2013-02-07 3 views

매개 변수 전달 구성에 문제가 있습니다. 문자열 pluralimumWord = makePlural (word) 등을 설정해 보았습니다. 그러나 그것은 도움이되지 않았다. 나는 변수 plural 및 wordWithSuffix에 대한 기호 오류를 찾을 수 없게되었습니다. 좀 봐 주시겠습니까? 대단히 감사합니다. 내가 아직 언급하지 않았다면 이것은 자바 다. 내 코드 맨 위로 주석 변수를 볼 수 있습니다. 이 변수는 전 세계적으로 게시되었지만 코드를 더 잘 작성하려면 로컬 변수 만 있고 매개 변수 전달을 통해 전달해야하는 변수를 반환해야합니다.문제 해결 매개 변수 변수

import java.lang.*; 
import java.io.*; 
import java.util.StringTokenizer; 
import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 

public class newVowel { 

     public static FileInputStream fileInStream; //call the FileInputStream and name as fileInStream 
     public static InputStreamReader fileInReader; //call the InputStreamReader and name as fileInReader 
     public static BufferedReader reader;   //call the BufferedReader and simply name it as such, reader 

     //private static String line, word, suffix, plural, wordWithSuffix; //call String variables 
     //private static int length, lengthOfWord, spaceIndex, counter;  //call integer variables to be used later 
     //private static char firstLetter, secondLetter, lastLetter, c;  //call the character variables 

     public static void initiateFile() throws IOException //the initiateFile method reads the external text file and sets all contents of file into the variable reader 
      fileInStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\!!VHSAPCSData\\vowels.txt"); //location of file 
      fileInReader = new InputStreamReader(fileInStream);      //inputs data 
      reader = new BufferedReader(fileInReader);        //reads data 

     public static String makePlural(String word)     //the makePlural method, simply makes the words plural 
      String plural; 
      int length, lengthOfWord; 
      char lastLetter, secondLetter; 

      lengthOfWord = word.length();     //calculates the length of the word 
      lastLetter = word.charAt(lengthOfWord-1);  //calculates the last letter 
      secondLetter = word.charAt(lengthOfWord-2);  //calculates the second to last letter 
      if(((lastLetter == 'A')||(lastLetter == 'C')||(lastLetter == 'S')||(lastLetter == 'L')) && ((secondLetter != 'A')||(secondLetter != 'C')||(secondLetter != 'S')||(secondLetter != 'L'))) 
      {             //this if statement checks for the specified "vowels" A, C, S, and L in specific combinations. If the word ends in only one vowel, 
        plural = word.substring(0, (lengthOfWord-1));//the original word drops the last letter (vowel) as the directions state, and then 
        plural += "G";         //"G" is added to the end of the word 
      if(((lastLetter != 'A')||(lastLetter != 'C')||(lastLetter != 'S')||(lastLetter != 'L')) && ((secondLetter == 'A')||(secondLetter == 'C')||(secondLetter == 'S')||(secondLetter == 'L'))) 
       plural = word + "GH";      //this if statement checks for the specified "vowels" A, C, S, and L in specific combinations. If, of the last two letters, the second to last letter 
                 //is a vowel, "GH" is added to the end of the word 
      if(((lastLetter == 'A')||(lastLetter == 'C')||(lastLetter == 'S')||(lastLetter == 'L')) && ((secondLetter == 'A')||(secondLetter == 'C')||(secondLetter == 'S')||(secondLetter == 'L'))) 
       String lastChar = Character.toString(lastLetter); //this if statement checks for the specified "vowels" A, C, S, and L in specific combinations. If the word ends in two vowels, 
       plural = word + lastChar + "H";      //then the last letter is doubled and "H" is added to end of word 
      String pluralizedWord = plural; 
      return pluralizedWord; 

    public static String addOnSuffix(String word, String suffix) //this is the addOnSuffix method, hence where the suffix is added onto the word 
      String wordWithSuffix; 
      int length, lengthOfWord, counter; 
      char firstLetter, secondLetter, lastLetter, c; 

