2015-02-04 2 views

나는이 다음 내 저장 프로 시저 코드의 섹션 어떤 이유로, 나는 오류 메시지가 계속 :는 SQL Server의 BCP와 스칼라 변수를 선언해야합니다

  1. 하는 스칼라 변수 "@query"를 선언해야
  2. 문 (들) 나는 또한 파일과 @query 문자열로 내보낼 BCP를 사용하려고 시도하고

을 준비 할 수없는 것은 복잡한 문자열입니다. 코드는 다음과 같습니다.

@market varchar(20) = null, 

@date datetime = null 


set @date = 

CASE datepart(dw,getdate()) 

WHEN 1 THEN dateadd(day, -1, convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)) 

WHEN 2 THEN dateadd(day, -2, convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)) 

WHEN 3 THEN dateadd(day, -3, convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)) 

WHEN 4 THEN dateadd(day, -4, convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)) 

WHEN 5 THEN dateadd(day, -5, convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)) 

WHEN 6 THEN dateadd(day, +0, convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)) 

WHEN 7 THEN dateadd(day, -7, convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)) 

    --Set @date = '2014-12-27 00:00:00.000' 
    Select @date -- Latest Saturday (Day Number) 
    SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(8), @date, 112) 
    declare @query VARCHAR(4000) 

SELECT @query = 'select ''"'' + CONVERT(varchar,fo.orderno) + ''"'' as [STOP_ID], 
    CASE WHEN (isnull(i.pickuptime,'''') <> '''') THEN convert(datetime,i.pickuptime,126) ELSE convert(datetime,fo.pickeduptime,126) END as [PICKUP_TIME], 
    CASE WHEN (isnull(i.deliveredtime,'''') <> '''') THEN convert(datetime,i.deliveredtime,126) ELSE convert(datetime,fo.deliveredtime,126) END as [DELIVERY_TIME], 
    CASE WHEN (isnull(i.pickupcontact,'''') <> '''') THEN ''"'' + i.pickupcontact + ''"'' ELSE ''"'' + og.marketsitenumber + ''"'' END as [SENDER_CODE], 
    CASE WHEN (isnull(i.pickupcompany,'''') <> '''') THEN ''"'' + i.pickupcompany + ''"'' ELSE ''"'' + fo.pickupcompanyname + ''"'' END as [SENDER_NAME], 
    ''"'' + (CONVERT(varchar, fo.PickupstreetNo) + '' '' + fo.PickupStreet + '' '' + fo.PickupUnit) + ''"'' as [SENDER_STREET], 
    ''"'' + fo.pickupcity + ''"'' as [SENDER_CITY], 
    ''"'' + fo.pickupprovince + ''"'' as [SENDER_STATE], 
    ''"'' + fo.pickuppostalcode + ''"'' as [SENDER_POSTAL_CODE], 
    ''"US"'' as [SENDER_COUNTRY], 
    CASE WHEN (isnull(i.driver,'''') <> '''') THEN ''"'' + i.driver + ''"'' ELSE ''"'' + CONVERT(varchar,fo.pickupdriver) + ''"'' END as [DRIVER_ID], 
    CASE WHEN (isnull(i.deliveryfacilitycode,'''') <> '''') THEN ''"'' + i.deliveryfacilitycode + ''"'' ELSE ''""'' END as [RECIPIENT_CODE], --Issue for left-joined "FO Only" records: No safety net. 
    CASE WHEN (isnull(i.deliverycompanyname,'''') <> '''') THEN ''"'' + i.deliverycompanyname + ''"'' ELSE ''"'' + fo.deliverycompanyname + ''"'' END as [RECIPIENT_NAME], 
    ''"'' + (CONVERT(varchar, fo.deliverystreetNo) + '' '' + fo.DeliveryStreet + '' '' + fo.DeliveryUnit) + ''"'' as [RECIPIENT_STREET], 
    ''"'' + fo.deliverycity + ''"'' as [RECIPIENT_CITY], 
    ''"'' + fo.deliveryprovince + ''"'' as [RECIPIENT_STATE], 
    ''"'' + fo.deliverypostalcode + ''"'' as [RECIPIENT_POSTAL_CODE], 
    CASE WHEN (og.accounttype = ''stat'' and st.servicetypeid in (''324'',''154'',''156'',''122'',''303'',''290'')) THEN ''"STAT"'' 
     WHEN ((og.accounttype = ''stat'' and st.servicetypeid in (''186'',''304'',''305'')) or (og.accounttype = ''scheduled'' and fo.[route] in (''B1'',''B2'',''B3'',''B4''))) THEN ''"MULTI-STAT"'' 
     WHEN (fo.route not like ''LH%'' and og.accounttype = ''scheduled'' and st.servicetypeid not in (''329'') and fo.[route] not in (''B1'',''B2'',''B3'',''B4'')) THEN ''"ROUTE"'' 
     WHEN ((og.accounttype = ''scheduled'' and st.servicetypeid in (''329'')) or (og.accounttype = ''stat'' and st.servicetypeid in (''372'',''373'',''374'',''377'',''386'',''329'',''356'',''387'',''388'',''389'',''390'',''391'',''392''))) THEN ''"SWEEP"'' 
     WHEN (og.accounttype = ''scheduled'' and fo.route like ''LH%'') THEN ''"LINE-HAUL"'' 
    CASE WHEN (fo.route not like ''LH%'' and og.accounttype = ''scheduled'' and st.servicetypeid not in (''329'') and fo.[route] not in (''B1'',''B2'',''B3'',''B4'')) THEN ''"'' + fo.reference + ''"'' ELSE ''""'' END as [ROUTE_REFERENCE], 
    CASE WHEN (fo.route not like ''LH%'' and og.accounttype = ''scheduled'' and st.servicetypeid not in (''329'') and fo.[route] not in (''B1'',''B2'',''B3'',''B4'')) THEN ''"0"'' ELSE ''"'' + convert(varchar,fo.distance) + ''"'' END as [MILEAGE], 
    CASE WHEN ((og.accounttype = ''scheduled'') or (og.accounttype = ''stat'' and fo.servicetypeid in (329))) THEN ''"'' + convert(varchar,fo.waitingtimedriver1) + ''"'' ELSE ''"0"'' END as [WAIT_TIME], 
    ''""'' as [WAIT_START_TIME], --"The time the courier began waiting after the grace period." Not currently captured anywhere in system. 
    CASE WHEN (((og.accounttype = ''scheduled'') or (og.accounttype = ''stat'' and fo.servicetypeid in (329))) and fo.waitingtimedriver1 > 0) THEN ''"'' + fo.reference + ''"'' ELSE ''""'' END as [WAIT_TIME_ROUTE_REFERENCE], 
    ''""'' as [ARRIVAL_TIME], --"The time the courier arrived at the Pharmacy to pick up the shipment. REQUIRED in the case of wait time." Not currently captured anywhere in system. 
    ''""'' as [DEPARTURE_TIME], ----"The time the courier departed from the Pharmacy with the shipment. REQUIRED in the case of wait time." Not currently captured anywhere in system. 
    ''"USD"'' as [CURRENCY], 
    ''"0"'' as [FUEL_SURCHARGE], 
    ''"0"'' as [TAX], 
    ''"0"'' as [HOSPICE_CHARGE], 
    ''"0"'' as [MISC_CHARGE], 
    ''"'' + convert(varchar,fo.totalamount) + ''"'' as [TOTAL_CHARGE] 
    from finalizedorders fo 
inner join servicetypes st on fo.servicetypeid = st.servicetypeid 
inner join aropentransactions at on fo.invoicenumber = at.transactionnumber 
inner join OBR_Generator og on og.AccountNumber = fo.AccountNumber 
LEFT JOIN OrderSearchView osv ON fo.OrderNo = osv.[Order No] 
    LEFT JOIN [IRIS\SQLEXPRESS].IDSImport.dbo.IDSData i ON osv.[Cust. Field 2] = i.TripID 
where og.Market = ''Columbus'' 

