2011-06-11 2 views

패킷 필터링 응용 프로그램의 C#에서 PFCreateInterface를 pinvoke하려고합니다. 그러나 pinvoke.net의 예제는 제대로 문서화되지 않은 것 같습니다. 우선, StartPacketFilter()가 main에서 호출되면 앱을 닫지 않고 프로그램 방식으로 패킷 필터를 제거 할 수 있습니까? 또한, 나는 또한 꽤 패킷 문자열의 형식에 대해 혼란스러워. 예 hostsToBlock[0] = ",,0"; //blocks all traffic on any port to/from PFCreateInterface C#

어떻게하면 모든 ips에서 6980의 원격 포트를 막을 수 있습니까? 다음과 같이

PInvoke를 코드

은 다음과 같습니다 빠른 검색 후

/// <summary> 
/// IP packet filter management wrapper for Iphlpapi.dll (Win 2000/XP) 
/// </summary> 
public class IpPacketFilter 
    [DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", EntryPoint = "PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress")] 
    public static extern int PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress(
            IntPtr Interface_handle, 
            PFADDRESSTYPE pfatType, 
            ref int ip_address 

    [DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", EntryPoint = "PfCreateInterface")] 
    public static extern int PfCreateInterface(
            int dwName, 
            PFFORWARD_ACTION inAction, 
            PFFORWARD_ACTION outAction, 
            bool UseLog, 
            bool MustBeUnique, 
            ref IntPtr ppInterface 



    [DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", EntryPoint = "PfAddFiltersToInterface")] 
    public static extern int PfAddFiltersToInterface(
            IntPtr interface_handle, 
            int cInFilters, 
            ref PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR pfiltIn, 
            int cOutFilters, 
            ref PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR pfiltOut, 
            ref PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR pfHandle 


public unsafe struct PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR 
    public FILTER_FLAGS dwFilterFlags; 
    public int dwRule; 
    public PFADDRESSTYPE pfatType; 

    public int* SrcAddr; 
    public int* SrcMask; 
    public int* DstAddr; 
    public int* DstMask; 

    public PROTOCOL dwProtocol; 
    public int fLateBound; 
    public int wSrcPort; 
    public int wDstPort; 
    public int wSrcPortHighRange; 
    public int wDstPortHighRange; 
public enum PFFORWARD_ACTION : int 

public enum PFADDRESSTYPE : int 
public enum PROTOCOL : int 
    ANY = 0x00, 
    ICMP = 0x01, 
    TCP = 0x06, 
    UDP = 0x11 

public enum FILTER_FLAGS : int 
    FD_FLAGS = 0x1 

클래스 프로그램 {

internal const int FALSE = 0; 
internal const int TRUE = 1; 

static void Main(string[] args) 
    string[] hostsToBlock = new string[2]; 
    hostsToBlock[0] = ",,0"; //blocks all traffic on any port to/from 
    hostsToBlock[1] = ",,29000";  //blocks all traffic on port 29000, in and out 

internal static int lIpFromString(string sIpAddress) 
    int lIp = 0; 
     string[] octets = sIpAddress.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None); 

     if (octets.Length != 4) 
      return 0; 

     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
      lIp |= (int.Parse(octets[i]) << (i * 8)); 
    catch { } 
    return lIp; 

internal static string[] GetLocalIpAddresses() 
    IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); 
    string[] localIpAddresses = new string[host.AddressList.Length]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < host.AddressList.Length; i++) 
     localIpAddresses[i] = host.AddressList[i].ToString(); 
    return localIpAddresses; 

internal static bool StartPacketFilter(string[] hosts) 
    string[] localIpAddresses = GetLocalIpAddresses(); 
    if (localIpAddresses == null) 
     return false; 

    foreach (string localAddress in localIpAddresses) 
     int result; 
     IntPtr interfaceHandle = new IntPtr(); 

     //convert the string IP to an unsigned int for p/invoke 
     int lLocalIp = lIpFromString(localAddress); 

     //create a filter interface in the tcp/ip stack 
     result = IpPacketFilter.PfCreateInterface(0, PFFORWARD_ACTION.PF_ACTION_FORWARD, PFFORWARD_ACTION.PF_ACTION_FORWARD, false, true, ref interfaceHandle); 
     if (result != 0) 
      return false; 

     //bind interface to an ip address 
     result = IpPacketFilter.PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress(interfaceHandle, PFADDRESSTYPE.PF_IPV4, ref lLocalIp); 
     if (result != 0) 
      return false; 

     foreach (string targetHost in hosts) 
      IntPtr filterHandle = new IntPtr(); 
      string[] hostDetail = targetHost.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); 
      if (hostDetail != null && hostDetail.Length == 3) 
       //build the filter structure 
       filter.dwFilterFlags = FILTER_FLAGS.FD_FLAGS; 
       filter.dwRule = FALSE; 
       filter.pfatType = PFADDRESSTYPE.PF_IPV4; 
       filter.dwProtocol = PROTOCOL.TCP; 

       int iSrcAddr = lLocalIp; 
       int iSrcMask = lIpFromString(""); 
       filter.wSrcPort = 0; 
       filter.wSrcPortHighRange = 0; 

       int iDstAddr = lIpFromString(hostDetail[0]); 
       int iDstMask = lIpFromString(hostDetail[1]); 
       filter.wDstPort = int.Parse(hostDetail[2]); 
       filter.wDstPortHighRange = int.Parse(hostDetail[2]); 

        filter.SrcAddr = &iSrcAddr; 
        filter.DstAddr = &iDstAddr; 
        filter.SrcMask = &iSrcMask; 
        filter.DstMask = &iDstMask; 
       // add filter to interface (both inbound and outbound) 
       result = IpPacketFilter.PfAddFiltersToInterface(interfaceHandle, 1, ref filter, 1, ref filter, ref filter); 

       if (result != 0) 
        return false; 
    return true; 



이것은 pinvoke와 관련이 없으며 PFCreateInterface를 이해하지 못하는 것과 관련이 있습니다. 설명서를 읽고 작동 원리를 파악한 다음 핀 보크 (pinvoke)를 사용하십시오. 당신을 돕기 위해 pinvoke 문서에 의지하지 마십시오. 어떻게하는지 알려주는 것입니다. –


http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376646(VS.85).aspx –


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