2016-10-07 2 views

AngularJs를 Adobe Captivate 8에 통합하는 데 문제가 있었으며 AngularJs가 Captivate와 호환되지 않는다고 생각하기 시작했지만 받아 들일 준비가되지 않았습니다. 모든 디자인이 제대로로드되고 Captivate에 올바르게 설정되어 있지만 내 파일을로드하는 순서인지 또는 Angular가 호환되지 않는지 확실하지 않습니다. 콘솔이 나에게 각도에 대한이 오류를주었습니다 Go to Error.AngularJs 위젯을 Adobe Captivate에 통합

나는 angularJ와 함께 materialialize 조합을 사용하고 그것을 adobe captivate 위젯에 통합하려고합니다. HTML5 애니메이션으로 삽입하면 작동하지만 대화 형 위젯으로 만들면 오류가 발생합니다.

내가 만든 원본 코드는 here입니다. 내가 볼 수있는 한 정확하게 통합했다. JS 코드 : test_oam.xml 파일에서

var varValue; 
var test1 = { 
    onLoad: function() { 
     //alert("Widget Loaded!"); 
     if (!this.captivate) { 
      alert("captivate not found"); 
     //alert("captivate found!"); 
     // get captivate movie props reference 
     this.movieProps = this.captivate.CPMovieHandle.getMovieProps(); 

     if (!this.movieProps) { 
     //alert(this.movieProps.contentWidth + " " + this.movieProps.contentHeight); 
     // get any custom widget params xml - returns an xml string 
     // **** These are the values in the swf setup screen! ***** 
     this.xmlStr = this.captivate.CPMovieHandle.widgetParams(); 
     this.xmlStr = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" + this.xmlStr; 

     // get captivate variable handle 
     this.varHandle = this.movieProps.variablesHandle; 
     var varValue = this.movieProps.variablesHandle; 
     if (!this.varHandle) { 
      alert("No varHandle Found!"); 
     else { 
      //alert("varHandle Found!"); 
      //this.varHandle.myUserVar = "Hello"; 


     // get container handle 
     var containerHandle = this.captivate.CPMovieHandle.getContainerProps(); 
     if (!containerHandle) { 
      alert("containe Handle not found!"); 

     // get captivate event handle 
     this.eventDisp = this.movieProps.eventDispatcher; 
     //get the Interactive Widget Handle 
     var lInteractiveWidgetHandle = this.captivate.CPMovieHandle.getInteractiveWidgetHandle(); 
     if (!lInteractiveWidgetHandle) { 
      alert("Interactive Movie handle not found!"); 

     // example of listening to Captivate event 
     this.eventDisp.addEventListener(this.eventDisp.SLIDE_ENTER_EVENT, function (e) { 
      // do something on slide enter 
      //This call doesn't work. I don't think the slide exists or is in the scope. 
      //alert("The slide has been entered!"); 
     }, false); 
     //alert("insert all other widget code here"); 

     //alert("window = " + window.innerWidth + ", " + window.innerHeight); 
     //alert("doc Element =" + document.documentElement.clientWidth + ", " + document.documentElement.clientHeight); 
     //alert("Before Canvas Draw = " + document.body.clientWidth + ", " + document.body.clientHeight); 

     //*****unload your widget here****** 
     $(document).ready(function() { 
      full_width: true, 
      indicators: false, 

