2013-10-15 2 views



conf/nutch-site.xml에서 요청 간의 스레드 수와 대기 시간을 설정할 수 있습니다.

이러한 속성을 overrinding 시도하고 당신이 편안하게 값을 설정합니다

    <description>The number of FetcherThreads the fetcher should use. 
    This is also determines the maximum number of requests that are 
    made at once (each FetcherThread handles one connection). The total 
    number of threads running in distributed mode will be the number of 
    fetcher threads * number of nodes as fetcher has one map task per node. 

    <description>This number is the maximum number of threads that 
    should be allowed to access a queue at one time. 
관련 문제