2015-01-09 3 views

저는 Python 2.7.6에 약간의 문제가 있습니다. 사전에서 정보를 가져와 유용한 정보를 얻습니다. 아래에 전체 코드를 첨부했습니다. 구체적으로 무엇이 잘못 되었는지 확실하지 않으므로, 기대하지 않는 것일 수 있습니다.Python 2.7.6 사전

일부 테스트 데이터를 생성하려고합니다. 정확한 위치에서 소량으로 움직이는 이미지에 걸쳐 무작위로 분포 된 소스 (1)의 무리. 사전을 사용하여 각 소스를 개별적으로 추적하고, 이동 된 소스가 들어있는 각 이미지에 대해 사전 내 사전을 사용합니다.

내 문제는 내가 이미지 내에서 소스의 평균 움직임을 취하고 싶을 때입니다. 나는 그 문제가 분명하다고 믿는 지점을 만들었습니다 (중도 쯤). 나는 내가 시도한 몇 가지 다른 기술을 남겼다. 현재는 3 개의 이미지 만 사용하고 있지만이 숫자를 크게 늘릴 계획입니다. 내가 3 점만을 고집한다면, 나는 다른 방법으로 갔을 것이고, 많은 것을 이것을 먼 길에서 썼을 것이다.

나는 이와 같은 다른 질문을했지만 내 문제와 관련이있는 특정 항목을 찾지 못했습니다. 그 이유는 내가하는 일에 대한 용어를 모르기 때문일 수 있습니다. 이것이 이전에 요청되고 해결 된 경우 사과드립니다.

# Source position-offset tracker 

import math 
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import matplotlib.image as mpimg 
import copy 
import random 
from pylab import boxplot 


def random_movement(source_positions): 
    for n in range(len(source_positions)): # n = [0,1] 
     key = source_positions.keys()[n] 
     del_x = source_positions[key][0]+random.randint(0,1) 
     del_y = source_positions[key][1]+random.randint(0,1) 
     source_positions_changed[key] = (del_x,del_y) 
    return source_positions_changed 


# put in original positions 
# -> randomly distributed 
# -> of values 0 or 1 only 

original_positions = np.random.randint(2,size=(10,10)) 

# Tag each source within the image to keep track of them 
source_positions = {} 
for x in range(len(original_positions)): 
    for y in range(len(original_positions[0])): 
     if original_positions[x,y] == 1: # finding all sources 
      source_count += 1 
      index = 'S'+str(source_count) 
      source_positions[index] = (x,y) 
        # attach a source name to its position 

source_numbers = len(source_positions) 
number_timesteps = 2 # how many images were taken NOT including the original 

# create a dictionary for the timesteps of shifted sources 
# timesteps are the images where the sources have moves from the correct position 
dictionary = {} 
for x in range(1,number_timesteps+1): 
    #exec('dictionary%s = copy.copy(random_movement(source_positions))'%x) 
    dictionary['position_changed{0}'.format(x)] = copy.copy(random_movement(source_positions)) 

# finding the distances from the sources original positions 
#source_distance_sum = {} 


# this should take make the motion of any sources that appear outside the range of the image -1 
# and for sources that remain in range should find the motion from the correct position 
# using equation: a^2 = b^2 + c^2 
# should end up with source_distance_sum1 and source_distance_sum2 that have the motions from the correct positions of each source for the images, whose positional information was stored in dictionary['position_changed1'] and dictionary['position_changed2'] respectively 
for source in range(1,source_numbers+1): 
    for tstep in range(1,number_timesteps+1): 
     if dictionary['position_changed{0}'.format(tstep)]['S{0}'.format(source)][0]>=len(original_positions) or dictionary['position_changed{0}'.format(tstep)]['S{0}'.format(source)][1]>=len(original_positions[0]): 
     #if 'dictionary%s[S%s][0]>=len(original_positions) or dictionary%s[S%s][1]>=len(original_positions[0])'%(tstep,source,tstep,source) 
      #print 'if 1: '+str(source_distance_sum1) 
      #print 'if 2: '+str(source_distance_sum2) 
     # dealing with sources moved out of range 
# I have tried changing distance_moved as well, in similar ways to source_distance_sum, but I have as yet had no luck. 
# why does this not work!!!!????? I really feel like it should... 
     # for movement that stays in range 
      #print 'else 1: '+str(source_distance_sum1) 
      #print 'else 2: '+str(source_distance_sum2) 

# then I want to use the information from the source_distance_sum1 & 2 and find the averages. I realise the following code will not work, but I cannot get the previous paragraph to work, so have not moved on to fixing the following. 
# average distance: 
source_distance = [] 
for source in range(1,len(source_distance_sum)+1): 
    if source_distance_sum['S{0}'.format(source)] > -1: 

average = sum(source_distance)/float(len(source_distance)) 

