2013-06-06 2 views

나는 개인 프로젝트에서 작업하고 있는데, 재생되는 봇은 4를 연결합니다. 그래서 로봇을 관리하기 위해 작성한 재귀 함수에 심각한 문제가 있습니다. 오류가 발생하지 않으며 표시 할 수있는 디버그 정보가 유용하지 않습니다. 또한 스택이 오버플로되지 않았으며 php.ini 파일도 잘 만들어 졌음을 확신합니다. 이 스크립트는 방금 실행되고 (메모리 사용량이 적어) 결코 반환되지 않습니다. 약 2400 개의 함수 호출 만 발생해야하므로이 스크립트는 1 초 또는 2 초 후에 반환되어야합니다. 이것은 며칠 동안 저를 곤란하게 만들었습니다. 내가 제대로 조사하지 않은 것이 있다고 생각합니다. 추가적으로 게임 보드는 7 x 7 보드를 시뮬레이트하는 간단한 2D 배열이라고 언급해야합니다. ai_move_helper은 재귀 함수이므로 제대로 작동하지 않는 이유를 알아낼 수 없습니다.재귀 함수 루프가 무한하게

// this class is a code igniter library 
class ConnectFour 
    public function __construct() 
     // these are expensive opperations this will give the server enough time 
     ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M'); 

    public $board_width  = 7; 
    public $board_length = 7; 
    public $game_array  = array(); 
    public $depth_limit  = 3; 

      // this function gets a human made move from a CI controller ($game board) 
      // and returns the board after the new AI move is applied 
    public function ai_player_move($game_array, $active_players_move) 
     $this->game_array = $game_array;    
     $this->game_array = $this->calculate_ai_move($active_players_move); 
     return $this->game_array; 

    public function calculate_ai_move($active_players_move) 
     $move_weight_array = array(); 
     $prime_game_board = array(); 

     // we hardcast the active player because at this point we know it is the AI 
     // here we also have to prime the move computer 
     for($q = 0; $q < $this->board_length; $q++) 
      // MAGIC NUMBERS are the active players!!! 
      $prime_game_board[] = $this->apply_prime_move($q, 2, $this->game_array); 

      $move_weight_array[] = $this->ai_move_helper($prime_game_board[$q], 2, 0); 

     //choose your move 
     for($u = 0; $u < $this->board_length; $u) 
      if($move_weight_array[$u][0] == 1) 
       return $prime_game_board[$u];    

     // otherwise return a random acceptable move 
     $random = rand(0, 6); 
     return $prime_game_board[$random]; 


    public function ai_move_helper($game_board, $active_player, $depth) 
     // build the object that will be needed at this level of recusion 
     $depth = $depth + 1; 
     $score_object        = new stdClass; 
     $move_array         = array(); 
     $game_boards_generated_at_this_level  = array(); 
     $new_game_boards_generated_at_this_level = array(); 
     $return_end_state_detected     = 0; 
     $score_agregate        = array();   

     if($this->depth_limit < $depth) 
      $score_agregate[0] = 0; 
      $score_agregate[1] = 0; 
      return $score_agregate; 

     $active_player = ($active_player == 1) ? 2 : 1; 

     // check for possible moves 
     for($i=0; $i < $this->board_width; $i++) 
      // calculate all of the possible recusions (all of the next moves) 
      $game_boards_generated_at_this_level[$i] = $this->apply_ai_move($i, $active_player, $game_board); 
      // this is the recusive level 
      $score_agregate = $this->ai_move_helper($game_boards_generated_at_this_level[$i]->game_board, $active_player, $depth);    

     // check to see if there are more moves of if it is time to return 
     foreach($game_boards_generated_at_this_level as $game_state) 
      //compute the agragate of the scores only for player two (AI) 
      if($active_player == 2) 
       $score_agregate[0] = $score_agregate[0] + $game_state->score_array[0]; 
       $score_agregate[1] = $score_agregate[1] + $game_state->score_array[1];    

     return $score_agregate; 

    public function apply_ai_move($move, $active_players_move, $board_to_use) 
     $board_for_function  = array(); 
     $location_of_new_pieces = 0; 
     $return_object   = new stdClass; 

     // this makes sure that this function is being called with the right board 
      $board_for_function = $board_to_use; 
     } else { 
      $board_for_function = $this->game_array; 

     // check that this move is possible 
     if(!$this->move_possible($move, $board_for_function)) 
      $return_object->game_board  = NULL; 
      $return_object->score_array  = NULL; 
      return $return_object; 

     // this part of the function applies a valid move 
     foreach($board_for_function[$move] as $column_key => $column_space) 
      // check if you are at the edge of an empty row 
      if(!array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces + 1), $board_for_function[$move]) && $column_space == '_') 
       $board_for_function[$move][$location_of_new_pieces] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o'; 