      lengthOfWord = word.length();     //calculates length of word 
      lastLetter = word.charAt(lengthOfWord-1);  //calculates last letter of word 
      secondLetter = word.charAt(lengthOfWord-2);  //calculates second to last letter of word 
      firstLetter = suffix.charAt(0);     //calculates first letter of word 
      if(((firstLetter == 'A')||(firstLetter == 'C')||(firstLetter == 'S')||(firstLetter == 'L'))) //if statement which applies if the first letter of word is a "vowel" 
       if(((lastLetter == 'A')||(lastLetter == 'C')||(lastLetter == 'S')||(lastLetter == 'L')) && ((secondLetter != 'A')&&(secondLetter != 'C')&&(secondLetter != 'S')&&(secondLetter != 'L'))) 
       {           //if statement which applies if the last letter of word is a vowel, yet second to last letter is a "non-vowel" 
        String append = suffix.substring(1); //suffix is appended by dropping first letter of suffix then adding the suffix 
        wordWithSuffix = word + append; 
       if(((lastLetter != 'A')&&(lastLetter != 'C')&&(lastLetter != 'S')&&(lastLetter != 'L')) && ((secondLetter == 'A')||(secondLetter == 'C')||(secondLetter == 'S')||(secondLetter == 'L'))) 
        wordWithSuffix = word + suffix;         //if statement which applies if the second to last letter of word is a vowel, yet last letter is a "non-vowel" 
                       //suffix is appended by merely adding it, no change to suffix 
        if(((lastLetter == 'A')||(lastLetter == 'C')||(lastLetter == 'S')||(lastLetter == 'L')) && ((secondLetter == 'A')&&(secondLetter == 'C')&&(secondLetter == 'S')&&(secondLetter == 'L'))) 
        {                 //if statement which applies if both the second to last and last letters are "vowels," if so 
         String firstChar = Character.toString(firstLetter);    //then the first letter will be added to word, and then the suffix (unchanged) 
         wordWithSuffix = word + firstChar + suffix;   
      else //complicated else statement that puts together plurals and suffixes of words that don't begin with a "vowel" 
       if(((lastLetter == 'A')||(lastLetter == 'C')||(lastLetter == 'S')||(lastLetter == 'L')) && ((secondLetter != ('A'))&&(secondLetter != 'C')&&(secondLetter != 'S')&&(secondLetter != 'L'))) 
       {                 //if the word does not begin with a "vowel" and the last letter does, yet the second to last does not, then 
        String firstChar = Character.toString(firstLetter);   //the first character is parsed to a string firstChar, 
        wordWithSuffix = word + firstChar + suffix;      //and the word is put together as the word + the first character + add the suffix 
       if(((lastLetter != ('A'))&&(lastLetter != 'C')&&(lastLetter != 'S')&&(lastLetter != 'L')) && ((secondLetter == 'A')||(secondLetter == 'C')||(secondLetter == 'S')||(secondLetter == 'L'))) 
        wordWithSuffix = word + suffix;         //if the word does not begin with a "vowel" and the second to last letter does, yet the last does not, then 
       else                //easily enough, the word is put together as the word plus the suffix 
        if((lastLetter == 'A')||(lastLetter == 'C')||(lastLetter == 'S')||(lastLetter == 'L')) 
        {                //if the word does not begin with a "vowel", yet the last letter is a "vowel," 
         counter = (lengthOfWord-1);        //assign integer counter to count the length of the word minus 1, 
         c = word.charAt(counter);        //then assign character variable c to the character at the counter value, then 
         while ((c == 'A')||(c == 'C')||(c == 'S')||(c == 'L'))  //the while statement checks that character for whether or not it is a "vowel," 
         {               // 
          counter--;            //if so, then counter reassigns value to counter - 1, and then 
          c = word.charAt(counter);        //reassigns character to the one at the new value 
         }               // 
         String part1 = word.substring(0, counter+1);    //String part1 is generated with substring of word between character 0 and the character at counter - 1 
         String part2 = word.substring((counter+2), lengthOfWord); //String part2 is generated with substring of word between the character at counter + 2 and the end of the word 
         String newWord = part1 + part2;        //String newWord is created by putting together parts 1 and 2 
         wordWithSuffix = newWord + suffix;       //The suffixed word is outputed as the newWord + the suffix 
         counter = (lengthOfWord-1);         //if word doesn't fall under any previous conditional statements, then counter is assigned a value equal to the length of 
         c = word.charAt(counter);         //the word - 1, and character c is equal to the character at the value counter 
         while ((c != 'A')||(c != 'C')||(c != 'S')||(c != 'L'))  //the while statement checks that character for whether or not is is a "vowel," 
         {               // 
          counter--;            //if so, then counter reassigns value to counter - 1, and then 
          c = word.charAt(counter);        //reassigns character to the one at the new value 
         }               // 
         String part1 = word.substring(0, counter);     //String part1 is generated with substring of word between character 0 and the character at the counter value 
         String part2 = word.substring((counter+1), lengthOfWord); //String part2 is generated with substring of word between the character at counter + 1 and the end of the word 
         String newWord = part1 + part2;        //String newWord is created by putting together parts 1 and 2 
         wordWithSuffix = newWord + suffix;       //The suffixed word is outputed as the newWord + the suffix 
      }//end of else 
      String suffixedWord = wordWithSuffix; 
      return suffixedWord; 
     }//end of method 

