2013-06-30 2 views

나는 ES와 CouchDB와는 다른 결과를 얻고있는 것처럼 보입니다. ES에는 CouchDB가 더 이상 가지고 있지 않은 오래된 문서가 2 개 밖에없고, ES보다 보이지 않는 많은 새 문서가 CouchDB에 있습니다. 모든. 이 문제의 원인은 무엇이며 CouchDB 강이 어떤 상태인지 어떻게 알 수 있습니까?Elasticsearch CouchDB river stale/out of sync

여기 내 요청을이다 :

#ES has Document-1... 
$curl http://localhost:9200/portal_production/portal_production/_search?pretty=true\&q=_id:Document-1 

    "took": 3, 
    "timed_out": false, 
    "_shards": { 
    "total": 5, 
    "successful": 5, 
    "failed": 0 
    "hits": { 
    "total": 1, 
    "max_score": 1.0, 
    "hits": [ 
     "_index": "portal_production", 
     "_type": "portal_production", 
     "_id": "Document-1", 
     "_score": 1.0, 
     "_source": { 
      "_rev": "2-2a986416ddb8a95446b0e143739094d2", 
      "text": " FILE TYPE      : INTERROGATION\n FILE TITLE      : TMJ06001.A91\n FILE CREATED     : 01 JANUARY 2006 AT 00:00\n\n! This file contains all detections for 2006 from the juvenile bypass outfall.\n! The tags were detected using an FS-2001F portable transceiver and flat-plate\n! antenna. These data were compiled from the original files by Dave Marvin,\n! PTAGIS. The original data files are listed in the data stream below, \n! followed by their contents.\n\n! TMJ06032.A1\n| 01 02/16/06 18:34:51 3D9.1BF11B4053 XX 91\n| 01 02/16/06 19:08:15 3D9.1BF1E7919A XX 91\n| 01 02/16/06 19:18:36 3D9.1BF1A998FA XX 91\n| 01 02/17/06 18:21:03 3D9.1BF20E8FE2 XX 91\n| 01 02/20/06 18:27:01 3D9.1BF11BFFF5 XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 01:56:38 3D9.1BF23F62D4 XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 03:56:10 3D9.1BF234346C XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 17:59:11 3D9.1BF2342E83 XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 19:03:37 3D9.1BF23435A4 XX 91", 
      "_id": "Document-1" 

#~but CouchDB has no Document-1 
$ curl http://localhost:5984/portal_production/Document-1 
    "error": "not_found", 
    "reason": "missing" 

#CouchDB has Document-1000... 
$ curl http://localhost:5984/portal_production/Document-1000 
    "_id": "Document-1000", 
    "_rev": "8-d7f049228abc6311a920f9f7786ab9a4", 
    "text": null, 
    "metadata": [], 
    "data": [ 
     "1": "07/22/08 18:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 18:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 18:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 19:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 19:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 19:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 19:49:45", 
     "2": "3D9.1C2C42D260" 
     "1": "07/22/08 20:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 20:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 20:14:38", 
     "2": "3D9.1C2C54F95E" 
     "1": "07/22/08 20:22:24", 
     "2": "3D9.1BF1FDA622" 
     "1": "07/22/08 20:49:28", 
     "2": "3D9.1C2C42D260" 
     "1": "07/22/08 21:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 21:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 21:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 22:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 22:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 22:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 22:49:27", 
     "2": "3D9.1C2C42D260" 
     "1": "07/22/08 23:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
     "1": "07/22/08 23:09:22", 
     "2": "3E7.0000001DFF" 
    "foreign_keys": [], 
    "primary_keys": [ 

#~but ES has no Document-1000 
$ curl http://localhost:9200/portal_production/portal_production/_search?pretty=true\&q=_id:Document-1000 
    "took": 4, 
    "timed_out": false, 
    "_shards": { 
    "total": 5, 
    "successful": 5, 
    "failed": 0 
    "hits": { 
    "total": 0, 
    "max_score": null, 
    "hits": [] 