      // check if the next place has stuff in it too 
      if($column_space != '_') 
       // check the edge of the board to make sure that exists 
       if(array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces - 1), $board_for_function)) 
        $board_for_function[$move][$location_of_new_pieces - 1] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o'; 
       } else { 
        echo "well fuck...1"; exit; 


     $return_object->game_board = $board_for_function; 

     // now check if this state is a win loss or draw 
     $test_for_complete = $this->check_for_winner_or_draw($board_for_function, $active_players_move); 

     // this is a draw 
     if($test_for_complete == -1) 
      $return_object->score_array = array(0, 1); 
     } else if($test_for_complete > 3) { 
      $return_object->score_array = array(1, 0); 
     } else { 
      $return_object->score_array = array(0, 0); 

     return $return_object; 

    public function apply_prime_move($move, $active_players_move, $board_to_use) 
     $location_of_new_pieces = 0; 

     foreach($board_to_use[$move] as $column_key => $column_space) 
      // check if you are at the edge of an empty row 
      if(!array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces + 1), $board_to_use[$move]) && $column_space == '_') 
       $board_to_use[$move][$location_of_new_pieces] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o'; 

      // check if the next place has stuff in it too 
      if($column_space != '_') 
       // check the edge of the board to make sure that exists 
       if(array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces - 1), $board_to_use)) 
        $board_to_use[$move][$location_of_new_pieces - 1] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o'; 
       } else { 
        echo "well fuck...1"; exit; 


     return $board_to_use; 

    public function move_possible($move, $game_board) 
     // check that this move is not going to fall out of the board 
     if($game_board[$move][0] != "_") 
      return FALSE; 
     } else { 
      return TRUE; 

    public function check_for_winner_or_draw($game_array, $active_player_move) 
     $present_possible_winner = ""; 
     $count_to_win    = 0; 
     $game_not_a_draw   = FALSE; 

     for($i = 0; $i < $this->board_length; $i++) 
      for($j = 0; $j < $this->board_width; $j++) 
       // start checking for a winner 
       if($game_array[$i][$j] != "_") 
        $present_possible_winner = $game_array[$i][$j]; 

        // check for a winner horizontally 
        for($x = 0; $x < 4; $x++) 
         if($j+$x < $this->board_width) 
          if($game_array[$i][$j+$x] == $present_possible_winner) 
           $count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1; 

        if($count_to_win > 3) 
         return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won 
        } else { 
         $count_to_win = 0; 

        // check for a winner horizontally 
        for($y = 0; $y < 4; $y++) 
         if($i+$y < $this->board_width) 
          if($game_array[$i+$y][$j] == $present_possible_winner) 
           $count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1; 

        if($count_to_win > 3) 
         return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won 
        } else { 
         $count_to_win = 0; 

        // check for a winner up to down diagonal 
        for($z = 0; $z < 4; $z++) 
         if(($i+$z < $this->board_width) && ($j+$z < $this->board_length)) 
          if($game_array[$i+$z][$j+$z] == $present_possible_winner) 
           $count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1; 

        if($count_to_win > 3) 
         return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won 
        } else { 
         $count_to_win = 0; 

        // check for a winner down to up diagonal 
        for($w = 0; $w < 4; $w++) 
         if(($i+$w < $this->board_width) && ($j-$w >= 0)) 
          if($game_array[$i+$w][$j-$w] == $present_possible_winner) 
           $count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1; 

        if($count_to_win > 3) 
         return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won 
        } else { 
         $count_to_win = 0; 

     // check for a drawed game and return accordingly 
     for($i = 0; $i < $this->board_length; $i++) 
      for($j = 0; $j < $this->board_width; $j++) 
       if($game_array[$i][$j] == "_") 
        $game_not_a_draw = TRUE; 

      return -1; 

     return 0; 

      // this is a private debugging function that I wrote for this script 
    public function debug($value = NULL, $name = NULL, $exit = NULL) 
      echo $name . "<br />";    
     echo "<pre>"; 
     echo "</pre>"; 



'error_reporting (E_ALL);으로 시도해 보셨습니까? 서버의 로그를 확인 했습니까? –


"가능한 이동 확인"루프에서'$ i','$ depth' 및'$ depth_limit'을 파일에 쓰고 그 모습을 봅니다. – John


로그를 확인했습니다. error_reposting()을 실행합니다. – usumoio



이 잘 나는 그것을 발견 다음 계산 AI 이동이 거기에 무한 루프 ...

//choose your move 
    for($u = 0; $u < $this->board_length; $u) 
     if($move_weight_array[$u][0] == 1) 
      return $prime_game_board[$u];    

이 ...

//choose your move 
    for($u = 0; $u < $this->board_length; $u++) 
     if($move_weight_array[$u][0] == 1) 
      return $prime_game_board[$u];    

돌아 가기 나를 위해 작동하는 것이어야했다