2014-03-19 1 views

두 문자의 결과를 결정하는 프로그램이 있습니다. 오류가 있으며 수정 방법을 모르겠습니다. 변수 전역 만들기 시도했지만 작동하지 않습니다.UnboundLocalError : 할당 전에 로컬 변수 'strength'참조

코드 :

import random, sys 

y_n = ["yes", "Yes", "y", "ye", "yeah", "Ye", "Yeah", "Y"] # list of all possible inputs for Yes. 
r = random.randrange # this is to make getting a random number shorter. 

class Character(): # class. holds attributes, and methods. 
    name = "" #name of the character 
    random_attr = "" # do you want the attributes to be randomly generated or inputted manually? 
    strength, skill = 0,0 #strength and skill attributes 
    dice = 0 # dice score 

    def charInputs(self, random_attr): #method 
     #holds prompts for input 
     prompts = ("Enter Strength Attribute, between 1 and 50: ", "Enter Skill Attribute, between 1 and 50: ") 

     if random_attr in y_n: # if the user has said anything in the y_n list, 
      strength, skill = r(1,50), r(1,50) #create random attributes 
      #prints out your name, and your attributes 
      print(self.name + " - STRENGTH = ", strength, " SKILL = ", skill) 
     else: # if no 
      try: # 'try' is used for error handling 
       answers = [int(input(p)) for p in prompts] 
       # this is a list comprehension. it loops through the prompts and gets inputs from them 

       if not all(0 < a <=50 for a in answers): # generator expression - loops through the answers list 
        # and if it is above 50 or below 0, it returns false. else it returns true (because of the 
        # all() function). 
        print("You did not enter an attribute(s) between 1 and 50. Program closing.") 
        #exit here 
       else: # if the above expression returns True 
        strength, skill = answers #gets the attributes from the answer lists 
        print(self.name + " - STRENGTH = ", strength, ", SKILL = ", skill) #prints them out 

      except ValueError: # if user has not entered a integer 
       print("Program exiting. You did not enter a valid data type.") #prints 
       #exit here 

     return strength, skill; #returns attributes so they can be used outside the function and placed 
     # into variables 

    def Mods(self, oth_chr, strength, skill, name): # method for creating the modifiers. 
     #(you, other character, strength, skill, your name) <---- this is what is inside those brackets 
     if c1.strength > oth_chr.strength: # if your strength is greater than the enemies 
      str_diff = c1.strength - oth_chr.strength #create strength differences 
     elif c1.strength == oth_chr.strength: # if they are both the same 
      print("no outcome. both strengths were the same. No modifier could be created.") 
     else: # if enemies character is greater than yours 
      str_diff = oth_chr.strength - c1.strength 

     if c1.skill > oth_chr.skill: # if your skill is greater than the enemies 
      ski_diff = c1.skill - oth_chr.skill #create skill difference 
     elif c1.skill == oth_chr.strength: # if they are the same 
      print("No outcome. Both skills were the same, no modifier could be created.") 
     else: # if the enemies is greater than yours 
      ski_diff = oth_chr.skill - c1.skill 

     str_mod = str_diff // 5 # creates strength and skill modifiers 
     ski_mod = ski_diff // 5 

     return str_mod, ski_mod; #returns them so they can be used outside the method and be put into variables 

    def diceRollAndOutcome(self, ch2, strength, skill, str_mod, ski_mod, name): # method that is for determining 
     # the dice roll and outcome 
     c1.dice, ch2.dice = r(1,6), r(1,6) # rolls the dice 

     if c1.dice == ch2.dice: # if the dice are the same 
      print("No outcome. Both sides are the same.") # no outcome 
      #exit here 
     elif c1.dice > c2.dice: # if character 1's is greater 
      c1.strength += str_mod # adds strength modifier 
      c1.skill += ski_mod # adds skill modifier 

      print(self.name + "'s dice is greater than " + ch2.name + "'s dice!\n") 
      ch2.strength -= str_mod # subtract strength mod from character 2 strength 
      print("STRENGTH MODIFIER = ", str_mod, " has been subtracted from " + ch2.name + "'s strength attribute. It's strength is now ", ch2.strength, "\n") # prints 
      ch2.skill -= ski_mod # subtract skill modifier from character 2 skill 
      print("SKILL MODIFIER = ", ski_mod, " has been subtracted from " + ch2.name + "'s skill attribute. It's skill is now ", ch2.skill, "\n") # prints 

      if ch2.strength <= 0: # is character 2's strength less than or = to 0? 
       ch2.strength = 0 # make character 2 strength 0 
      else: # if not 
       print(ch2.name + " has not died! It's remaining strength is ", ch2.strength) # print character 2 has some strength remaining 

