2012-11-03 3 views



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input(ng-model="event.date_started", j-datepicker) 
div(ng-model="event.date_started", j-datepicker) 

.directive 'jDatepicker', -> 
    require: 'ngModel' 
    link: (scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) -> 
     # check if elem is an input so when the input 
     # gains focus it doesn't spawn another calender 
     if not elem.is('input') 
       onSelect: (dateText) -> 
        # get the original ISO date and new date 
        oldDate = new Date ngModel.$modelValue 
        newDate = new Date dateText 

        # set the new month and day onto the original ISO date 
        oldDate.setUTCMonth newDate.getUTCMonth() 
        oldDate.setUTCDate newDate.getUTCDate() 

        scope.$apply() -> 
         # update the model with the new info 
         ngModel.$setViewValue oldDate.toISOString() 

     ngModel.$render =() -> 
      date = new Date ngModel.$viewValue 

      # set the default highlighted date on the calender 
      elem.datepicker 'setDate', date 

      # this renders the date value on the 
      # input element in the format I want 
      elem.val date.toDateString() 
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