2014-07-15 2 views



간단! 당신은 afxLua 라이브러리를 사용하여 클립 보드에서 정보를 저장하고 얻을 수 있습니다 :

0 . go here - http://luaforge.net/projects/jaslatrix/ 
1 . click on the "clipboard" link 
2 . click on "1.0.0" 
3 . select lua version accordingly. If unsure try "clipboard-1.0.0-Lua51.zip" 
4 . unzip the downloaded file 
5 . the documentation is inside of the clipboard.chm file. 
6 . place the clipboard.dll inside of your project folder (or in the same folder as the .lua) 
7 . add to the top of your code the following - require "clipboard" 
8 . to get clipboard data, assign a variable to clipboard.gettext() 
9 . to save data to the clipboard do this - clipboard.setdata(yourVariableOrStringHere) 
0 . Why did I make this? 
    Because awhile ago, when I was a total newbie (lua is the first language I learned), I needed this for a project and was unable to figure out how, so the feature was never implemented despite it's importance. I was also a slightly scared of add-on libraries. 
1 . I am not jaslatrix nor am I advertising his library. However, when you search "clipboard API lua" on google, it is impossible to find anything except for c library tutorials, so I figured it'd be nice to share this. 

현재 루아 (5.3)에서 작동하는 업데이트가 있습니까? – tonypdmtr

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