      if ch2.skill <= 0: # if c2's skill is less than or = to 0 
       print(ch2.name + "'s skill has ran out!\n") # skill has ran out 
       print(ch2.name + " has some skill left! It's remaining skill is ", ch2.skill) # print c2 has some skill remaining 
     else: # if character 2's dice is greater than c1's 
      print(ch2.name + "'s dice is greater than " + name + "'s dice! \n") 
      self.strength -= str_mod # strength mod is subtracted from character 1's strength 
      print("STRENGTH MODIFIER = ", str_mod, " has been subtracted from " + self.name + "'s strength attribute. It's strength is now ", self.strength, "\n") 
      self.skill -= ski_mod # skill mod is subtracted from character 1's skill 
      print("SKILL MODIFIER = ", ski_mod, " has been subtracted from " + self.name + "'s skill attribute. It's skill is now ", self.skill, "\n") 

      if self.strength <= 0: # if c1's strength is less than or = to 0 
       self.strength = 0 # c1's strength is 0 
      else: # if not 
       print(self.name + " has not died! It's remaining strength is ", self.strength) # c1 has not died 

      if self.skill <= 0: # if c1's skill is less than or = to 0 
       print(self.name + "'s skill has ran out!\n") # c1's skill has ran out 
       print(self.name + " has some skill left! It's remaining skill is ", self.skill) # c1's skill has not ran out 

c1 = Character() # creates instance of Character class inside "c1" 
c2 = Character() # creates instance of Character class inside "c2" 
c1.name = str(input("PLAYER 1 - Enter your characters name: ")) # input character name 
c2.name = str(input("PLAYER 2 - Enter your characters name: ")) # input character name 

c1.random_attr = str(input("PLAYER 1 - Would you like your attributes to be randomly generated? Yes or No: ").lower()) # would the character like their attributes randomly generated or not 
c1.strength, c1.skill = c1.charInputs(c1.random_attr) # returned strength and skill attributes are put into variables 

c2.random_attr = str(input("PLAYER 2 - Would you like your attributes to be randomly generated? Yes or No: ").lower()) # would the character like their attributes randomly generated or not 
c2.strength, c2.skill = c2.charInputs(c2.random_attr) # returned strength and skill attributes are put into variables 

str_mod, ski_mod = c1.Mods(c2, c1.strength, c1.skill, c1.name) # returned strength and skill modifiers are put into variables 

c1.diceRollAndOutcome(c2,c1.strength, c1.skill, str_mod, ski_mod, c1.name) # calls diceRollAndOutcome method 

오류 :

나는이 문제를 해결할 수있는 방법
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "N:\CA\task 3\task 3.py", line 118, in <module> 
    c1.strength, c1.skill = c1.charInputs(c1.random_attr) # returned strength and skill attributes are put into variables 
    File "N:\CA\task 3\task 3.py", line 41, in charInputs 
    return strength, skill; #returns attributes so they can be used outside the function and placed 
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'strength' referenced before assignment 

? 그게 뭐가 잘못 됐어? 그리고 앞으로 어떻게하지 않을 수 있니?

오류 118과 41을 가리킨, 다른 질문을 통해 보았지만 그들은 그들이 작업하는 내 코드가 아니므로 그들은 이해가되지 않습니다.



두 번째 elsereturn 문은 charInputs 함수에 누가 strength인지 알지 못합니다. 이 변수는 charInputs 범위 안에 존재하지 않습니다.


charInputs 함수에는 strengthskill없이 할당 할 수있는 경로가 있습니다.

random_attr in y_n이 거짓이면 else 분기가 수행됩니다. 해당 지점에서는 answers = [int(input(p)) for p in prompts]이 예외 all(0 < a <=50 for a in answers)을 반환하지 않는 경우에만 strengthskill을 할당하지 않습니다. 이들 중 어느 것도 true가 아니라면 (사용자가 문자열을 입력하거나 유효한 범위를 벗어난 값을 입력하면)이 두 이름에 대한 할당이없는 함수의 끝에서 끝납니다.

코드를 종료해야한다는 사례에 대한 의견이 있지만 실제로 그렇게하지는 않습니다.


charInputs 함수에는 strength 또는 skill에 값을 지정하지 않는 흐름 경로가 있습니다.

self.strengthself.skillcharInputs 안에 사용하지 않으면 클래스에서 정의한 클래스 변수가 함수 내에 표시되지 않습니다.

그러나 클래스를 자세히 살펴보면, __init__ 함수 안에 몇 가지 기본값을 정의하고 싶습니다.

관련 문제