2016-08-08 5 views

재귀를 사용하여 정렬 된 연결 목록에서 중복 요소를 제거하고 싶습니다. 사람이자바에서 재귀를 사용하여 정렬 된 연결 목록에서 중복 요소를 삭제하십시오.

public void removeDuplicates(Node head) { 

    Node temp = head; 
    while (temp.next != null) { 
     if (temp.data.equals(temp.next.data)) { 
      Node next_next = temp.next.next; 
      temp.next = null; 
      temp.next = next_next; 
     } else { 
      temp = temp.next; 
    new LinkedListStack().iterateLinkedList(head); 

I 루프 (기지국 헤드)을 재귀 공개 무효 removeDuplicates를 이용한 솔루션을 필요로하면서 이용하여 용액이 { 노드 온도 = 헤드; while (temp.next! = null) { if (temp.data.equals (temp.next.data)) { 노드 next_next = temp.next.next; temp.next = null; temp.next = next_next; } else { temp = temp.next; } } 새로운 LinkedListStack(). iterateLinkedList (head); 반환; } – Ramya


스택 오버플로에 오신 것을 환영합니다 .--) 질문에 세부 사항을 제공하려면'edit' 함수를 사용하여 질문에 추가하십시오. – JimHawkins


그리고이 코드에 문제가 있습니까? – Eiko


// try this 
public ListNode removeDuplicateElements(ListNode head) { 
    if (head == null || head.next == null) { 
     return null; 
    if (head.data.equals(head.next.data)) { 
     ListNode next_next = head.next.next; 
     head.next = null; 
     head.next = next_next; 
    } else { 
    return head; 

확인이 코드를 좀 도와 주시겠습니까. 아마도 이것이 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

public class MySortedLinkedList 
    /* nested class Node 
    * stores a single item in the linked list 
    public class Node 
     public Comparable item; 
     public Node next; 

     public Node(Comparable i) 
      item = i; 
      next = null; 

    // a reference to the first node in the list 
    private Node head; 
    // a reference to the node to return when next() is called 
    private Node iterator; 

    /* constructor 
    * creates a linked list with no items in it 
    public MySortedLinkedList() 
     head = null; 
     iterator = null; 

    /* isEmpty 
    * inputs: none 
    * return value: returns true if there are no items in linked list 
    public boolean isEmpty() 
    { return (head == null); } 

    /* add 
    * inputs: Comparable item 
    * return value: none 
    * adds an item into the list in sorted order 
    public void add(Comparable item) 
     // make the new node to insert into list 
     Node newNode = new Node(item); 
     // first see if the list is empty 
     if (head == null) 
      System.out.println("add "+item +" to front"); 
      head = newNode; 
     // there is something in the list 
     // now check to see if it belongs in front 
     else if (item.compareTo(head.item) < 0) 
      System.out.println("add "+item +"before"+head.item); 
      newNode.next = head; 
      head = newNode; 
     // otherwise, step down the list. n will stop 
     // at the node after the new node, and trailer will 
     // stop at the node before the new node 
      Node after = head.next; 
      Node before = head; 
      while (after != null) 
       if (item.compareTo(after.item) < 0) 
       before = after; 
       after = after.next; 
      // insert between before & after 
      newNode.next = before.next; 
      before.next = newNode; 
      System.out.println("add "+item +"after"+before.item); 


    // TODO: implement recursive add 
    public void add(Comparable item) 
     System.out.println("Recursive add not yet implemented"); 

    /* contains 
    * inputs: Comparable item 
    * return value: true if equal item is in list, false otherwise 
    public boolean contains(Comparable item) 
     Node n = head; 
     // for each node in the linked list 
     while (n != null) 
      // if it is equal, return true 
      // note that I used compareTo here, not equals 
      // because I am only guaranteed that the 
      // compareTo method is implemented, not equals 
      if (item.compareTo(n.item) == 0) 
       return true; 
      n = n.next; 
     // if it is not found in list, return false 
     return false; 

    /* toString 
    * inputs: none 
    * return value: string representation of the linked list items 
    * Format must match assignment 
    public String toString() 
     StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(100); 
     Node n = head; 
     // for each node in the linked list 
     while (n != null) 
      n = n.next; 
     // if it is not found in list, return false 
     return s.toString(); 
    // TODO: Write this recursively!! 
    public String toString() 
     System.out.println("Recursive toString not yet implemented"); 
     return null; 

    /* next 
    * inputs: none 
    * return value: one element from the linked list 
    * This method returns each element in the linked list in order. 
    * It is to be used in a loop to access every item in the list. 
    public Comparable next() 
     if (iterator != null) 
      Node n = iterator; 
      iterator = iterator.next; 
      return n.item; 
      return null; 

    /* reset 
    * inputs: none 
    * return value: none 
    * resets the iterator so that the next call to next() will 
    * return the first element in the list 
    public void reset() 
     iterator = head; 

    // TODO: implement recursive size 
    /* size 
    * inputs: none 
    * return value: the number of elements in linked list 
    public int size() 
     System.out.println("Recursive size not yet implemented"); 
     return 0; 

} // end of public class MySortedLinkedList 
관련 문제