2011-11-21 2 views

디버그 모드에서 openerp-server를 시작하면 아래와 같이 db 오류가 반환됩니다. 이견있는 사람 ?openerp-server 서버 시작시 일부 데이터베이스 문제

[2011-11-21 15:22:03,393] DEBUG:orm:column relate is in the table ir_model_fields but not in the corresponding object ir.model.fields 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,401] DEBUG:orm:column usage is in the table ir_act_url but not in the corresponding object ir.actions.url 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,401] DEBUG:orm:column email_server is in the table ir_act_server but not in the corresponding object ir.actions.server 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,405] DEBUG:orm:column report is in the table ir_act_server but not in the corresponding object ir.actions.server 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,413] DEBUG:orm:column trigger_type is in the table wkf_transition but not in the corresponding object workflow.transition 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,417] DEBUG:orm:column version_pattern is in the table ir_module_module_dependency but not in the corresponding object ir.module.module.dependency 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,421] DEBUG:orm:column x_site is in the table res_partner_address but not in the corresponding object res.partner.address 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,425] DEBUG:orm:column overdue_msg is in the table res_company but not in the corresponding object res.company 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,437] DEBUG:orm:column avg_answers is in the table report_crm_case_section but not in the corresponding object report.crm.case.section 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,437] DEBUG:orm:column perc_done is in the table report_crm_case_section but not in the corresponding object report.crm.case.section 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,437] DEBUG:orm:column perc_cancel is in the table report_crm_case_section but not in the corresponding object report.crm.case.section 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,441] DEBUG:orm:column ics_object_id is in the table document_directory_content but not in the corresponding object document.directory.content 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,441] DEBUG:orm:column ics_domain is in the table document_directory_content but not in the corresponding object document.directory.content 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,445] DEBUG:orm:column code is in the table crm_case but not in the corresponding object crm.case 
[2011-11-21 15:22:03,449] DEBUG:orm:column debit_limit is in the table res_partner but not in the corresponding object res.partner 



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