and at.transactiondate = ''20150124'' --Previous Saturday (Always) 
    and fo.totalamount > 0 
    and og.accounttype <> ''invoice'' 

queryout "C:\bcptest.txt" -T -c -t,' 

PRINT @query 

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp @query queryout "C:\bcptest.txt" -T -c -t,' 


나는 마지막 행에서 실제로 변수의 값을 EXEC xp_cmdshell로 전달하지 않고 대신 변수 이름을 문자열로 전달한다고 생각합니다. – DBNull



@DBNull입니다. (4000) 당신은

SET @query = 'bcp "' + @query + '" queryout "C:\bcptest.txt" -T -c -t,'; 
EXEC xp_cmdshell @query; 

당신은 따옴표에서 쿼리를 포장 할 필요가 .... 이런 식으로 뭔가에 bcp 명령의 실제 실행을 변경해야하고, VARCHAR (8000) 또는 NVARCHAR의 제한이 실제 명령에서 xp_cmdshell을 사용하여 실행할 수 있습니다. 보기 또는 저장 프로 시저에서 쿼리를 래핑하는 것이 좋습니다. 이는 코드의 유지 보수성을 크게 향상시킬뿐만 아니라 크기 제한에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없으며 현재 수행해야하는 모든 단일 인용문은 물론입니다.

희망이 있습니다.

관련 문제