2011-02-17 2 views

메신저 내 샐비어 지불 통합을 테스트하려고했지만 아무 소용이 없습니다. 여기 세이 지 지불 테스트 오류

내 코드입니다 :

private function init_sagepay(){ 
    $settings = global_data::get_settings(); 
    $strConnectTo = "TEST"; 
    $strVirtualDir = "VSPForm-Kit"; 
    $strYourSiteFQDN = global_data::get_web_root(); 
    $strVSPVendorName = $settings->sagepay_vendor; 
    $strEncryptionPassword = "z5phUfjdEB5ZX2ZY"; 
    $strCurrency = static::$currency; 
    $strVendorEMail = $settings->sagepay_email; 
    $strTransactionType = "PAYMENT"; 

    $strProtocol = "2.23"; 
    if ($strConnectTo == "LIVE") 
     $strPurchaseURL = "https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/vspform-register.vsp"; 
    elseif ($strConnectTo == "TEST") 
     $strPurchaseURL = "https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/vspform-register.vsp"; 
    elseif($strConnectTo == 'TTEST') 
     $strPurchaseURL = 'https://test.sagepay.com/Simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorRegisterTx'; 
     $strPurchaseURL = "https://test.sagepay.com/Simulator/VSPDirectGateway.asp"; 

    $details = self::get_member_details(); 
    $thisOrderDeteails = 'order details...'; 
    $ThisVendorTxCode = 'fdsdgfd'; 
    $ThisAmount = $total; 
    $ThisCurrency = static::$currency; 
    $ThisDescription = "description..."; 
    $ThisCustomerEmail = $details->email; 
    $ThisCustomerName = $details->first_name . " " . $details->last_name; 
    $ThisVendorEmail = $strVendorEMail; 
    $ThisApplyAVSCV2 = 1; 
    $ThisApply3DSecure = 1; 
    $ThisDeliveryAddress = $address_line_1 . ", " . $address_line_2 . ", " . $address_line_3 . ", " . $address_line_4 . ", " . $country; 
    $ThisDeliveryPostCode = $postcode; 
    $address_full = $ThisDeliveryAddress . ' ' . $ThisDeliveryPostCode; 

    $ThisBillingAddress = $details->address_line_1 . ", " . $details->address_line_2 . ", " . $details->address_line_3 . ", " . $details->address_line_4 . ", " . $details->country; 
    $ThisBillingPostCode = $details->postcode; 

    $ThisContactNumber = $details->home_number; 
    $ThisContactFax = $details->fax_number; 
    $ThisAllowGiftAid = ''; 

    $ThisShoppingBasket = 'Basket=' . count($items) . ':'; 
    foreach($items as $item) { 
     preg_match("#^\[([^\]]+)\]\[([^\]]+)\]\[([^\]]+)\]$#is", $item, $match); 
     $ThisShoppingBasket .= $match[2] . ':' . $match[1] . ':' . static::$cp . ($match[3]/$match[1]) . static::$cp . ':0.00:' . static::$cp . $match[3] . ':'; 
    $ThisShoppingBasket .= 'Delivery:1:£4.99'; 

    $stuff = "VendorTxCode=" . $ThisVendorTxCode . "&"; 
    $stuff .= "Amount=" . $ThisAmount . "&"; 
    $stuff .= "Currency=" . $ThisCurrency . "&"; 
    $stuff .= "Description=" . $ThisDescription . "&"; 
    $stuff .= "SuccessURL=" . $strYourSiteFQDN . "&"; 
    $stuff .= "FailureURL=" . $strYourSiteFQDN . "&"; 

    $varArray = array('CustomerEmail','VendorEmail','CustomerName','DeliveryAddress','DeliveryPostCode','BillingAddress','BillingPostCode','ContactNumber','ContactFax','AllowGiftAid','ApplyAVSCV2','Apply3DSecure'); 
    foreach($varArray as $var) { 
     if(${'This' . $var}) { 
      $stuff .= $var . '=' . ${'This' . $var} . '&'; 
    if($ThisShoppingBasket) { 
     $stuff .= $ThisShoppingBasket; 
    $stuff .= "EMailMessage=For an update on the status of your order please email us at $ThisVendorEmail"; 
    echo $stuff; 
    $crypt = self::base64Encode(self::SimpleXor($stuff,$strEncryptionPassword));  
    <form action="<?php echo $strPurchaseURL; ?>" method="post" id="sageForm" name="form1"> 
     <input TYPE="hidden" name="VPSProtocol" value="<?php echo $strProtocol; ?>"> 
     <input TYPE="hidden" name="TxType" value="<?php echo $strTransactionType; ?>"> 
     <input TYPE="hidden" name="Vendor" value="<?php echo $strVSPVendorName; ?>"> 
     <input TYPE="hidden" name="Crypt" value="<?php echo $crypt; ?>">  
     <input name="sbbutton" type="submit" value="Checkout" class="wpcf7-submit">     
    return ob_get_clean(); 

오류 받고 "TEST"메신저를 사용 :

StatusDetail=The VendorTxCode you supplied is an invalid length. VendorTxCodes should be between 1 to 40 characters long 

: 오류를 받고 "TTEST"메신저를 사용하는 경우

Status Detail: 5005 : The Vendor configuration is missing or invalid 

을 나는 이것을 알아낼 수 없다. 누구든지 아이디어가 있다면 그것은 greatfuly 감사하겠습니다.

편집 : $ 물건은 밖으로 메아리 :

VendorTxCode=fdsdgfd&Amount=45.60&Currency=GBP&Description=description...&SuccessURL=http://localhost/ecom_framework/&FailureURL=http://localhost/ecom_framework/&[email protected]&[email protected]&CustomerName=Luke Snowden&DeliveryAddress=mansfield, nottinghamshire, mansfield, nottinghamshire, United Kingdom&DeliveryPostCode=ng19 8pw&BillingAddress=mansfield, nottinghamshire, mansfield, nottinghamshire, United Kingdom&BillingPostCode=ng19 8pw&ContactNumber=0165656567&ApplyAVSCV2=1&Apply3DSecure=1&Basket=3:Blue Hat - black :2:£2£:0.00:£4.00:Blue Hat - brown :3:£3£:0.00:£9.00:Blue Hat - grey :4:£4£:0.00:£16.00:Delivery:1:£4.99EMailMessage=For an update on the status of your order please email us at [email protected] 

배열, 왜 사용하지 않습니까? 이 코드는이 길이의 절반보다 작을 수 있습니다. – meagar


위의 코드가 작동하지 않는 이유를 파악한 후에 작업하겠습니다. –


전화 번호 및 암호화 암호와 같은 중요한 데이터를 제거하는 것이 좋습니다 ... – richsage



당신은 직접 또는 양식 통합 방법을 통해 거래를 만들려고 노력하고 있습니까?


과 그들이해야 무엇을 확인하십시오 당신이에서 a를 Purchse URL을 믹스 업 ... 갱신 구매 URL을 만든 것처럼 보인다.


5005 오류를 방지하려면 유효한 Sage Pay 계정에 게시하고 공급자 이름이 올바른지 확인해야합니다.

VendorTxCode 필드는 40 자로 제한됩니다. 문자열을 올바르게 작성하지 않으면 VendorTxCode 앰퍼샌드 뒤에있는 모든 항목을 실수로 필드에 게시 할 수 있습니다.