2014-02-07 1 views

자바 스크립트 코드가 스톱워치 타이머로 작동합니다. 이제 상황은 다음과 같습니다. 시작 단추를 클릭 한 다음 타이머 시작 및 단추 중지 단추로 전환, 중지를 누른 경우에는 타이머 정지 및 시간이 마지막 상태로 설정됩니다. 버튼을 클릭하면 타이머가 멈추고 00 : 00 : 00으로 재설정됩니다.
여분의 재설정 버튼이 필요하지 않습니다. 모든자바 스크립트 타이머를 00 : 00 : 00으로 재설정해야합니다.

enter code here 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
     function PadDigits(n, totalDigits) 
      n = n.toString(); 
      var pd = ''; 
      if (totalDigits > n.length) 
       for (i=0; i < (totalDigits-n.length); i++) 

        pd += '0'; 
      return pd + n.toString(); 

     var lastEndTime = null; 
     var starttime = null; 
     var endtime = null; 

     function startTimer() 
      date = new Date(); 
      starttime = date; 
      if(lastEndTime == null) 
      $('#action').html('<img src=".png"><br>Stop Timer'); 

     function stopTimer() 
      $('#action').html('<img src="play.png"><br>Start Timer'); 
      date = new Date(); 
      endtime = date; 
      lastEndTime = endtime; 
      endtime = null; 
      starttime = null; 

     function addRowToTable(starttime,endtime,lastEndTime) 

      formattedStart = PadDigits(starttime.getHours(),2)+':'+PadDigits(starttime.getMinutes(),2)+":"+PadDigits(starttime.getSeconds(),2); 
      formattedEnd = PadDigits(endtime.getHours(),2)+':'+PadDigits(endtime.getMinutes(),2)+":"+PadDigits(endtime.getSeconds(),2); 

      seconds = parseInt((endtime.getTime() - starttime.getTime())/1000); 

      lengthMinutes = parseInt(seconds/60); 
      lengthSeconds = parseInt(seconds%60); 
      lengthFormatted = PadDigits(lengthMinutes,2)+":"+PadDigits(lengthSeconds,2); 


     function toggleTimer() 
      if (starttime == null) 



    <script type="text/javascript"> <!--javascript declaration--> 

var sec = 0; //declare global variable called sec and assign 0 
var mins = 0; //declare global variable called mins and assign 0 
var hour = 0; //declare global variable called hour and assign 0 
function changestat(){ //declare a function called changestat() 
var a=document.getElementById('butn').value; //take the value by id called 'butn' and store that in a variable called 'a' 
if(a=='Start'){ //declare if block if a is equal to 'Start' 
document.getElementById('butn').value='Pause'; //change the value of 'butn' from 'Start' to 'Pause' 
} //end of if block 
else if(a=='Pause'){ //declare else if block if a is equal to 'Pause' 
document.getElementById('butn').value='Start'; //change the value of 'butn' from 'Pause' to 'Start' 
} //end of else if block 
stopwatch(); //call the function called stopwatch() 
} //end of changestat() function 
function stopwatch(){ //declare a function called stopwatch() 
var x=document.getElementById('butn').value; //take the value by id called 'butn' and store that in a variable called 'x' 
if (x=='Pause'){ //declare if block if x is equal to 'Pause' 
    sec++; //keep adding '1' to the value of sec variable 
    if (sec == 60) { //declare if block if sec is equal to '60' 
    sec = 0; //set the value of sec to '0' 
    mins = mins + 1; //add '1' to current value of mins 
} //end of if block 
    else { //start of else block 
    mins = mins; //the value of mins remains same 
} //end of else block 
    if (mins == 60) { //declare if block if mins is equal to '60' 
    mins = 0; //set the value of mins to '0' 
    hour += 1; //add '1' to current value of hours 
} //end of if block 
if (sec<=9) { //declare if block if sec is less than or equal to '9' 
sec = "0" + sec; //here we add 0 in front of the number eg: 01 
} //end of if block 
var stwa=document.getElementById('stwa'); //take the element by id called 'stwa' and store that in a variable called 'stwa' 

stwa.value= ((hour<=9) ? "0"+hour : hour) + " : " + ((mins<=9) ? "0" + mins : mins) + " : " + sec; //set the value in stwa text field eg:00:02:01 

SD=window.setTimeout("stopwatch();", 1000); //this line will refresh the value of stwa textfield every second 
} //end of if block 
} //end of stopwatch() function 
function reset(){ //declare a function called reset() 
var stwa=document.getElementById('stwa'); //take the element by id called 'stwa' and store that in a variable called 'stwa' 
sec = 0; //set the value of sec to '0' 
mins = 0; //set the value of mins to '0' 
hour = 0; //set the value of hour to '0' 
stwa.value='00 : 00 : 00'; //display 00:00:00 in text field 
changestat(); //call the function called changestat() 
} //end of reset() function 

</script> <!--end of the javascript --> 



<input type="text" value="00 : 00 : 00" id="stwa"/> <!--create a inputfield which has stwa as id ans 00:00:00 as value --> 


    <button onClick="changestat()" id="action"><img src="play.png"><br>Start Timer</button> 
    <!---<input type="button" value="Reset" id="reset" onClick="reset()"/> <!--create a button which has reset as id and Reset as value and tell that to execute reset() function when it is clicked--> 

     <input type="hidden" value="Start" id="butn" onClick="changestat()"/> <!--create a button which has butn as id and Start as value and tell that to execute changestat() function when it is clicked--> 




덕분에 당신은 거의있다. 기존 reset() 메소드로 수행해야 할 변경 사항은 거의 없습니다.

reset() 메서드를 호출하기 만하면됩니다. 재설정 방법 내에서 changestat() 메서드를 호출하는 것을 제거했습니다.

function reset(){ 
    var stwa=document.getElementById('stwa'); 
    sec = 0; 
    mins = 0; 
    hour = 0; 
    stwa.value='00 : 00 : 00'; 
    // remove this method call 
    // changestat(); 

통화 changestat (내부 리셋() 법) 등이 : 그것은 작동

function changestat(){ 
    var a=document.getElementById('butn').value; 
    else if(a=='Pause'){ 

. 고맙습니다. – user3176335


답변을 수락했습니다. –

관련 문제