iOS only, either "Weak" or "Strong" as described at https://firebase.google.com/docs/invites/ios 
    function (msg) { 
    alert("Error: " + msg); 
관련 문제