#Everything ES has: 
$ curl http://localhost:9200/portal_production/portal_production/_search?pretty=true 
    "took": 3, 
    "timed_out": false, 
    "_shards": { 
    "total": 5, 
    "successful": 5, 
    "failed": 0 
    "hits": { 
    "total": 2, 
    "max_score": 1.0, 
    "hits": [ 
     "_index": "portal_production", 
     "_type": "portal_production", 
     "_id": "Document-1", 
     "_score": 1.0, 
     "_source": { 
      "_rev": "2-2a986416ddb8a95446b0e143739094d2", 
      "text": " FILE TYPE      : INTERROGATION\n FILE TITLE      : TMJ06001.A91\n FILE CREATED     : 01 JANUARY 2006 AT 00:00\n\n! This file contains all detections for 2006 from the juvenile bypass outfall.\n! The tags were detected using an FS-2001F portable transceiver and flat-plate\n! antenna. These data were compiled from the original files by Dave Marvin,\n! PTAGIS. The original data files are listed in the data stream below, \n! followed by their contents.\n\n! TMJ06032.A1\n| 01 02/16/06 18:34:51 3D9.1BF11B4053 XX 91\n| 01 02/16/06 19:08:15 3D9.1BF1E7919A XX 91\n| 01 02/16/06 19:18:36 3D9.1BF1A998FA XX 91\n| 01 02/17/06 18:21:03 3D9.1BF20E8FE2 XX 91\n| 01 02/20/06 18:27:01 3D9.1BF11BFFF5 XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 01:56:38 3D9.1BF23F62D4 XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 03:56:10 3D9.1BF234346C XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 17:59:11 3D9.1BF2342E83 XX 91\n| 01 02/22/06 19:03:37 3D9.1BF23435A4 XX 91", 
      "_id": "Document-1" 
     "_index": "portal_production", 
     "_type": "portal_production", 
     "_id": "Ifilter-1", 
     "_score": 1.0, 
     "_source": { 
      "headers": [ 
       "val": "[ ]*(FILE[ ]+TYPE)[ ]*:[ ]*([A-Z]+)", 
       "id": "0" 
       "val": "[ ]*(FILE[ ]+TITLE)[ ]*:[ ]*([A-Z0-9.]+)", 
       "id": "1" 
       "val": "[ ]*(FILE[ ]+CREATED)[ ]*:[ ]*([A-Z0-9: ]+)", 
       "id": "2" 
      "_rev": "4-d9c8e771bc345d1182fbe7c2d63f5d00", 
      "_id": "Ifilter-1", 
      "filter_headers": { 
      "2": "[ ]*(FILE[ ]+CREATED)[ ]*:[ ]*([A-Z0-9: ]+)", 
      "1": "[ ]*(FILE[ ]+TITLE)[ ]*:[ ]*([A-Z0-9.]+)", 
      "0": "[ ]*(FILE[ ]+TYPE)[ ]*:[ ]*([A-Z]+)" 

나는 더 큰 괴물 당했다 받고있다,

죄송 로그에서 발견. 어쨌든 문제가 발견되었습니다.

[2013-08-19 17:55:08,379][WARN ][river.couchdb   ] [Morning Star] [couchdb][portal_production] failed to read from _changes, throttling.... 
java.io.IOException: Bogus chunk size 
at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.processRaw(ChunkedInputStream.java:319) 
at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.readAheadBlocking(ChunkedInputStream.java:572) 
at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.readAhead(ChunkedInputStream.java:609) 
at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.read(ChunkedInputStream.java:696) 
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133) 
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$HttpInputStream.read(HttpURLConnection.java:3052) 
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(StreamDecoder.java:283) 
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:325) 
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:177) 
at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:184) 
at java.io.BufferedReader.fill(BufferedReader.java:154) 
at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:317) 
at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:382) 
at org.elasticsearch.river.couchdb.CouchdbRiver$Slurper.run(CouchdbRiver.java:477) 
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:724) 
[2013-08-19 17:55:13,392][WARN ][river.couchdb   ] [Morning Star] [couchdb][portal_production] failed to read from _changes, throttling....` 



couchdb 강 지원 삭제와 같은 이상한 문제 : 로그를 살펴보고 CouchDb의 _changes API를 제공해야합니다. 삭제 작업을 볼 수 있습니까?


감사합니다. 오늘 밤에 다시 연락 드리겠습니다. –

관련 문제