     var myFunction1 = function() { 
      $('.carousel').carousel('set', 0); 
     var myFunction = function() { 
      $('.carousel').carousel('set', 1); 
     var myFunction3 = function() { 
      $('.carousel').carousel('set', 2); 
     var myFunction4 = function() { 
      $('.carousel').carousel('set', 3); 
     //Angular Materialize 
     var app = angular.module('materializeApp', ['ui.materialize']) 
      .controller('BodyController', ["$scope", function ($scope) { 
       $scope.cssLesson1 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'Pellentesque viverra fringilla neque. Pellentesque leo lacus, aliquet et lorem sed, tincidunt varius justo. Curabitur a gravida urna, in interdum neque. Maecenas ornare ullamcorper eros sed gravida. Aenean et ante id libero varius varius. Donec venenatis consectetur nunc, eu placerat libero consequat vitae. Ut quis libero vel nunc scelerisque rutrum in quis ligula. Curabitur a dolor ac mauris vestibulum interdum iaculis ac magna. Morbi aliquam turpis nec sem posuere mattis. Pellentesque mattis nec ex vitae viverra. Quisque a rhoncus ligula. Integer mollis faucibus ligula a rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent a commodo lacus, at pretium augue. Nulla odio sapien, pellentesque in auctor nec, rutrum eget sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin et metus nibh. Proin accumsan dolor sollicitudin neque tempor pharetra eu nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat facilisis suscipit. Donec eu tristique velit, ac condimentum tellus.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This lesson will take approximately 1 hour' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'No assignments due.', 