# set range of graph 
#axx_max = np.ceil(max(distance_travelled)) 
#axy_max = np.ceil(max(number_of_sources)) 

# plot graph 
fig = plt.figure() 
plt.xlabel('Data set') 
plt.ylabel('Average distance travelled') 
plt.title('There are %s source(s) with %s valid' % (source_count,len(source_distance))) 

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) 
ax1.scatter(1, average, s=10, c='b', marker="+", label='First timestep') 
#ax1.scatter(x[40:],y[40:], s=10, c='r', marker="o", label='second') 
plt.legend(loc='upper left'); 



# Move sources around over time 
# -> keep within a fixed range of motion 
# -> randomly generate motion 

# Calculate motion of sources from images 
# -> ignore direction 
# -> all that move by same magnitude get stored together 
# -> Number of sources against magnitude of motion 

# Make dictionary of number of sources that have moved a certain amount. 
#source_motion_count = {} # make length of sources, values all 0 
#for elem in range(len(source_distance)): 
# if type(source_distance[elem])!=str and source_distance[elem]>-1: 
#  source_motion_count[source_distance[elem]] = 0 

#for elem in range(len(source_distance)): 
# if type(source_distance[elem])!=str and source_distance[elem]>-1: 
#  source_motion_count[source_distance[elem]] += 1 

# Compile count of sources based on movement into graph 

#number_of_sources = [] 
#distance_travelled = [] 

#for n in range(len(source_motion_count)): 
# key=source_motion_count.keys()[n] 
# number_of_sources.append(source_motion_count[key]) 
# distance_travelled.append(key) 



해당 부분을 자체 기능으로 바꾸어서 문제를 해결했습니다. 나는 또한 내가 원했던 것에 대해 생각을 바꿨다. 그래서 원래 아이디어에서 아래로의 약간의 변화가있다.

import math 
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import matplotlib.image as mpimg 
import copy 
import random 
from pylab import boxplot 


def original_image(): 
    # create image 
    original_positions = np.random.randint(2,size=(11,11)) 
    # make sure image has uneven lengths - will be useful later 
    y = original_positions.shape[0] 
    x = original_positions.shape[1] 
    if y%2 == 0: 

    if x%2 == 0: 

    original_positions = original_positions[0:y,0:x] 
    return original_positions 

def random_movement(source_positions): 
    # create some random movement in x and y axis, within a certain range 
    for n in range(len(source_positions)): 
     key = source_positions.keys()[n] # original source positions 
     del_x = source_positions[key][0]+random.randint(-1,1) 
     del_y = source_positions[key][1]+random.randint(-1,1) 
     source_positions_changed[key] = (del_x,del_y) 
    return source_positions_changed 

def tag_sources(original_positions): 
    source_positions = {} 
    # keeping track of all the sources (1's) from original image 
    for x in range(len(original_positions)): 
     for y in range(len(original_positions[0])): 
      if original_positions[x,y] == 1: # finding all sources 
       source_count += 1 
       index = 'S'+str(source_count) 
       source_positions[index] = (x,y) 
    return source_positions 

def calc_motion(position_dict_changed, position_dict_original,xaxis_len,yaxis_len): 
    position_dict_motion = {} 
    for source_num in range(1,len(position_dict_original)+1): 
     # make sources that go outside the image range -1 
     if position_dict_changed['S{0}'.format(source_num)][1]>=yaxis_len or position_dict_changed['S{0}'.format(source_num)][0]>=xaxis_len: 
      position_dict_motion['S{0}'.format(source_num)] = -1 
      # determine x and y motion from original position 
      # this is the main difference from the original idea as do not want to average the motion 
      x_motion = position_dict_original['S{0}'.format(source_num)][1] - position_dict_changed['S{0}'.format(source_num)][1] 
      y_motion = position_dict_original['S{0}'.format(source_num)][0] - position_dict_changed['S{0}'.format(source_num)][0] 
      position_dict_motion['S{0}'.format(source_num)] = (y_motion,x_motion) 
    return position_dict_motion 

#--------------------------OTHER CODE------------------------------------# 

# creating random distribution of sources 
original_positions = original_image() 

orig_xaxis_len = len(original_positions[0]) 
orig_yaxis_len = len(original_positions) 

# tag sources in original_positions 
source_positions = tag_sources(original_positions) 

source_numbers = len(source_positions) 
# how many images were taken NOT including the original 
number_timesteps = 2 

# create a dictionary for the timesteps of shifted sources 
positions_dict = {} 
for x in range(1,number_timesteps+1): 
    positions_dict['position_changed{0}'.format(x)] = copy.copy(random_movement(source_positions)) 

# create a dictionary of the motion from the original position for each image 
for x in range(1,number_timesteps+1): 
    motion_dict['position_changed{0}'.format(x)] = copy.copy(calc_motion(positions_dict['position_changed{0}'.format(x)],source_positions,orig_xaxis_len,orig_yaxis_len)) 

print motion_dict