2013-05-21 5 views

node.js에서 이렇게 mongodb 세션을 만들 것입니다.mongodb와 함께 세션을 만드는 법



app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); 
app.set('view engine', 'jade'); 
    secret: 'MY SECRET', 
    store: new MongoStore({ 
     db: 'MY SESSION DB', 
     host: 'localhost', 


}); php..i는 PHP에서 MongoDB를 함께 세션을 생성 할에 대한 php.i에서 MongoDB를 함께 세션을 생성하는 방법을

신규 오전 (웹 서버 : 아파치), 그래서 나를 만드는 방법을 알려



당신은 사용해야합니다 이를 수행하기위한 세션 핸들러.

class Session{ 

    public $db; 

    * This decides the lifetime (in seconds) of the session 
    * @access private 
    * @var int 
    public $life_time='+2 weeks'; 

    * This stores the found session collection so that we don't 
    * waste resources by constantly going back for it 
    * @access private 
    * @var sessions 
    private $_session = array(); 

    * Constructor 
    function open() { 

     // Ensure index on Session ID 
     $this->db->sessions->ensureIndex(array('session_id' => 1), array("unique" => true)); 

     // Register this object as the session handler 
      array($this, "openSession"), 
      array($this, "closeSession"), 
      array($this, "readSession"), 
      array($this, "writeSession"), 
      array($this, "destroySession"), 
      array($this, "gcSession") 
     session_start(); // Start the damn session 

    * Open session 
    * This function opens a session from a save path. 
    * The save path can be changed the method of opening also can 
    * but we do not change that we just do the basics and return 
    * @param string $save_path 
    * @param string $session_name 
    function openSession($save_path, $session_name) { 

     global $sess_save_path; 

     $sess_save_path = $save_path; 

     // Don't need to do anything. Just return TRUE. 
     return true; 


    * This function closes the session (end of session) 
    function closeSession() { 

     // Return true to indicate session closed 
     return true; 


    * This is the read function that is called when we open a session. 
    * This function attempts to find a session from the Db. If it cannot then 
    * the session class variable will remain null. 
    * @param string $id 
    function readSession($id) { 

     // Set empty result 
     $data = ''; 

     // Fetch session data from the selected database 
     $time = time(); 

     $this->_sessions = $this->db->sessions->findOne(array("session_id"=>$id)); 

     if (!empty($this->_sessions)) { 
      $data = $this->_sessions['session_data']; 

     return $data; 


    * This is the write function. It is called when the session closes and 
    * writes all new data to the Db. It will do two actions depending on whether or not 
    * a session already exists. If the session does exist it will just update the session 
    * otherwise it will insert a new session. 
    * @param string $id 
    * @param mixed $data 
    * @todo Need to make this function aware of other users since php sessions are not always unique maybe delete all old sessions. 
    function writeSession($id, $data) { 

     //Write details to session table 
     $time = strtotime('+2 weeks'); 

     // If the user is logged in record their uid 
     $uid = $_SESSION['logged'] ? $_SESSION['uid'] : 0; 

     $fields = array(

     $fg = $this->db->sessions->update(array("session_id"=>$id), array('$set'=>$fields), array("upsert"=>true)); 

     // DONE 
     return true; 

    * This function is called when a user calls session_destroy(). It 
    * kills the session and removes it. 
    * @param string $id 
    function destroySession($id) { 

     // Remove from Db 
     $this->db->sessions->remove(array("session_id" => $id), true); 

     return true; 

    * This function GCs (Garbage Collection) all old and out of date sessions 
    * which still exist in the Db. It will remove by comparing the current to the time of 
    * expiring on the session record. 
    * @todo Make a cronjob to delete all sessions after about a day old and are still inactive 
    function gcSession() { 
     $this->db->sessions->remove(array('expires' => array('$lt' => strtotime($this->life_time)))); 
     return true; 

과 같이 호출 할 수 있습니다 일반적으로 우리는 여기에 내가 가진 작은, 매우 간단, 자기 포함 된 버전입니다, 어떤 종류하지만,이 시간의 연구 부족 문제의 이러한 종류의 답변을하지 않습니다

$session = new Session; 

이 작업을 수행하는 방법에 대한 매우 기본적인 예입니다.

그 후 당신은과 같이 일반 세션처럼 사용할 수 있습니다

$_SESSION['user_id'] = $id; 
관련 문제