       $scope.cssLesson2 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'Pellentesque viverra fringilla neque. Pellentesque leo lacus, aliquet et lorem sed, tincidunt varius justo. Curabitur a gravida urna, in interdum neque. Maecenas ornare ullamcorper eros sed gravida. Aenean et ante id libero varius varius. Donec venenatis consectetur nunc, eu placerat libero consequat vitae. Ut quis libero vel nunc scelerisque rutrum in quis ligula. Curabitur a dolor ac mauris vestibulum interdum iaculis ac magna. Morbi aliquam turpis nec sem posuere mattis. Pellentesque mattis nec ex vitae viverra. Quisque a rhoncus ligula. Integer mollis faucibus ligula a rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent a commodo lacus, at pretium augue. Nulla odio sapien, pellentesque in auctor nec, rutrum eget sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin et metus nibh. Proin accumsan dolor sollicitudin neque tempor pharetra eu nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat facilisis suscipit. Donec eu tristique velit, ac condimentum tellus.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This lesson will take approximately 2 hour' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Create an inline style with a working class and id on the page.', 
       $scope.cssLesson3 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'Pellentesque viverra fringilla neque. Pellentesque leo lacus, aliquet et lorem sed, tincidunt varius justo. Curabitur a gravida urna, in interdum neque. Maecenas ornare ullamcorper eros sed gravida. Aenean et ante id libero varius varius. Donec venenatis consectetur nunc, eu placerat libero consequat vitae. Ut quis libero vel nunc scelerisque rutrum in quis ligula. Curabitur a dolor ac mauris vestibulum interdum iaculis ac magna. Morbi aliquam turpis nec sem posuere mattis. Pellentesque mattis nec ex vitae viverra. Quisque a rhoncus ligula. Integer mollis faucibus ligula a rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent a commodo lacus, at pretium augue. Nulla odio sapien, pellentesque in auctor nec, rutrum eget sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin et metus nibh. Proin accumsan dolor sollicitudin neque tempor pharetra eu nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat facilisis suscipit. Donec eu tristique velit, ac condimentum tellus.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 3 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Style your page and make it personal. You can style the page any way you would like.' 
       $scope.cssLesson4 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'Pellentesque viverra fringilla neque. Pellentesque leo lacus, aliquet et lorem sed, tincidunt varius justo. Curabitur a gravida urna, in interdum neque. Maecenas ornare ullamcorper eros sed gravida. Aenean et ante id libero varius varius. Donec venenatis consectetur nunc, eu placerat libero consequat vitae. Ut quis libero vel nunc scelerisque rutrum in quis ligula. Curabitur a dolor ac mauris vestibulum interdum iaculis ac magna. Morbi aliquam turpis nec sem posuere mattis. Pellentesque mattis nec ex vitae viverra. Quisque a rhoncus ligula. Integer mollis faucibus ligula a rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent a commodo lacus, at pretium augue. Nulla odio sapien, pellentesque in auctor nec, rutrum eget sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin et metus nibh. Proin accumsan dolor sollicitudin neque tempor pharetra eu nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat facilisis suscipit. Donec eu tristique velit, ac condimentum tellus.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 2 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'For this assignment you will use the <style> tag to implement your styles to the HTML elements. Part two of the assignment will to be to create an external CSS stylesheet and import it to the page.' 
       $scope.htmlLesson1 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this Lesson you will learn the basics of HTML5.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 3 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Build a proper HTML5 template.' 
       $scope.htmlLesson2 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this lesson you will be exploring HTML5 tags and creating content for your new web page.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 1 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Explore different HTML tags such as <h1> and <p> which you will implement into a working web page to display content.' 
       $scope.htmlLesson3 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this lesson you will learn how to add structure to your HTML5 page and organize your content.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 1 hours and 15 minutes.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Restructure your current page with the proper structuring techniques learned in this lesson.' 
       $scope.htmlLesson4 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this lesson you will learn about the <td>, <th>, and <tr> tags for constructing tables.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Add a table in your web page with data of your choice.' 
       $scope.javascriptLesson1 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this lecture we will go over the basics of JavaScript and this lesson will be an introduction to using JavaScript' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Declare a few variables and log your new variable to the console.' 
       $scope.javascriptLesson2 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'JavaScript supports a compact set of statements, specifically control flow statements, that you can use to incorporate a great deal of interactivity in your application.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Create a conditionional if statement and follow it with an else if statement. Once you are finished with your conditional statements you can end it with an else statement.' 
       $scope.javascriptLesson3 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'Values can be passed to a function, and the function will return a value. In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects, because they can have properties and methods just like any other object. What distinguishes them from other objects is that functions can be called. In brief, they are Function objects.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 4 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'create a function named cats and when that function is called create a while loop to display "it is raining cats" once.' 
       $scope.javascriptLesson4 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'You will be learning about arrays in this lesson which will take you through how to call a specific value from that array and how to define an array within an array.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 3 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Create an array with values of your choice and then create a multi dimensional array on a seperate line.' 
       $scope.phpLesson1 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'This is an introduction to PHP. In this course you will be introduced to creating dynamic pages and using MYSQL database to store data from your page.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 30 minutes.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Create a new PHP document and use echo to display text on your page.' 
       $scope.phpLesson2 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this lesson you will be going over If/Else statements in PHP and how to implement them properly.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 2 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Create a conditional statement using PHP and echo two different strings within each and make the statement either true or false.' 
       $scope.phpLesson3 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this lesson you will discover how to use arrays in PHP.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 3 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Create an array with at least four values of your choice.' 
       $scope.phpLesson4 = [{ 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'message', 
        title: 'Lecture', 
        content: 'In this lesson you will play around with for loops and foreach loops.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'schedule', 
        title: 'Completion Time', 
        content: 'This assignment will take approximately 4 hours.' 
       }, { 
        icon: 'large material-icons', 
        iconDisplay: 'assignment', 
        title: 'Assignments', 
        content: 'Create a for loop that counts backwards from 100 and stops at 0.' 
     //******end widget****** 
// Ensure that there is a constructor function 
// available for the JavaScript class identified by 
// the 'jsClass' attribute. The constructor has no arguments. 
var test = function() { 
    return test1; 

내가 오류의 원인이되는 컨텐츠의 부하를 지연 될 수 있습니다 생각 문서에 HTML 요소를 분산되어 CDATA를하지만 난 확신 해요 .xml 파일에서 CDATA를 사용하는 것 외에 위젯으로 HTML을 가져 오는 다른 방법.



JavaScript 파일에있는 AngularJs 코드를 찾지 못했고 헤더에 각도 코드를 인라 인했기 때문에 로딩 순서 문제 일 수 있다고 생각했습니다. 페이지의 스크립트 태그를 사용하여 문제를 해결하는 것처럼 보였습니다. 외부 js 파일에서 각도 코드를 호출 할 때만 사로 잡 작업을 할 때 문제가 발생합니다.

관련 문제