    public static void printFinalData(String line, String word, String suffix, String plural, String wordWithSuffix) //method which outputs the final data, aka, the plural of word, suffixed word, etc. 
     System.out.println("Line Input:   " + line); 
     System.out.println("Word:     " + word); 
     System.out.println("Suffix:    " + suffix); 
     System.out.println("Plural Of Word:  " + plural); 
     System.out.println("New Word With Suffix: " + wordWithSuffix); 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException //this main method is what tells the other methods when to inititate (which order) 
     System.out.println("* String Project     *"); 
     System.out.println("* AP Computer Science A   *"); 
     System.out.println("* Joshua Nasiatka    *"); 
     System.out.println("* Winter 2012 (Senior Yr)  *"); 
     System.out.println("The following is the output:"); 

     //String word = "", suffix = ""; 

     parseFile(pluralizedWord, suffixedWord); 

     //plural = makePlural(word); 
     //wordWithSuffix = addOnSuffix(word, suffix); 
     addOnSuffix(word, suffix); 

    public static void parseFile(String pluralizedWord, String suffixedWord) throws IOException 
     String line, word, suffix; 
     int spaceIndex, length; 

     line = reader.readLine(); //reads the input of each line of the external .txt file entitled "vowels.txt" 

     while(line != null) //continues to input data until a null is reached in the reader 
      spaceIndex = line.indexOf(" "); 
      length = line.length(); 
      word = line.substring(0, spaceIndex); 
      suffix = line.substring((spaceIndex+1), length); 
      addOnSuffix(word, suffix); 
      printFinalData(line, word, suffix, pluralizedWord, suffixedWord); 
      line = reader.readLine(); 
}//end class` 

100 줄 이상의 코드입니다. 너는 그것을 좁혀 야해. –


문제점의 위치를 ​​명확히 알 수 없습니다. 필자는 main 메소드에서 String wordWithSuffix, pluralizedWord 등의 변수와 관련이 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. – JoshuaNasiatka



메인에 //plural = makePlural(word);이 줄에 대해 이야기 해 주시겠습니까? 음 물론 컴파일러가 심볼을 찾을 수 없습니다도 할 수 I.

당신은 그들이 main에 사용되기 전에, 등, 참조를 정의하고 plural, word, wordWithSuffix에 필요한 객체를 생성 할 필요가



그게 문제입니다. 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠다 – JoshuaNasiatka


@JoshuaNasiatka 왜 줄'// private static String line, word, suffix,'commented? 그게 니가 필요로하는 것 –


나는 그것을 시험해 보았고, 더 많은 오류를 가져 왔기 때문에 주석 처리되었다. 주석 처리 된 대부분의 것들은 사용하려고 시도했지만 작동하지 않는 코드입니다. – JoshuaNasiatka


은 어쩌면 그냥 내가 당신에게 그 일의 종류를 볼 수 있지만 주석 수 String word = "aWord", "aSuffix"; String plural = makePlural(word); String wordWithSuffix = addOnSuffix(word, suffix);
